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Police Station Study Committee Minutes January 10, 2007
Bolton Police Station Task Force (PSTF)
Minutes:Wednesday, January 10th, 2007
Bolton Fire Headquarters Training Room

In Attendance:   J. Buffum, K. Troup, P. Gerken, C. Plante, J. Stevenson, V. Alfano, J. Mentzer, M. Diaz, D. Rich, D. Farrell, A. Bagdonis,~ M. Giunta, D. Lindsay,

Meeting Commenced: 7.30pm
Jeff Buffum stated that it seems feasible for the Committee to present at Town Meeting in a May or November window. With this aggressive schedule, we needed to work diligently. He stated that the Committee now needed to focus on what we do NOT know, referring to a 10-15 year lookout projection for staffing and space needs.
Dave Lindsay stated we would need a realistic cost (also cost per household) and facility size for Town Meeting. Panny Gerken suggested collecting documentation from other towns on their recent public safety facilities.
The Committee expressed interest in scheduling site visits to comparable joint public safety facilities in our area to make observations, compare costs/square footage, and query end users. Vin Alfano will make arrangements for site visits, and meetings with the Chiefs in Acton, Lunenburg, Harvard, and Berlin. Marge Diaz and Dina Rich will arrange a visit to Sterling.
Vin Alfano gave examples of space that could be shared by the 3 agencies (Police, Ambulance, Fire). This would include Dispatch, common lobby and rest rooms, training/conference/ meeting room space, fitness area, Emergency Operations Center (EOC), emergency generator. Mark Giunta stated that there is a possibility of sharing waste water systems with the new Library facility. He said they are starting engineering review of their needs in March.
Curt Plante brought up the possibility of running a waste water force main from the library, to include the public safety facility (new and existing), and connect with the proposed Emerson School waste water treatment plant. Curt suggested giving the Library Committee our waste water affluent figure estimates and they could decide whether or not to connect. They are ahead of us project seniority wise. Mark Giunta offered to discuss this with the Library building committee personnel, who he was familiar with. Mark will also speak with Ken Troup.
Action items for the next meeting will be, each group draw out space needs (He already has Police). Organize it by “Function”, “Shared Space” and “Relationships.” Prioritize needs. Vin and Marge will schedule the appropriate site visits, and Jeff Buffum will send out updated email list to all. Next meeting will be schedule app. 2 weeks from this date. Jeff will notify all.   Minutes taken by Vin Alfano

Motion to adjourn accepted at 9.30pm.