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Personnel Committee Minutes January 3, 2007

Personnel Committee                                     Present:        Robert Minardi
January 3, 2007                                                 Jeanne Shapiro
                                                                        Barbara DiBugnara
The Personnel Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Randy Dinjian was also present.

The Personnel Committee reviewed and executed the following PAD’s:
Step increase:  Harold Koumpis, Reserve Officer
Resignation:  Mary Murtland, Senior Library Technician

The Personnel Committee reviewed and approved the request of Andrea Schnepf to carry over one week of vacation to 2007.

The Personnel Committee reviewed the request of Sgt. Bagdonas for educational assistance for a course entitled Managing Criminal Justice Organizations.  Based on the information received the Committee pre-approved this request.  

On a motion made by Minardi and seconded by DiBugnara the Personnel Committee voted to recommend a 3% cost of living increase for fiscal year 2008.  (Minardi – yes, Shapiro – yes, DiBugnara – yes) This recommendation is based on information received from the U.S. Department of Labor Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the current union contracts in Bolton.

The Committee discussed the organization of the Personnel Committee for the future.  Mr. Dinjian suggested that the committee remain as a five member Committee with the present members staying on until new members could be recruited and become familiar with administering of the Personnel Bylaws.  Present members could then begin to cycle off of the Committee.  Mr. Minardi stated he would like to move on to another Committee, while Ms. Shapiro and Ms. DiBugnara were looking to retire. Mr. Dinjian reiterated his point that it would be beneficial to have someone stay on for training purposes.
Mr. Minardi will draft two versions of the Personnel Bylaw.  Draft 1 will include housekeeping revisions to the Personnel Bylaw including but not limited to:
Section & Sexual Harassment: The Committee will ask for Town Counsel opinion as to whether or not this section must be printed in its entirety in the Personnel Bylaw.  
Section Notification of Employment Opportunities:  minor revisions will be made to this section including the advertising to be done a minimum of “one week” instead of “two weeks”.   
1.14.3 Personnel Committee:  The following sentence will be deleted from the Personnel Bylaw:  “The committee shall select a clerk from its membership who shall be responsible for recording minutes of all committee meetings, in accordance with Open Meeting Law.    
1.14.6 Work Week: This section will be deleted.
1.14.8 Grievance Procedure:  This section will be revised to allow more time in Step 2 – “one week” revised to “two weeks” and “ten working days” revised to “fifteen working days.”  In Step 3 “ten days” will be revised to “fifteen days”.  
1.14.9 Fringe Benefits:  a) Vacation time -This section will be revised to address the Personnel Committee’s future proposal of vacation entitlement on a fiscal year.
e)  Holidays – A sentence will be added to this section to clarify that holidays that fall on Saturday are taken by employees on Friday and holidays that fall on Sunday are taken on Monday.
i)  Leaves of Absence – The Committee will ask for Town Counsel opinion as to whether or not this section must be printed in its entirety in the Personnel Bylaw.  
j)  Insurance Benefits – This section will be revised to reflect what the town does pay for health insurance.  The last sentence will be revised to delete the amount of the life insurance policy.  
l) Pension – This will be revised to read “1040” hours per year.
Section 1.14.10 will be reviewed and revised including deleting d) and bringing longevity pay into line with union contracts.

Draft 2 will include the housekeeping revisions along with revisions to the bylaw as if the Personnel Committee were to dissolve.

On a motion made by Minardi and seconded by DiBugnara, the Personnel Committee voted to recommend Mr. Dinjian for appointment to the Personnel Committee.  (Minardi- yes, DiBugnara – yes, Shapiro – yes) Town Secretary will schedule Mr. Dinjian to meet with the Board of Selectmen on January 18, 2007.  

Mr. Dinjian will work with Town Secretary Linda Day to prepare a spreadsheet providing each employees accumulated time to determine costs associated with implementation of moving benefit date to fiscal year for all non-union employees.  

Documents received:
Copy of memo from Town Clerk Betsy Cussen regarding vacation policy and remaining time for Susan Miles, Assistant Town Clerk.
Copy of new hire letter for Donna Madden, Treasurer, starting date January 3, 2007.
Copy of letter regarding rescinding of resignation of Yvette Washington, Police Officer.
Next meeting:  January 16, 2007

Meeting adjourned.