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Personnel Committee Minutes April 10, 2006
Personnel Committee                                     Present:        Robert Minardi
April 10, 2006                                                          Jeanne Shapiro
                                                                        Jay Weiser
The Personnel Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Margy Diaz from the Ambulance Department met with the Personnel Committee to further refine the EMT/Firefighter job description.
Job Description draft #2 has been distributed by Committee member Jay Weiser for review.  Ms. Diaz has a meeting planned on Thursday, April 13 with the Ambulance team and one of the agenda items is to review the job description.   If the job description meets the need, the Personnel Committee will vote at the next meeting to accept the position.
The position was scored in the Grade 6 range on the FY07 salary schedule. The grade has a salary range from $38.3K (step 1) to $50.0K (step 10).  Committee member Jeanne  Shapiro has volunteered to assist Margy Diaz with the interview/selection process.  Ms. Diaz welcomed the assistance.
The Personnel Committee voted to accept the proposed plan drafted by Committee member Jay Weiser.  The approval is contingent on any comments Treasurer Joanne Jenkins might have regarding the plan.   Town Secretary Linda Day will be asked to follow up with Joanne Jenkins, Treasurer for her comments regarding the proposed plan.  
Mr. Weiser announced that he will be leaving the Personnel Committee and his last meeting will be April 25th, 2006.  He (and his family) is relocating out of state. With Mr. Weiser leaving the Committee will be at a minimum staff level (3 members) to have a quorum.   It was also noted that Committee member Barbara DiBugnara previously informed the Committee that it is her intention to leave the committee at the end of the calendar year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.