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Personnel Minutes September 6, 2005
Personnel Committee                                             Present:  Robert Minardi
September 6, 2005                                                          Jeanne Shapiro
Barbara DiBugnara
                                                                           Jay Weiser

The Personnel Committee met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.   Minutes July 26 and August 16, 2005 were read and approved.

Also present:  Kelly Collins, Library Director and Bob Zak, Library Trustee

Job Description:  Ms. DiBugnara and Ms. Shapiro drafted a job description titled Assistant Library Director/Youth Services Librarian.   The Personnel Committee reviewed the job description with Ms. Collins and Mr. Zak.    The position was re-graded from Grade 5 to Grade 8, Step 1, and effective August 29, 2005.   Ms. Collins and Mr. Zak both agreed the present Library budget for FY06 will handle the increase for Mr. Whalen.  

On a motion made by Shapiro and seconded by Minardi, the Personnel Committee voted to accept the job description as drafted.   Ms. Collins will provide a Personnel Action document for Mr. Whalen. The Personnel Committee congratulated Mr. Whalen on his new position.  

The Personnel Committee will request opinion from Town Administrator Jodi Ross regarding individuals coming back to work for the Town after they have retired from the Town of Bolton, and the elimination of temporary part time employees off the payroll.

Mr. Minardi reported that he was appointed to the Police Chief Search Committee with their first meeting being the week of September 19th, 2005.

Personnel Committee discussed the departure of Chief Hyde; the fact that a performance evaluation had not been conducted.  The Personnel Committee suggested that Mr.  Minardi recommend during the Police Chief Search that a 90 day appraisal, 6 months and annually performance evaluation be done.

Mr. Weiser is working on the sick bank; Ms. DiBugnara will provide Personnel Committee members and Town Secretary Linda Day with a revised CD of all job descriptions (which includes deleting Assistant Library, Senior Library and Staff Librarian; being sure job descriptions of Senior Library Technician, Library Assistant, Assistant Library Director/Youth Services and Library Director are all up to date); Ms. Day will follow up with Ms. Stapczynski regarding status of job description review portion of the project she is providing the Town of Bolton.

Personnel Actions Documents were signed as follows:

Theodore Staake, Part Time Dispatcher, new hire, effective August 2, 2005 $11.82 (according to Dispatch Union Contract)

David J. Byler, Part Time Dispatcher, new hire, effective August 23, 2005, $11.82 (according to Dispatch Union Contract)

Linda McGeehan, Senior Library Technician, new hire, effective August 25, 2005, Grade 5, Step 1, $18.31

FY05:  The Personnel Committee reviewed and approved the reimbursement from Kimberly Denaro for the course entitled Intro Statistics for the Arts and Sciences with a final grade of “A” in the amount of $684.  

FY06:  The Personnel Committee reviewed and approved the reimbursement from Warren Nelson for the course entitled Philosophy of Religion with a final grade of “A” in the amount of $674.86.  

Meeting adjourned.