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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes 04-23-12
7312012_40005_0.pngBolton Parks & Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes

Monday, April 24, 2012
7:30 p.m.                                         [Duration:  2 hrs ]
Bolton Town Hall/Upstairs
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, May 23, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.
Invitees / Attendees

 * In Attendance             # Unexpected Absence             @ Expected Absence               + Visitor                 
Karen Regan
Lori Colby
Joyce Sidopoulos
Tom Wildman

Decision Description
Approved By
Motion to purchase an additional volleyball net for Town court at Memorial Field for public use.

Motion Proposed by:  Sidopoulos
Seconded by:  Wildman
Wildman, Sidopoulos, Colby
Motion to approve the request from Tania Rich, Nashoba District athletic director, to use the Memorial Babe Ruth Field on May 15, 17 and 21 from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. by the Stow Middle School

Motion Proposed by:  Sidopoulos
Seconded by:  Wildman
Wildman, Sidopoulos, Colby
The committee discussed Bolton Celebrates Request to have Parks and Recreation take the lead on the Fourth of July Celebration. The Commission agrees that because it was not part of our annual plan that we couldn’t take on such a large project.

Tom made a motion to continue our support by providing portable toilets and fields, but not organize and manage the event.  Joyce seconded, Lori Tom and Joyce voted in favor.

Motion Proposed by:  Sidopoulos
Seconded by:  Wildman
Wildman, Sidopoulos, Colby
  • Swim Instruction/Lifeguards
The Orchard Hill Swim instructor fell through so Lori left her phone number with both The Harvard Ridge Pool and Orchard Hill Aquatic directors and they are going to pass the word that Park and Recreation is seeking a swim instructor.

The Commission approved the hiring of life guards.  Tom has several candidates from last year and there are several to consider for alternates.

Action Items

Due Date
Purchase new volleyball net.
Approved Meeting Minutes

K. Regan
J.  Sidopoulos
T. Wildman
L. Colby

Agenda/Meeting Notes
  • Field/Facility Requests
  • Volleyball Court at Memorial Field
Paulo Alzate and Guy Tucker attended the meeting with a request to use the Volley Ball Court for pick-up games at Memorial Field.  The games will be on Sundays from 1:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. for the summer of 2012. The group will purchase their own net which they will take down after each session. Park and Recreation will purchase an additional net for town use that will be left up during the week.  Paulo and Guy will inspect the court to see if there is a need for additional sand and they will look at the posts to see if there are winches which make putting the net up and down easier. Joyce made a motion to approve the request, Tom seconded and Joyce, Lori and Tom voted.

  • Memorial Field – Babe Ruth Field
Tania Rich, Nashoba District athletic director, requested the use of the Memorial Babe Ruth Field May 15, 17 and 21 from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 for the Stow Middle School.  (The Stow Middle School is currently under construction and their fields are not accessible).  Tania has been working with Ron Percy to improve and maintain the baseball diamond. Joyce motioned to approve the field request, Tom seconded the motion and Joyce, Lori and Tom voted in favor.

  • Request for Storage Container/Boys Lacrosse
The Commission discussed the request made by the Boys Lacrosse League to put storage containers at both Derby and Tower Fields.  The Commission requested that they submit a map marking where they would like to put the storage sheds.  The Commission will make a decision after reviewing the maps.

  • 4th of July Request from Bolton Celebrates (review/vote)
The committee discussed Bolton Celebrates Request to have Parks and Recreation take the lead on the Fourth of July Celebration. The Commission agrees that because it was not part of our annual plan that we couldn’t take on such a large project. Tom made a motion to continue our support by providing portable toilets and fields, but not organize and manage the event.  Joyce seconded, Lori Tom and Joyce voted in favor.

  • Swim Instruction/Lifeguards
  • Swim Instructor
The Orchard Hill Swim instructor fell through so Lori left her phone number with both The Harvard Ridge Pool and Orchard Hill Aquatic directors and they are going to pass the word that Park and Recreation is seeking a swim instructor.

  • Lifeguards
The Commission approved the hiring of life guards.  Tom has several candidates from last year and there are several to consider for alternates.

  • Beach Cleanup
Lori talked with Frank Chiodo regarding a proposal for the beach opening. The request included extending the beach on both sides, distributing sand around the beach, a possible tree removal, and cleaning out the muck around the sides.  He does not have a large rake to clean-up in the water and stated that most towns put sand on the ice in the winter.  He will submit a proposal soon.

  • Misc.
Tom will work with Karen on some of the pending town beach issues for the next meeting.

  • Swim Registration (who can attend, beach permits, process, etc.)
Swim registration is May 3, 2012.  Lori, Tom and Karen will at the registration.

  • Persons Park Update
Lori will be meeting with Con Com to walk the Person’s Park property and discuss conservation issues.  She will also discuss the Parkland Acquisition and Renovations for Communities Grant (PARC) application Form for FY2013. The application is due in July. The Commission also discussed hosting an open house at Person’s Park this spring.  Due to all the spring events, the Commission agreed that several short, informal open houses at different times would work best.  This will also cut down the amount of cars at any one time.  The Commission plans to make a flyer to pass out at town meeting inviting folks to come have a look at the park.

Agenda Items Not Discussed
Easter Recap
Memorial Day Planning
Pond Park Update