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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes 11-03-09
5192010_124337_0.pngBolton Parks & Recreation Commission
Meeting Notes

November 3, 2009
7:00 p.m. ET [Duration: 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.]
Town Hall
Next Meeting:
December 14, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. upstairs at the Bolton Town Hall
Invitees / Attendees

 * In Attendance             # Unexpected Absence             @ Expected Absence               + Visitor                 
Karen Regan, chairperson
Don Lowe, town administrator
Joyce Sidopoulos
Members from BYSA
Nancy Carter
Representatives/members from Nashoba OTHSL
Tom Pokorney
Valerie Keenan, Nashoba Girls Basketball, Inc.
Susan Green
Private citizens

Decision Description
Approved By
Approved article of organization for Nashoba Girls Basketball, Inc. to be an agent of the town (Motion:  Sidopoulos, 2nd:  Greene)
Carter, Greene, Pokorney, Regan, Sidopoulos
Agreed to add a limited use of whistles clause to the application for seasonal use of all town fields (Motion:  Sidopoulos, 2nd:   Carter)
Carter, Greene, Pokorney, Regan, Sidopoulos
Agreed to  add a no profane language clause to the application for seasonal use for all town fields with a 3 strikes penalty for violations (Motion:  Greene, 2nd:  Sidopoulos)
Carter, Greene, Regan, Sidopoulos
(Pokorney abstained, no reason stated)
Agreed that the hours of operation for Forbush Field on Saturday shall remain, “From Dawn to Dusk” (Motion:  Sidopoulos, 2nd:  Greene)
Carter, Greene, Pokorney, Regan, Sidopoulos
Agreed that from this point through December 31, 2010 any newly permitted organization will have a start time of noon or later at Forbush Field on Sundays. (Motion:  Greene, 2nd:  Carter)
Carter, Greene, Pokorney, Regan, Sidopoulos
Agreed to alter permitting process to have formal end time of 8:00 p.m. for Forbush Mill Fields as part of the weekday hours of operation (Motion:  Greene, 2nd:  Sidopoulos)
Carter, Greene, Pokorney, Regan, Sidopoulos
Agenda/Meeting Notes

  • Requests/Proposals/Grievances
  • Group: Nashoba Girls Basketball, Inc
Sponsor/Requester:  Valerie Keenan
Request:  to have Nashoba Girls Basketball, Inc. become an agent of the town  
Received article of organization to expire on 6/30/10, agreed unanimously.

  • Group: Residents/Abutters of Forbush Mill Fields
Sponsor/Requester:  Jacky Foster, resident/abutter
Grievance:  Review rules and regulations for Forbush Mill and all town fields.
  • All commissioners required to review Massachusetts Conflict of Interest Law and make declaration regarding relationship to the Forbush Mill grievance.   Nobody claimed a conflict.
  • Highlight Accomplishments:
  • Container painted
  • Shield port-o-potty
  • Goal management
  • Field overflow management
  • Police monitoring parking & traffic incidents
  • Process for future non-play disturbances
  • How to handle excessive use of whistles and make it stick?
  • Agreed to add a limited use of whistles clause to the application for seasonal use of all town fields (Motion:  Sidopoulos, 2nd:   Carter)
  • Andres Cubero, VP of BYSA agreed it was a reasonable clause
  • Profane & unsportsmanlike behavior
  • Residents don’t want to limit play, but would like rules to minimize fights both verbal and physical.
  • Field users believe that the unsportsmanlike conduct is handled on the field at the time of the event, but agree in general to reasonable control, in addition to league sanctions.  
  • Users also suggested that the rules regarding behavior should be posted on field for enforcement
  • Agreed to  add a no profane language clause to the application for seasonal use for all town fields with a 3 strikes penalty for violations (Motion:  Greene, 2nd:  Sidopoulos)
  • Crowd Control & overbooking
  • Chief of Police Alfano noted that the call log in 2009 to date had one (1) incident listed.  As long as there are no safety issues regarding fire/ambulance, the police are hesitant to take action during organized event.
  • Chief Alfano also suggested use of a drop-off area to minimize the transition time traffic.
  • Residents agreed that there have been no incidents since the initial complaint.
  • Saturday Hours of Operation
  • Agreed that the hours of operation for Forbush Field on Saturday shall remain, “From Dawn to Dusk” (Motion:  Sidopoulos, 2nd:  Greene)
  • Sunday Hours of Operation
  • Residents/abutters wanted to change the hours of operation on Sunday’s from Dawn to Dusk to a specific start time, later in the morning.
  • Users maintain that there is no way to play two games on the existing field, and that they already play back to back games to minimize time on field.  
  • Users are unable to book alternate fields to do scheduling conflicts that would not let them have consistent play to league rules.
  • Tom Pokorney, user/commissioner maintains that it is not a unique field and should not have rules different from any field in town.
  • Chief Alfano recommended landscaping buffers for privacy and noise control
  • Agreed that from this point through December 31, 2010 any newly permitted organization will have a start time of noon or later at Forbush Field on Sundays. (Motion:  Greene, 2nd:  Carter)
  • Ed Riverdy, buffers pose a safety issue for kicked balls.  The existing fence would need to move and require more openings.  He referred to Murphy Court as the precedent.
  • Bill Birse, on behalf of the OTHSL, agreed with Mr. and Mrs. Becker to coordinate on volunteer day and fundraising drive to plant buffers in the spring of 2010.  Birse agreed to lead the effort.
  • Bill Birse agreed to write a letter to the editor to solicit volunteers for planting and fencing issue.
  • The Commission agreed that if the buffer project was not initiated by 12/31/10 that the Commission reserved the right to reconsider permitting the OTHSL use of Forbush prior to 12:00 p.m.
  • Buffers are the selectmen’s jurisdiction.  The Commission warned that any project at Forbush would require approval from the selectmen prior to commencing.
  • Weekday Hours of Operation
  • Residents request a fixed end time for weekday use, specifically regarding sun cycles.  Dusk is 9:40 in mid-June.
  • Users & Residents agreed that we don’t need to prohibit the casual gathering or pick-up game, but the request was for permitted organizations.
  • Agreed to alter permitting process to have formal end time of 8:00 p.m. for Forbush Mill Fields as part of the weekday hours of operation (Motion:  Greene, 2nd:  Sidopoulos)

  • Persons Park Update
  • Demolition permit for Shed has been granted but is at the Historical Commission for review, 6 months.
  • Need to find volunteers for demolition and containment & removal.
  • Actions
  • Walk through with inspector (Joyce)
  • Call dumpster companies for donations (Joyce)
  • Get in queue for sherrifs scheduling for labor (Joyce)
  • Still River Outfitters Actions
  • Create a season pass for kayaking and standing boards from May to October (Joyce)
  • Create permit to include user fee, residents $10, non-residents $10 (Joyce)
  • Put a tickler in outlook to put together article for Spring ’11 lease (Karen)
  • Pond Park
  • Rona Balco would like to create a Children’s Garden as an offshoot of the Community Garden (Karen)
  • Historical goals and replications to be reviewed (Karen)
  • Flooding to happen 3rd week in November, actual 1st week in December. (Karen)