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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes 02-08-10
392010_93807_0.pngBolton Parks & Recreation Commission

Monday, February 8, 2010
7:00 p.m. ET
7:00 p.m. – 9:15 p.m.
Bolton Town Hall, Upstairs Meeting Room
Next Meeting:
Monday, February 22
Invitees / Attendees

 * In Attendance             # Unexpected Absence             @ Expected Absence               + Visitor                 
Karen Regan, chairperson, P&R
Tom Wildman, nominee for open P&R seat
Joyce Sidopoulos, P&R
David Elkins, Nashoba Lacrosse
Tom Pokorney, P&R
Susan Greene, P&R

Decision Description
Approved By
  • Action Items
Action Item
Due Date
  • Contact Harold Brown, DPW and Carol Gumbart, Conservation Commission to arrange site walk of Horse Ring and Derby to evaluate potential as Lacrosse fields.  
  • Regan
  • Spring 2010
  • Incorporate edits into Rules and Regulations document and circulate to the team prior to February 22 meeting.
  • Regan
  • Prior to 2/22/10
  • Draft a fee schedule for field and facility rentals.
  • Sidopoulos and Wildman
  • 2/22/10
  • Agenda/Meeting Minutes
  • Requests/Proposals/Grievances
  • Kathy Breen, will be presented with our proposal for swim lesson fee structure for summer 2010 season.  She will also present to the commission her fee proposal for the yoga programs to take place summer 2010.
Breen was unable to attend the February 8 meeting.  
David Elkins, Nashoba Lacrosse, attended to inquire about the Commission’s plans for improving the league’s current field situation.  The Commission had contacted Elkins to inform him that we were investigating better alternatives for the league to play and practice.  Regan said she would arrange a site walk with Elkins, Terry Boots (also with Nashoba Lacrosse), the Parks and Recreation Commission, DPW and Conservation Commission to evaluate Horse Ring and Derby as field alternatives to Tower.

  • Review January 22, 2010;  and February 3, 2010 minutes and action items (Team)
The Commission postponed the review of the January 22 and February 3 meeting minutes to the February 22 meeting.

  • Review Rules & Regulations document
Team reviewed the rules and regulations document and provided edits to Regan who will incorporate their comments and circulate to the team in advance of the February 22 meeting.  The team will review and approve the final document during the February 22 meeting so that the improved Rules and Regulations will be in effect for the spring 2010 season.
  • Finalize application and permitting process, in preparation for Spring 2010 season
The Commission postponed the review of the application and permitting process to the February 22 meeting.
  • Determine fees for property rental
Sidopoulos and Wildman to create a fee schedule for review during the February 22 meeting.  The fee schedule will provide different rental scenarios for the Town’s fields and facilities based on resident and non-resident use.

  • Review Event Calendar for 2010
  • 2010 planning discussion to line up all the year's events and timelines
The Commission postponed the 2010 planning discussion to the February 22 meeting.

  • New Business/Ideas
  • Need input from commission for a 1-2 year plan  for Parks & Recreation (Regan)
The Commission postponed discussion to the February 22 meeting.

  • Admin
  • Vote on Vice Chair, Treasurer, Field Scheduler
The Commission postponed vote to the February 22 meeting.
  • Budget
  • Review FY10 expenditures/Update tracking doc (Team/Karen)
Not Discussed
  • Review FY11 budget proposal (Team/Karen)
Not Discussed
  • Expense Reports
No expense reports submitted
  • Agenda Process
Not Discussed