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Police Chief Search Committee Minutes October 17, 2005
Police Chief Search Committee                   Present:        Joseph Pane
October 17, 2005                                                        Jodi Ross
                                                                        James Anker
                                                                        Stanley Wysocki
                                                                        Kimberly Denaro
                                                                        Eric Schartner
                                                                        Robert Minardi
                                                                        Brian Lynch
                                                                        Cathy Giunta

The Police Chief Search Committee met at 6:30 p.m. in the Private Dining Room of the International Golf Course at 159 Ballville Road.   The minutes from October 3 & 4, 2005 were read and approved.  Town Administrator Jodi Ross advised that the website for the Committee is up and running with the Agendas and Minutes posted.
Mr. Steven Unsworth of BadgeQuest was present for this meeting.
Steven Unsworth advised that the advertisement will be posted on the Chief’s website on or about November 1, 2005 and should run until the middle of November.    Questionnaires regarding qualities for a police chief will be given to Police Department Employees with a stamped return envelope addressed to BadgeQuest.   Mr. Unsworth will review the responses from the Police Department, residents and Board of Selectmen as well as meet with the officers and the acting Chief to develop a profile.  A press release should be developed and the committee asked Ms. Ross to prepare that release.  Although the public comment does not generally give tremendous insight, it does allow the community to participate in the process.  Ms. Ross suggested that a press release also be put on the website.  Mr. Pane feels that the committee should look for public interest and thoughts on what qualities they are looking for in a Police Chief.  Mr. Unsworth advised that he will provide his email and mailing address.  He will prepare a questionnaire to be forwarded to the other committee members so they may have input.  After compiling the information, Steve Unsworth will provide a verbal report to the Committee and the Board of Selectmen.  Inasmuch as reporters from the Bolton Common are present at Selectmen’s meetings, a press release can be provided then.
A discussion was held with regard to the Selectmen’s vision and how it should be viewed.    The Police Chief Search Committee discussed the advertisement and it was agreed that once it is compiled and reviewed the ads will run in the Boston Globe, Telegram and Gazette, The Beacon, MA Chiefs, and the website.
Discussion of the procedure for the review of resumes followed.  Steve Unsworth stated that he will make a first cut for applicants that are not qualified.  Resumes will be reviewed, tally sheets completed and if a committee member has a strong feeling that someone be eliminated that that member will be heard by the committee.  
·       Once BadgeQuest receives resumes, it will require 2-3 days to sort them and report back to the committee;
·       Six or more affirmative votes will allow the applicant to move to the next level;
·       Information, both positive and negative will be disclosed to the committee members; and
·       Tentatively, the week of December 5 – December 9th will be when the resumes will be reviewed by the committee.
Mr. Unsworth would like the committee to really consider using an Assessment Center.  He recommends doing a two day assessment for the semi-finalists.  Mr. Unsworth would like a couple of weeks to gather the selected applicants.  Once it is narrowed down to the finalists, he would like to possibly send out an extensive application and questionnaire.  He feels that this will highlight the applicants writing skills and abilities.  If the Town decided to utilize the Assessment Center, the Assessors will not know anything about the candidates.  Joe Pane is requesting a copy or example of a report from a previous assessment so the Committee can review the process and service provided as this service is outside the scope of the present contract and would be at an additional cost.  The sample could be emailed or brought to the next meeting.
Inasmuch as we have an interim Police Chief coming in, time is not as much of the essence in hiring a Police Chief.  For this reason, applications and essay requests can be sent after the first and second cuts.
Steve Unsworth indicated that he will bring an Application, Assessment Results and any other information for the selection process, including a summary to the next meeting.
Jodi Ross questioned whether this would be a benefit to meet the applicants before we subject them to the full 18 page application process.  This discussion was set aside until the next meeting, which will be held on Monday, December 12th 6:30 p.m. at IGC.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Police Chief Search Committee minutes taken by:  Kimberly Denaro