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Nashoba Regional School Committee Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2007


October 4, 2007

SCHOOL COMMITTEE IN ATTENDANCE: Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso (6:20 p.m.), Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti (6:02 p.m.), Mel Govindan, Don Adams, Cathy Giunta, Cristina Shea

ABSENT:[Marker] David Horne

ADMINISTRATION IN ATTENDANCE:  Michael Wood, Superintendent of Schools, George King, Assistant Superintendent for Finance


Chair Cathy Giunta called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM. in the Office of the Superintendent.


WARRANT NO.     DATE                    DESCRIPTION     AMOUNT

2821            [Marker]       [Marker] 10/05/07                VENDOR          $280,299.96

2822                    10/05/07                BENEFIT         $ 39,903.11

2823                    10/05/07                PAYROLL         $ 891,349.89


Brian Burke made a motion to approve the warrants as detailed in the memo dated 10/4/07 and noted above.  Seconded by [Marker]Don Adams[Marker] IN FAVOR: Brian Burke, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Mel Govindan, Don Adams VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (5-0-0)



Mel Govindan made a motion to approve the minutes September 20, 2007, as amended. Seconded by Don Adams.  IN FAVOR: Brian Burke, Richard Fly, Mel Govindan ABSTAIN: Don Adams, Cathy Giunta VOTED AND PASSED. (3-0-2)


Mr. Wood reviewed the correspondence in the evening’s packet, which included:

¨       Email correspondence from Stow citizen, James Gray regarding the school committee meeting start time

¨       Email correspondence from Stow citizen, James Gray regarding Maynard

¨       Email correspondence from Stow citizen, Alice DeLuca with information from Rep. Walrath’s office

¨       Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Master Plan Guidelines

¨       MCAS data

¨       Enrollment data

(The Superintendent’s Report is available in full on the NRSD website at

Mr. Wood reviewed his written report to the committee.  Topics included:

¨       MSBA

¨       MCAS Scores

¨       Maynard Conversation

¨       Evaluation Subcommittee next meeting October 23rd

¨       October 5, 2007 Professional Development Day

¨       October 10, 2007 Parent access turns on for Grades 6-12

¨       Teaching Space

¨       Administrator Goal meetings


Ex-0fficio Report by Ms. Shea

Ms. Shea reported that currently Nashoba is the site of a lot of old and new. Following are items included in her report:

¨       German Exchange Program: Coming October 12th from Weisloch Germany. They spend a portion of their two week stay shadowing students from Nashoba, and another portion going on local daytrips to learn about the area’s culture. There is the possibility of future exchange to Weisloch next year (April, 2008).

¨       School Events: Last Friday’s dance,: hosted by the seniors, attended by very few

¨       College & Testing: Record number of students applying early action/decision

¨       Sports Highlights: Boys Cross Country- 5-0 record with Anthony Raduazo creeping towards Nashoba’s school record set in 2003 by Nils Fischer- only seconds away from the 16:01 record.- Football- In last Friday’s game against Leominster Chieftains lost 41-35 in double overtime.- Golf Secured their first win since 2005 (yes, I said 2005). Won against Gardner with score of 29-25.

¨       Clubs and Organizations: Math team revved up two days ago with an after-school pizza party. Other clubs, including the DDR (Dance Dance Revolution Club), the Magic (card game) club, Amnesty International, Model UN, FIRST Robotics Team, Student Council, Community Service Club, etc, are all gaining members. Student Council had its first meeting yesterday and National Honors Society had its first meeting on Tuesday, where it elected its new officers. All National Honors Society seniors must complete a community service project, and many are now considering what that might be...

Facilities SubCommittee, by Mr. Govindan

Nothing to report.

Finance SubCommittee, by Mr. Burke

Nothing to report.

Personnel SubCommittee, by Mr. Adams

Mr. Adams reported the Personnel Subcommittee met on September 23rd and discussed the title change for the Assistant Superintendent For Finance.  Mr. Adams said they went into Executive Session to discuss a legal matter and strategies for the upcoming negotiations.

Policy SubCommittee, by Mr. Adams

Mr. Fly told the committee that at their September 27th meeting the Policy Subcommittee reviewed the Medication Administration to Students Policy.  He said Ms. McInnis shared with them some revisions which they discussed and will be presented later in the meeting.

SPED PAC, by Mr. Burke 

Mr. Burke told the committee that at the last SPED PAC meeting Ms. Conte, Director of Special Education, reviewed professional development as it relates to the Special Education Standards, and to students and their peers. She also informed all those present of services available to them.  Mr. Burke encouraged everyone to look at the SPED PAC calendar and to join the SPED PAC listserve.

ESBS by Ms. Colletti 

Ms. Colletti told the committee the ESBC met on Monday (10/01/07).  She said they discussed hiring a Project Manager and are looking at pre-engineered buildings.  She also said they are working with Bill Wrigley.

CCC by Cathy Giunta 

Ms. Giunta reported that at the last meeting of the CCC they looked at getting volunteers to help with the mailing of the flyers.  They also discussed naming rights and how to use that to raise money, and also the reception that is planned for NRHS alumni on Thanksgiving Day.


First Quarter Financial Report

Mr. King reviewed the first quarter report with the committee.  He said the initial expenditures look very positive.  He told the committee the one item he remains concerned about is the school choice and charter assessments because they are an unknown.  Mr. King told the committee the district has closed the FY07 budget and the end of year report will be submitted to the DOE by the deadline, and added that FY07 was a good year for the district.

Mr. King addressed Chapter 70 for fiscal year 2008 and told the committee that it makes sense to have discussion about how best to handle the return of Chapter 70 monies in the future years to avoid undue expectations and concerns depending on whether it is positive or negative.

Chapter 70 Revenues

Mr. Wood reviewed his memo concerning Chapter 70 to the school committee, included in the evening’s packet.  He told the committee that he would recommend they return to the district member towns the full amount of the excess revenue from Chapter 70.


Don Adams made a motion to reduce the assessments as outlined in the memo from Michael Wood, dated September 28, 2007, for the amounts of: Bolton: $79,059.86, Lancaster: $86,222.49, and Stow: $93,249.65

Seconded by Mel Govindan IN FAVOR: Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Mel Govindan, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)

Title Change for Assistant Superintendent For Finance

Mr. Wood reviewed his memo concerning this topic included in the committee packets and outlined his reasons for this recommendation which included:

¨       It would provide all staff with an assurance in Mr. Wood’s absence

¨       It reflects the true demands of the position

¨       Mr. King truly assists him in all capacities, not just in areas of Finance


Monica CampoBasso made a motion to alter the title of the assistant Superintendent For Finance to Assistant Superintendent. As recommended by the Superintendent in a memo dated September 27, 2007. Seconded by Mel Govindan

AMENDMENT: Don Adams motioned to amend to add the word “Athletics”  to the job description and that the job description, dated September 27, 2007, be approved. Seconded by Mel Govindan

MOTION: Monica CampoBasso made a motion to alter the title of the Assistant Superintendent For Finance to Assistant Superintendent as recommended by the Superintendent in a memo dated September 27, 2007, that the word “Athletics” be added to the job description, and that the job description, dated September 27, 2007 be approved. Seconded by Mel Govindan IN FAVOR: Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Mel Govindan, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)

Medication Administration to Student s Policy

Mr. Wood called the committee’s attention to the Medication Administration to Student’s Policy included in their packets.  The committee reviewed the policy’s recommended changes.


Don Adams made a motion to accept the changes to the Medication Administration to Student’s Policy, JCLB, dated September 25, 2007. Seconded by Mel Govindan IN FAVOR: Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Mel Govindan, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)

Private School Approval

Mr. Wood presented the recommendation by Sally Sullivan, Director of Teaching & Learning to approve the Robert F. Kennedy Action Corps., Inc. as a private school within the Nashoba Regional School District.


Mel Govindan made a motion to approve the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the Robert F. Kennedy Action Corps., Inc. as a private school within the Nashoba Regional School District.  Seconded by Don Adams IN FAVOR: Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Mel Govindan, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)



Review Options for Televising Meetings

Mr. Wood reviewed the memo concerning this topic included in the evening’s packet.  Discussion ensued among the committee.  Mr. Wood outlined three options:

¨       BATCO Conference Room- would cost approximately $15,000

¨       Installation of equipment in the Superintendent’s office- would cost approximately $10,000

¨       Hale Middle School

The committee discussed this issue. 


Don Adams made a motion to ask the Superintendent to investigate purchasing portable equipment for filming School Committee meetings, including funding sources and educational components for such an endeavor.  Seconded by Monica CampoBasso IN FAVOR: Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams AGAINST: Mel Govindan VOTED AND PASSED.  (6-1-0)

Decision Regarding Future Talks With Maynard

Mr. Wood called the committee’s attention to his memo concerning this and also a letter from Mark Masterson, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools in Maynard.  Discussion ensued.


Mel Govindan made a motion to support the Superintendent’s recommendation that Nashoba Regional School district not formally enter into talks about allowing any community into our regional school district at this time. Seconded by Monica CampoBasso IN FAVOR: Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Mel Govindan VOTED AND PASSED.  (7-0-0)

MASC Delegate

Lynne Colletti volunteered to be the Nashoba School Committee representative at the annual MASC/MASS Joint Conference in November.


Monica CampoBasso made a motion to support Lynne Colletti, Stow School Committee member, as the Nashoba representative at the MASC Annual Conference.  Seconded by Brian Burke  IN FAVOR: Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Mel Govindan VOTED AND PASSED.  (7-0-0)


Mr. Lindsay, Bolton Advisory member, addressed the committee concerning Chapter 70 and also televising the school committee meetings.  He told the committee he believes that televising the meetings is very useful and recommended offering a stipend for this to ensure reliability.  He asked about Chapter 70 and also the Reserve Fund.  Mr. King said that it was aggregate and that he estimates it to be under $10,000 in the future.

Mr. Lindsay told the committee that the Town of Bolton has adopted a system whereby all retirees over 65 will go on a Medicare plan (32B-Section 18).  He said this will save the town a significant amount of money.  He encouraged the district to look at this as well and said he will be very vocal concerning this at budget time.

Lynne Colletti commented in an issue around a second grade student who was upset over the way a test was given.



Motion moved by Monica CampoBasso to adjourn. Seconded by Lynne Colletti. IN FAVOR: Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Mel Govindan, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)

The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda DeStasi

Executive Assistant