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Nashoba Regional School Committee Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2007



June 14, 2007

SCHOOL COMMITTEE IN ATTENDANCE:  Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Richard Fly (6:05), Lynn Colletti (6:08), Mel Govindan (6:05), Cristina Shea

ABSENT:[Marker] David Horne

ADMINISTRATION IN ATTENDANCE:  Michael Wood, Superintendent of Schools (left meeting at 6:55), George King, Assistant Superintendent for Finance, NRHS Assistant Principal Jeremy Roche, NRHS Assistant Principal Tracy Calo, NRSD Athletic Director Tom O’Brien


Chair Cathy Giunta called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. in the Office of the Superintendent.



Motion moved by Don Adams to enter into Executive Session for the review of executive session minutes and to discuss a grievance, and to include the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and School Committee Secretary.  Seconded by Monica CampoBasso  ROLL CALL VOTE: Cathy Giunta- YES, Brian Burke- YES, Don Adams- YES, Monica CampoBasso- YES, Mel Govindan- YES, Lynn Colletti- YES, Richard Fly- YES VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)


The regular meeting of the school committee resumed.



WARRANT NO.     DATE                    DESCRIPTION     AMOUNT

2783            [Marker]        6/15/0[Marker]7         VENDOR          $252,969.82

2784                    6/15/07         BENEFIT         $ 31,316.90

2785                    6/15/07         PAYROLL         $ 1,071,599.24


Brian Burke made a motion to approve the warrants as detailed in the memo dated 6/14/07 and noted above.  Seconded by Mel Govindan[Marker][Marker] IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly, Cathy Giunta , Lynn Colletti VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)

[Marker]APPROVAL OF THE MAY 31, 2007 MINUTES[Marker]


Monica CampoBasso made a motion to approve the minutes of May 31, 2007, as amended. Seconded by Don Adams.  IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Richard Fly, Cathy Giunta , Lynn Colletti ABSTAIN: Mel Govindan VOTED AND PASSED.  (7-0-1)


Monica CampoBasso made a motion to rearrange the meeting agenda to accommodate the people who have come to present. Seconded by Brian Burke IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly, Cathy Giunta, Lynn Colletti VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)


Eagle Scout Request

Eagle Scout Brad Giunta addressed the School Committee regarding a project he is doing for Eagle Scouts which would benefit the district.  Mr. Giunta told the committee he would like to build two portable ticket booths shack for the high school athletic field and distributed a handout with the specifications and description of the project. 


Monica CampoBasso made a motion to accept the gift of Eagle Scout Brad Giunta to the district of the portable ticket booths to be built for the football field at Nashoba Regional High School in Bolton. Seconded by Don Adams  IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti RECUSED: Cathy Giunta  VOTED AND PASSED.  (7-0-1)

End of the Year Athletic Department Report

NRSD Athletic Director Tom O’Brien addressed the committee.  He distributed information regarding the district’s athletic team records and student participation on intramural teams.  Mr. O’Brien told the committee the addition of Matball was very popular this year.  Other new intramural teams he said included breakdance and floor hockey.  He said there is interest in other things such as indoor soccer, badminton, and wiffleball.  Student member Cristina Shea inquired about the possibility of a swim team.  Ms. CampoBasso brought up the idea if joining other school swim teams.  Mr. O’Brien said he has seen the interest in a swim team and that it is something to investigate.  Ms. CampoBasso commented on the benefits of the stress management electives offered to the high school students and asked whether yoga would be something they might consider offering again.  Student member Cristina Shea commented that previously yoga was offered early in the morning and that some students had difficulty attending at that time.  Ms. Calo, NRHS Assistant Principal, said that a teacher at the high school is working on obtaining her Pilates certification and she may offer a class in this to students next year. 


Ex-0fficio Report by Ms. Shea

Ms. Shea reported on recent activity and events at the high school. 

Ms Shea reported that the school year at Nashoba is winding down and students are excited about the summer.  She told the committee that students are planning on traveling around the world, working at camps and other summer jobs, and hopefully relaxing. She said some students are taking on substantial projects over the summer, such as Alyssa Browne, who was the winner of the Junior Pirazzolo Award and will be spending half the summer studying abroad in Botswana.

Ms. Shea reported that the environment at Nashoba is increasing with excitement and stress is still a common feeling as finals wind down.  She said all students can be happy about ending finals on a Friday.

Ms. Shea reported that the class elections occurred at the end of May.  She said that in the Senior class Doug Koury was welcomed as the new president, along with Lindsey Horowitz as Vice President, Amy Callahan as Treasurer, and Rachel Healy as Secretary.

Ms. Shea said as the academic side of Nashoba winds down, so does the athletic side. She said sports have been concluding their seasons with parties and get-togethers and  Nashoba girls track presented varsity letters at its after school pizza party.

Ms Shea told the committee that the most exciting part of the past couple of weeks has been graduation and the graduation itself was really a beautiful scene. She said many  she spoke with enjoyed the open lay-out (without the tent) because it allowed everyone to see the graduates. She told the committee that speeches from the class valedictorian, Sean Busch, and salutatorian, Sarah Harvey, as well as those from the class officers, were very impressive.

Ms. Shea commended the Nashoba Drama, for receiving 13 nominations at Theater at the Mount’s TAMY Awards. She said they were up against 13 other schools and walked away with four awards for the production of “Hello Dolly” this spring. These awards include: Best Choreographer, Best Production Number for the waiters' dance, Best Scenic Design, and Best Playbill. She also commended Sam Tobia and Meghan O’Toole who have recently been voted as next year’s Drama Society presidents.

Facilities SubCommittee, by Mr. Govindan

Nothing to report.

Finance SubCommittee, by Ms. Giunta

Nothing to report.

Personnel SubCommittee, by Mr. Adams

Nothing to report.

Policy SubCommittee, by Mr. Adams

Nothing to report.

SPED PAC, by Mr. Burke 

Nothing to report.


High School Handbook

Ms. Tracy Calo, [Marker]NRHS Assistant Principa[Marker]l addressed the School Committee regarding revisions to the high school handbook.  Ms. Calo distributed a document containing highlighted changes and reviewed these changes with the committee.  Ms. CampoBasso commented on the District Food Policy and said that the high school administration may want to look at the language in the handbook regarding food in classrooms to ensure they are following the policy.  Mr. Burke noted a couple of grammatical corrections.


Monica CampoBasso made a motion to approve the revisions to the 2007-2008 NRHS Handbook as amended. Seconded by Mel Govindan  IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Cathy Giunta  VOTED AND PASSED.  UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)


¨       School Committee Memo Agenda

¨       Class size information

¨       NRHS Class of 2007 plans

¨       NRHS Class of 2007 awards summary

¨       Copy of invitation letter sent regarding the Athletic Complex Fund raising Committee.

¨       Worcester County Retirement System press release


Mr. King called the committee’s attention to the Appendix V, Superintendent’s Report, included in their packet. 

Nashoba’s Athletic Competition Complex Fundraising Committee

Mr. King said that on Monday it was learned, after further investigation, the Endowment Foundation would not be able to assist the district as the Financial Agent and sponsor the Nashoba’s Athletic Competition Complex Fundraising Committee.  He said that in light of this Mr. Wood had discussed options available to the district with the district attorney.  Mr. King told the committee that our attorney learned that Regional School systems can operate a fund raiser that is tax deductible and that the district is going to move in that direction. He also said that Mr. Wood has sent letters to possible members of the committee who have expressed earlier interest and that when he has heard back from them he would like to nominate them for the Athletic Competition Complex Fundraising Committee.  Mr. King said that Mr. Wood will then ask the Chair to appoint these people to this committee and that Mr. Wood hopes to get a fund raising letter into the mail this July. 

End of Year Activities

Mr. King said that the high school graduation was held on June 10, 2007 at Nashoba Regional High School and it was a beautiful day and a very well organized event. 

Mr. King told the committee that Mr. Wood reports that the end of the year celebrations for the eighth grade classes were all scheduled for this evening and that each community had planned a recognition ceremony.  He said that each school will have its own version of step up activities as well.

Highly Qualified

Mr. King reported that the district is completing a June 15, 2007, Highly Qualified report.  He said that 100 percent of the district’s Para-professionals are highly qualified, which he said means they have at least two years of college education or they have passed a Para-professional test. 

Mr. King noted that in Mr. Wood’s report he states that internal transfers have been made to accommodate Highly Qualified status for teachers in the district.  He said that Mr. Wood noted there are a couple of staff who have all of the necessary information into the Department of Education and Mr. Wood believes they are highly qualified based on that documentation (they have passed their MTEL exam and/or they have the necessary degrees).  He told the committee there is one individual who has not received back their one exam score, but expect it next week.  On that basis, he said Mr. Wood believes the district is 98 percent highly qualified.  

School Openings

Mr. King said that in his report Mr. Wood notes that in an effort to conserve energy, the main administrative offices of the district will be open 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Thursday for the summer.  He said each school will have similar hours and the school websites should be checked to obtain exact information regarding their hours.   He told the committee that other times would be available by appointment.

New Waste Water Treatment Plant at FSS

Mr. King  reported that the Town of Bolton will be installing a waste water treatment plant behind Florence Sawyer School this summer starting in late July.  He said the project will have heavy truck traffic during the month of August and he urged parents to use caution when entering Mechanic Street for any activity. 

Stow Building Committee

Mr. King told the committee that the Town of Stow will be forming a Building Committee for the impending Center/Pompo project.  He said that Mr. Wood and a member of the School Committee would be part of this committee and that at some point over the summer, they may be requesting an appointment. 

High School Building Committee

Mr. King reported that the district is at the initial stages of the feasibility study for the High School Building Project.  He said that Mr. Wood believes it is probable the district will need a building committee appointed, probably in August to move forward on that project as well.  Mr. King told the committee that Mr. Wood reports that regardless of the outcome of the feasibility study, the district should submit a statement of interest form and a Building Committee can be the author of that document. 

Summer Communication Methods

Mr. King told the committee that during the summer Mr. Wood planned to write a bi-weekly update to keep them informed of happenings in the district.  He said if they needed information or had questions they should not hesitate to inquire at any time.  He said that Mr. Wood notes that the district website is updated weekly so that is a great way for parents to keep informed of any information they might need.

NEW BUSINESS (continued)

FY 07 Budget Transfers

Mr. King addressed the committee and called the committee’s attention to Appendix VII B1, End of Year Budget Transfers (memo from him dated June 11, 2007) and Appendix VII B2, a Budget Transfer Requests spreadsheet.  Mr. King distributed updated information to the committee and reviewed this information with them.  He told the committee that the district is fortunate because the typical “budget busters” are working in the district’s favor this year, allowing us to transfer funds into other accounts.  Discussion ensued among the committee.  Mr. Adams inquired about office supplies and substitute teachers.  Mr. King said that some of the substitute teacher funds are due to professional development, though not all.  Mr. Burke asked if Mr. King had any idea what the balance would be.  Mr. King responded that he hopes the increase to the Excess & Deficiency account would be $200,000-$300,000.  Mr. Adams commented that the School Committee should be made aware of likely increases to accounts beforehand, as has happened this year in the office supplies and substitute teacher accounts. 


Brian Burke made a motion to approve the FY 07 Budget Transfers as recommended in the memo from George King, dated June 11, 2007.  Seconded by Monica CampoBasso IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Cathy Giunta VOTED AND PASSED.  UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)

Student Activity Account

Mr. King called the committee’s attention to Appendix VII C, the Nashoba Regional School District Student Activity Funds Financial Statements, Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007.  He gave a brief overview of the report and said that on page 4 (four) they would find a snapshot as of June 30, 2006.  He said on page 8 (eight) they would see activity for these accounts for the year.   Mr. King told the committee there were no notes of any concern and that this was a clean audit. 


Monica CampoBasso made a motion to accept the Student Activity Funds for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006. Seconded by Don Adams

Mr. Burke commented that the document was marked as a DRAFT.  The committee discussed this issue and decided to wait to vote on accepting this audit report until a final report was sent to them. 



Mel Govindan made to continue business after 9:00 p.m.  Seconded by Don Adams IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Cathy Giunta  VOTED AND PASSED.  UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)

Intel Grant

Mr. King called the committee’s attention to Appendix VIID, a draft press release announcing the award of a grant from Intel to the district.


Richard Fly made a motion to accept the $20,000 Intel Corporation grant for tablet computers.  Seconded by Monica CampoBasso IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Cathy Giunta  VOTED AND PASSED.  UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)


District Improvement Plan

Mr. King called the committee’s attention to Appendix VIII A, the District Improvement Plan.  He reviewed the information with the committee.


Don Adams made a motion to the Nashoba Regional School District Improvement plan, Draft 3. Seconded by Mel Govindan IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly, Lynn Colletti, Cathy Giunta  VOTED AND PASSED.  UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)

Long Range Financial Plan

Mr. King reviewed Appendix VIII B1 and VIII B2 with the committee.  He noted hard copies of part of the Appendix VII B2 were not printed.  School Committee secretary printed this and distributed it to the committee. 

School Choice


Don Adams made a motion to reconsider the discussion of May 31st, school choice.  Seconded by Monica CampoBasso IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly, Cathy Giunta OPPOSED: Brian Burke, Lynn Colletti, VOTED AND PASSED.  (5-2-0)

Mr. Adams said that after receiving information from Mr. Wood he now has a better understanding of the issue regarding school choice for kindergarten.  Mr. Burke said he appreciates the information Mr. Wood provided.  He said he has discussed this issue with his constituents and they are concerned about class size.  Mr. Govindan said that he does not think it is good public relations.  Ms. CampoBasso said this would only be for the 2007-2008 kindergarten class and that those numbers are small enough district wide this year to allow for it.  Ms. Colletti said that although she likes the idea of school choice, she is afraid it would hurt the MSBA funding for Stow and she would like to wait a year.  Mr. King said it would not effect the MSBA funding.  Ms. CampoBasso inquired about the possibility of asking for school choice for Lancaster and Bolton, and not Stow.  Mr. King said he was not certain, but that he would check.


Monica CampoBasso made a motion to direct the superintendent to open school choice for the incoming kindergarten class for 2007-2008 and that the district look at this next year according to kindergarten class size.  Seconded by Mel Govindan IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly  OPPOSED: Brian Burke, Lynn Colletti, Cathy Giunta VOTED AND PASSED.  (4-3-0)


Kathy Tamburri, Item reporter, commented that she believed Mr. Wood had noted that if a change was made to school choice it would not take effect for 2 (two) years.  Mr. King said he did not believe that was the case.  Mr. King said he would check on this and get back to the committee.



Motion moved by Don Adams to enter into Executive Session to review executive session minutes and to include the Assistant Superintendent, and School Committee Secretary.  Seconded by Monica CampoBasso ROLL CALL VOTE: Cathy Giunta- YES, Brian Burke- YES, Don Adams- YES, Monica CampoBasso- YES, Mel Govindan- YES, Lynn Colletti- YES, Richard Fly- YES VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0-0)


School Choice

Mr. King told the committee he checked on the information regarding school choice, which Kathy Tamburri had commented on earlier in the meeting.  He said that her information was not correct.  Mr. King confirmed that any changes voted on at then end of a school year would take effect for the start of the following school year.



Motion moved by Don Adams to adjourn. Seconded by Monica CampoBasso. IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Richard Fly, Brian Burke, Lynn Colletti, Cathy Giunta


The meeting adjourned at 10:06 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda DeStasi

Executive Assistant