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Nashoba Regional School Committee Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2006


December 14, 2006

School Committee in Attendance: Ellen Sturgis, Tricia Kelly, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Cathy Giunta, Laura OfNeil, David Horne (6:07 p.m.)

Absent:[Marker] Don Adams

Administration in Attendance: Michael Wood, Superintendent of Schools, George King, Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Sally Sullivan, Director of Teaching & Leaning, Laura Friend, Teaching & Learning ELA Associate, and Suzanne Knight, Teaching & Learning Math/Science Associate


Vice-Chair Cathy Giunta called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. in the Office of the Superintendent.




2738   [Marker]12/15/06[Marker]  VENDOR  $ 274,373.42

2739   12/15/06  BENEFIT  $ 36,975.62

2740   12/15/06  PAYROLL  $ 1,056,492.23


Brian Burke made a motion to approve the warrants as detailed in the memo dated 12/15/06 and noted above. Seconded by Ellen Sturgis. IN FAVOR: Tricia Kelly, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso, Mel Govindan, Cathy Giunta VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (6-0)



Ellen Sturgis made a motion to approve the minutes of November 30, 2006 as amended. Seconded by Mel Govindan. IN FAVOR: Tricia Kelly, Cathy Giunta, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso, David Horne, Mel Govindan VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0)


  NESDEC (New England School Development Council)  Enrollment projections

SUPERINTENDENTfS REPORT (This report is available on the District website at

Security Program Update

Mr. Wood reported that Bill Spratt, Director of Facilities, shared with him the timetable for the installation of the magnetic locks in each of the school buildings. He said these will be turned on as they are installed so new procedures will be in place soon at each school. Mr. Wood said that this is phase I of the District security project, and that Phase II would include installation of cameras at the high school. Mr. Wood told the committee that purchasing of cameras is currently underway, with installation planned for mid to late January. He said phase III will be the presentation of identification cards to all employees. Equipment will be purchased to photograph each employee and provide a card to be placed on their person. Phase IV will have the same card activated as their own swipe card for entry into the buildings. A timeline for Phases III and IV inc lude having the cards distributed by the end of May and the cards activated for the start of school in September.

N Installation of wiring started last week and should be finished at Emerson and Sawyer (12/8/06).

N Installation of wiring at Pompo (12/11/06) and should finish by Wednesday (12/13/06).

N Installation of wiring at Center will begin on or about 12/14/06 and Hale by the end of the beginning of 12/18/06.

N Once the buildings are wired installation of all of the video intercoms will take place.

N Everything should be done by December 22, 2006.

Audit Advisory Presentation

Mr. Wood also reported that the Audit Advisory and the Districtfs Auditor should be ready to present at the January 11th meeting. He told the Committee there was a meeting on December 14th where the full report was reviewed by Mr. Sullivan and that there are no negative findings in the districtfs FY 06 report.

Parent Access Training Sessions

Mr. Wood told the Committee that additional Parent Access training sessions will be scheduled throughout the spring in response to the demand after it opened on December 4th, and said another session will be on Monday morning, December 18th at 8:00 am at the Florence Sawyer Auditorium.

District Procedures for Lockdown and Evacuation

Mr. Wood updated the Committee on the District procedures regarding lockdown and evacuation. He said the School District is working with all staff and providing training in the event of a lockdown at the schools. He said a video provided by the Lancaster Police Department has been invaluable for this purpose and all three townsf police departments have been involved in the building based training. Mr. Wood said that Chief Alfano of the Bolton Police Department has also proposed looking at hiring a District Resource Officer. The chiefs, Mr. King, Mr. Smith and Mr. Wood met on this matter on Monday, December 11th. Mr. Wood told the Committee that Chief Trefry of the Stow Police Department also shared a program in which he received training called STARS (School Threat Assessment and Response System) and Mr. Wood said he and Chief Trefry reviewed it. Mr. Wood said the system has some excellent strategies and support materials for a wide array of incidents that require communication from school officials.

Calendar Committee

Mr. Wood reported that the Calendar Committee has begun meeting with representatives from parents, staff, teachers and administrators. He said if stakeholders in the District communities have suggestions, they should email them to Ms. Marianne Boswell, Director of Technology (

Administrative Openings

Mr. Wood reported that Ms. Linenkemper has been serving dual capacities as Director of Special Education and as Principal of Mary Rowlandson Elementary School. He said that he and Ms. Linenkemper recently met and agreed that the District needed to begin the process of searching for a successor beginning with the FY 08 school year. Mr. Wood told the Committee he would be meeting with staff over the next few months in developing a succession plan, but that he wanted the Committee to know that there will be a position in the budget for next year and some reorganization of staff positions may occur. Ms. Kelly asked for clarification that Ms. Linenkemper will be staying on as Principal of the Mary Rowlandson School and that the search will be for Director of SPED only. Mr. Wood confirmed this was the case.

Mr. Wood also told the Committee that Mr. Thomas Moore has submitted his letter announcing that he will be retiring at the end of the school year. He told the Committee that the reason the last two years has been so successful with Ms. Linenkemper doing double duty, has been in large part because of Mr. Moore and that he was very appreciative of all that Mr. Moore has contributed to the District.

Staff Updates

Mr. Wood told the Committee that he asked Mr. Smith, NRHS Principal, to begin to look for alternatives to the large class size in our AP Chemistry class and our Biology classes after the October 1 submission of enrollment. He said these are classes of 28 or larger and have significant safety issues when it comes to lab sessions. He told the Committee that Mr. Smith asked to hire a teacher and divide two classes, as that would be the best solution. The two classes that are being adjusted will be the AP Chemistry Class and another Chemistry Class which will allow one teacher to take over next fall. Mr. Wood said the addition is a half time Chemistry Teacher.

Enrichment Presentation

Mr. Wood told the Committee that as part of the curriculum presentation being given at tonightfs meeting, there will also be an unveiling of an Enrichment and Advanced Learner Handbook and Resource Guide for Teachers. He said this is an excellent resource put together by our Enrichment Task Force facilitated by Joel Bates, Robin Brissette, and Linda Winin.

District Administrators Trained on Standards Based Reporting

Mr. Wood told the Committee that the Administrative Team recently participated in training for Standards Based Report Cards. The focus of the presentation by Jeff Hathaway was on using Power School to develop the report cards, catalog standards being met and how to develop gobject reportsh to print for parents and students. The District currently has a Committee on Standards Based Reporting and they will be following up on this and presenting at the end of the school year.


Ex-0fficio Report by Ms. OfNeil

Ms. OfNeil reported the following:

N Last week, Kylie Ricker was named to the 2006 NSCAA/Addidas High School Girls All-America Soccer Team. She is one of 78 chosen nationally and one of 3 from Massachusetts. She was also honored as the MVP for the Mid-Wachusett League for this past season. Kylie will play soccer at the University of Maryland next year.

N Last Saturday (12/9), both the wrestling and indoor track teams had their first competitions. The wrestling team overpowered Canton, Norton, and Quincy in the quad-meet at Nashoba. At the Don Woods Memorial Indoor Track Tournament at Fitchburg High, Courtney Baker, Jill Perreira, Whitney Koch, and Kylie Ricker each won their respective events. The boysf basketball team lost against Hudson and Nipmuc in their first two games of the season. The girlsf team hosts Fitchburg in their season opener tonight. The hockey team won their season opener 10-1. And, the ski team is hoping for even just a little snow so their races can begin.

N Yesterday, Spanish and German classes attended a play in Cambridge called gWings of Desire,h to learn about the techniques and ideas behind producing a play that the students will be able to utilize in their own productions in the spring.

N The Holiday Choral Concert is tonight, and the singing groups, along with the band, will perform at the holiday assembly next Friday.

N On Friday, December 15th, the newly organized peer mediation organization will have its last training session under the instruction of Sawyerfs Mr. Verdolino. Lindsay Capone, a senior, organized this program with the help of Mrs. Calo, after observing how it works at nearby high schools.

Facilities SubCommittee, by Ms. Kelly

Nothing to report.

Finance SubCommittee, by Ms. Giunta

Nothing to report.

Personnel SubCommittee, by Ms. Giunta

Ms. Giunta reported that the Personnel Subcommittee met and discussed getting input from the School Councils for the Superintendentfs Evaluation. She said she had already gone to the Florence Sawyer and NRHS School Council meetings and distributed the Superintendent Evaluation form and asked that they return the completed form to the School Committee.

Policy SubCommittee, by Ms. Kelly

Ms. Kelly reported to the Committee that the Policy Subcommittee met on December 7th. She said the Reporting to Parents Policy was reviewed ad discussed. Mr. Wood told the committee that he and Mr. King had visited each school in the District and met with staff to hear their concerns and discuss this policy. He said the colleagues were very helpful. Mr. Wood said he is recommending a formal evaluation of the policy that will include teachers.

SPED PAC, by Mr. Burke

Mr. Burke told the Committee that SPED PAC will not meet this month.


Curriculum Presentation

Sally Sullivan, NRSD Director Teaching and Learning addressed the committee. She introduced the facilitators of the Enrichment Task Force, Lin Winin, Assistant Principal of the Center and Pompositticut Schools, Robin Brissette, Reading Specialist at the Florence Sawyer School, and Joel Bates, Assistant Principal of the Florence Sawyer School. They distributed manuals which they worked to create for district teachers. Ms. Winin told the committee that the manuals are comprised of a list of resources, lesson planning information and ideas and professional development opportunities. Ms. Sullivan then presented a PowerPoint presentation of an overview of the district curriculum. This included English/Language Arts, which was presented by Laura Friend, Teaching and Learning Associate, History & Social Sciences, which was presented by Tom Moore, Assistant Principal of the Mary Rowlandson School, Mathematics, presented by Janet Milliken, Assistant Principal of the Florence Sawyer School, and Science & Technology/Engineering, presented by Greg Irvine, Pompositticut/Center School Principal,. They each highlighted the strategies and goals for each of their respective disciplines.

Mr. Wood told the committee he wanted them to have this information regarding the curriculum for their budget work preparation. He told the committee that the presenters could come back to the committee during the budget process should they need to ask them for further information.

Private Schools Approval


Mr. Wood called the Committeefs attention to a memo from Sally Sullivan, Director of Teaching and Learning, recommending the approval of the following private school:

1. Robert F. Kennedy Action Corps., Inc.


Motion moved by Mel Govindan to approve the private school as recommended in a memo by Sally Sullivan, dated December 12, 2006, Robert F. Kennedy Action Corps., Inc. Seconded by Ellen Sturgis. IN FAVOR: Tricia Kelly, Cathy Giunta, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso, David Horne, Mel Govindan VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0)

Superintendentfs Evaluation

Vice-Chair Cathy Giunta asked the Committee secretary to forward the electronic copy of the Superintendentfs Evaluation form to all School Committee members.


Fund Raising Policy

Mr. Wood called the Committeefs attention to the current draft of the Fund Raising Policy. Discussion ensued. Committee member David Horne asked for a revision to the last sentence in the policy. The committee discussed the revision of adding the words gcannot under lawh and removing the words gwill noth in the last sentence. It was agreed that this should be entered as the First Reading and that this policy should go back to the Policy Subcommittee for more review and discussion.


William Joss of Stow commented on the decreased student population and asked if the District was constrained by law with regards to laying off staff in the event class sizes are greatly reduced. Mr. Wood said that contractually the answer is gnoh, but ethically it would be gyesh.



Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a legal matter and to include the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and School Committee Secretary. Seconded by Brian Burke. IN FAVOR: Tricia Kelly, Cathy Giunta, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso, David Horne, Mel Govindan VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0)


The regular meeting of the school Committee resumed at 8:58 p.m.



Motion moved by Monica CampoBasso to adjourn. Seconded by Ellen Sturgis. IN FAVOR: Tricia Kelly, Cathy Giunta, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso, David Horne, Mel Govindan VOTED AND PASSED.< /SPAN> UNANIMOUS (7-0)

The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda DeStasi

Executive Assistant