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Nashoba Regional School Committee Meeting Minutes of April 5, 2007


April 5, 2007

School Committee in Attendance: Ellen Sturgis, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso (6:00-7:15 p.m.), Cathy Giunta, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly, Don Adams, David Horne, Laura O’Neil

Absent:[Marker] N/A

Administration in Attendance:  Michael Wood, Superintendent of Schools, George King, Assistant Superintendent for Finance


Chair Don Adams called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM. in the Office of the Superintendent.



WARRANT NO.     DATE                    DESCRIPTION     AMOUNT

2766            [Marker]        4/06/[Marker]07         VENDOR          $295,292.12

2767                    4/06/07         BENEFIT         $ 47,044.01

2768                    4/06/07         PAYROLL         $ 990,587.50


Cathy Giunta made a motion to approve the warrants as detailed in the memo dated 4/05/07 and noted above.  Seconded by Brian Burke  [Marker]IN[Marker] FAVOR: Ellen Sturgis, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Cathy Giunta, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly, Don Adams, David Horne,  VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (8-0)



Ellen Sturgis made a motion to approve the minutes of March 22, 2007 as amended. Seconded by Mel Govindan.  IN FAVOR: Ellen Sturgis, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Cathy Giunta, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly, Don Adams, David Horne, VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (8-0)


¨       Copy of Capital Campaign letter of thanks to those who attended the informational meeting

¨       Letter from Marietta Poras regarding professional development/early release day concerns

¨       Memo from Michael Wood regarding the MSBA

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT (The following is the report given by Mr. Wood.  This report is also available on the district website at

School Finance

1.  Tonight you are being asked to consider the assessments that support our FY 08 budget.  These assessments are based on House I Chapter 70 allotments.  With recent events and the passing of a joint resolution increasing Chapter 70 by 20 million dollars, we may expect to see an increase of $250,000 in our Chapter 70 aid.  The dilemma with this increase is that there will be some adjustments to the minimum aid calculation for the communities in our region, which may change the assessment numbers we are approving tonight.  These calculations are not yet available.

Mr. King and I have spoken with Mr. Wulfson from the Department of Education and I recommend that we follow through on our planned vote tonight and address need for changes at our next school committee meeting.  This will allow our communities to finish their warrant articles and publish their warrants in time for town meeting.

Teaching and Learning

2.  I spent much of today visiting classrooms in Lancaster and Bolton. I find these visits to be very helpful to see how our teachers are using technology, differentiated instructional practices, and a variety of inclusion strategies.  I especially have enjoyed meeting our students and hearing them talk about what they are learning. 

Architect Interviews

3.  Architect interviews have begun for selection of a firm to work with us on addressing space needs for the high school and the administrative offices.  We are interviewing three firms and will be bringing one firm to the school committee as a recommendation.  These interviews are scheduled between this week and next.

Fundraising Campaign for Athletic Complex

4.  I met with our administrators involved with the fundraising campaign.  A number of action items have been identified:

¨       Identify Honorary Chairs from each community

¨       Begin writing grants

¨       Talk with Endowment Fund to be Fiscal Agent

Extended Day Options

5.  There is a waiting list for extended day for next year.  While we have increased our numbers slightly, we have been unable to meet demand as of yet due to a lack of personnel.  We have identified space, so we are pursuing the additional staff.  I hope to notify people based on when staff is hired.

Principal Search

6.  I am including my notes from meetings with the variety of focus groups held over the course of last month.  I am in the process of setting up an interview committee.  There will be students, staff, and district staff, and parents on the search committee. 


7.  Tri-town was not held last night and I have not received word that a new date has been set.  Once I learn of a new date I will inform the committee.

Director of Student Health

8.  A screening committee has conducted interviews.  Background and reference checks are being conducted and a candidate should be identified by early next week.


Ex-0fficio Report by Ms. O’Neil

At last week’s Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors’ Association (MICCA) competition, the Concert Band and Women’s Ensemble received Bronze metals.  With the help and support of many parent and student volunteers, hosting the choral festival at Nashoba was a great success. 

The 10th grade Destination Imagination team participated in the regional tournament in Ayer on March 10th, where it not only won the competition, but was awarded the “Spirit of DI Award, given in recognition of those who act as superior role models in the areas of spirit, sportsmanship, and volunteerism” (NRHS April Newsletter).  After their success at the regional tournament, they competed in the state tournament last Saturday, March 31st.                            .

The Pennies for Patients drive came to an end last Friday.  The winning homeroom alone raised about $350, greatly contributing to the grand total of over $1,300, all of which will be donated to the fund for cancer research.

Members of the student body and faculty, led by senior Tyler Kerr, are busy putting the finishing touches on this Friday’s “Battle of the Bands.”  Beginning at 7:30pm, eight student bands will be playing music with hopes of being crowned the winners.  All proceeds are being donated to the Friends of the Sudanese non-profit organization, which supports locally-residing lost boys and girls of Sudan.

Members of Student Council, under the direction of Elizabeth Pane and Chelsea Newton, are eagerly awaiting this year’s Mr. Nashoba Pageant, and rehearsing accordingly.  The competition will take place next Friday, April 13th, at 7:00pm.  The proceeds will be donated in full to the Alison J. Murphy Scholarship Fund. 

Facilities SubCommittee, by Ms. Kelly

Nothing to report.

Finance SubCommittee, by Ms. Giunta

Nothing to report.

Personnel SubCommittee, by Ms. Giunta

Policy SubCommittee, by Ms. Kelly

SPED PAC, by Mr. Burke 


Appointment of Special Education Director

Mr. Burke inquired as to the process.  He specifically wanted to know if SPED PAC was notified.  Mr. Wood said they were not specifically notified.  Mr. Govindan added that he was surprised that SPED PAC was not included; Ms. Giunta agreed.  Ms. Sturgis echoed similar concerns suggesting it would be a comparable to the process for the high school principal search.  Mr. Horne asked if the standards were known by the committee; Mr. Wood replied that all of these were part of the job posting.

NEASC Report

Mr. Smith reviewed the NEASC 2 year report.  He told the committee that the high school is now addressing one out of the seven standards.  The Leadership & Organization standard is still on warning status.  Mr. Roche addressed the committee regarding a timeline for a recommendation, if it is decided that a new schedule is to come forward.  He also reviewed the overview of the five year plan.  Mr. Govindan asked if the schedule would change drastically.  Mr. Roche said “No”. 

Mr. Horne asked if we were benchmarking with other schools.  Mr. Smith explained how this was happening and where.  Mr. Roche added that there are no specific schedules in mind, but will have a recommendation in December 2007.  Mr. Smith said we also have a contract of obligation to follow.  Ms. Kelly asked how many students’ surveys were available.  Mr. Roche answered 774.  Ms. Kelly inquired about the curriculum standard.  Mr. Smith answered how teachers are using rubrics, involved with the  8-9th grade transition process, professional development time, and conversations with administrators.  Ms. Sturgis asked if NEASC response would become more outspoken should progress not be made.    Mr. Smith responded that they aren’t now, but they have talked a lot about the schedule and now they want to see how it changes.  The five year report is due in 2009.  Mr. John Gray (Stow citizen) was recognized.  He asked if the schedule was too tight.  Mr. Roche said he did think so.  Mr. Burke asked if we could have a report on the milestones. 

FY 08 Assessments

Mr. King reported to the committee that he has received the assessments.  He explained the impact of the House and Senate.  If this is the final budget approved by both houses and the Governor the base assessment may change due to minimum local aid contributions.  He explained that there is a provision in the law to allow the school committee to vote to approve new assessments.  New aid (Chapter 70) may mitigate  to some degree. 

The committee discussed how to proceed.  Mr. Wood recommended to vote as passed in March.  Mr. Wood asked if the committee thought it would be politically wise to try to get two towns to raise it on the town floor. 


Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to approve the town assessments received by the District, dated April 6, 2007.  Seconded by Tricia Kelly IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Brian Burke, Cathy Giunta, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly, David Horne  VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0)

Stow Statement of Interest - Pompositticut

Ms. Sturgis reviewed the process and explained the School Committee role. 


Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to approve the March 31, 2007 Statement of Interest for Pompositticut. Seconded by Tricia Kelly IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Brian Burke, Cathy Giunta, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly, David Horne  VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0)

Stow Statement of Interest – Center School


Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to approve the March 31, 2007 Statement of Interest for the Center School. Seconded by Tricia Kelly IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Brian Burke, Cathy Giunta, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly, David Horne VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0)


Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to adopt the resolution language for both the Pompositticut and Center Schools with edit of change for the MSBA to DOE (Department of Education) on priorities 2 and 7.

Pompositticut Resolution:

Resolved: Having convened in an open meeting on April 5, 2007, the Nashoba Regional School Committee of Bolton, Lancaster and Stow, in accordance with its charter, by-laws, and ordinances, has voted to authorize the Superintendent to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority the Statement of Interest Form dated April 10, 2007 for the Pompositticut School Located at Great Road in Stow, MA which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority category(s) for which an application may be submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future:

Priority 1 (Health & Safety): Lack of adequate emergency/fire and other safety systems; Not ADA compliant, poor air quality;

Priority 2 (Severe Overcrowding): Classrooms are below suggested sizes for early childhood students; Modulars are being used and non-classroom space has been converted to cover population needs, leaving SPED and other services to be accommodated in sub-standard spaces;

Priority 5 (Energy Efficiency): Outdated, outmoded and old systems and building;

Priority 7 (inability to meet program needs): Majority of classrooms and support spaces are significantly below DOE standards for all current programs. 

and hereby further specifically acknowledges that by submitting this Statement of Interest Form, the Massachusetts School Building Authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application, the awarding of a grant or any other funding commitment from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, or commits the Nashoba Regional School District to filing an application for funding with the Massachusetts School Building Authority.

Center School Resolution:

Resolved: Having convened in an open meeting on April 5, 2007, the Nashoba Regional School Committee of Bolton, Lancaster and Stow, in accordance with its charter, by-laws, and ordinances, has voted to authorize the Superintendent to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority the Statement of Interest Form dated April 10, 2007 for the Center School Located at Great Road in Stow, MA which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority category(s) for which an application may be submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future:

Priority 1 (Health & Safety): Lack of adequate emergency/fire and other safety systems; Asbestos hazards; poor air quality;

Priority 2 (Severe Overcrowding): Non-classroom space has been converted to cover population needs, leaving SPED and other services to be accommodated in sub-standard spaces;

Priority 5 (Energy Efficiency): Outdated, outmoded and old systems and building;

Priority 7 (inability to meet program needs): Majority of classrooms and support spaces are significantly below DOE standards for all current programs; 

and hereby further specifically acknowledges that by submitting this Statement of Interest Form, the Massachusetts School Building Authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application, the awarding of a grant or any other funding commitment from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, or commits the Nashoba Regional School District to filing an application for funding with the Massachusetts School Building Authority. 

IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Brian Burke, Cathy Giunta, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly, David Horne VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0)


Mr. Adams shared with the committee his thinking about the process to include Maynard.

1-      Should we authorize the Superintendent to provide an anlysis?

2-      Should we invite Dr. Masterson to a school committee meeting

Ms. Kelly said she would be interested in hearing from Dr. Masterson. Ms Giunta said it only appears they are interested in the high school.  Are they putting feelers out to other districts.  Mr. Govindan said if they were really serious they would have provided more information.  Ms. Sturgis said she can think of a number of reasons this would not work but as a courtesy we should invite them to a school committee meeting.  Mr. Burke said we don’t have enough information.  He suggested that they address concerns in writing and offer more information and advantages, and have them come before the committee. 


Minuteman Science and Technology Agreement (Second Reading)

Mr. Wood explained that he had been unable to connect with Minuteman representatives.  There were still questions about the new clause put in by Minuteman regarding the resolution of a situation where a town does not support the cost of the middle school teacher and program. 


Mrs. Murphy of Bolton asked the committee how to get on the agenda.

Mrs. Hopkin of Bolton addressed the committee regarding teacher assignments for fourth grade.  She said that she knows that other things that come into play; IEP’s, etc. and asked how an aide could help in 4 classrooms.



Motion moved by Brian Burke to adjourn the regular meeting of the School committee Seconded by Monica CampoBasso IN FAVOR: IN FAVOR: Ellen Sturgis, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Cathy Giunta, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly, VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (6-0)

The meeting adjourned at 9:54 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael L. Wood
