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Nashoba Regional School Committee Meeting Minutes of August 31, 2006

August 31, 2006

School Committee in Attendance:  Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Tricia Kelly, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, Laura OfNeil

Absent: Cathy Giunta, David Horne, Mel Govindan

Administration in Attendance:  Michael Wood, Superintendent of Schools, George King, Assistant Superintendent for Finance

Chair Don Adams called the meeting to order at 6:15 PM. in the Office of the Superintendent.


Ellen Sturgis made a motion to approve the minutes of June 15, 2006 as amended.  Seconded by Brian Burke.  Members made suggestions for corrections, and a motion was missing for leaving executive session so it was recommended to table

Ellen Sturgis made a motion to table the minutes, seconded by Brian Burke.  
IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso, Tricia Kelly VOTED AND PASSED (5-0). UNANIMOUS

 Letter to Mr. LeBovidge, Commissioner of Revenue
 Letter from Town of Stow regarding appointment of James Medeiros to the Audit Advisory Board
 Letter to Chief Trefry from Mr. Wood
 Administrative Retreat Agenda
 Letter from Suburban Coalition inviting the School Committee to join.

Opening Day:
Mr. Wood gave an update on the New Teacher Training Day, New Staff Orientation, the Keynote Speaker Suzanne Wintle and an inservice presentation by Norma Mann of the Middlesex District Attorneyfs Office on Internet Safety.

Status of the Buildings:
Mr. Wood reviewed the status of general maintenance and capital projects completed over the summer.

Mr. Wood reviewed the enrollment of each school noting that the district enrollment next year was up 102 students to 3374, but that this may be inflated due to high school students who may have registered at more than one high school before making a decision.  Ms. Kelly asked when add drop period ended at the high school and if the committee could be updated on the enrollments by course at that time.  Mr. Wood reported that there were only five (5) classes that had 29 or higher in a class with the largest being 32.  Mr. Wood stated that he would have further breakdown of students for the September 7th meeting.

Nashoba List Serve:
Mr. Wood introduced the list serve capability that will launched by Friday, September 8th.  This will enable parents to have regular information available through an email with one sign up at the beginning of the year.

Association Update
Mr. Wood shared that he and Mr. King met with Mr. Cullinane and that a schedule of meetings has been set and a review of possible outcomes for the Insurance Advisory Committee will include looking into a Wellness Education Program to help people understand the new plans available.  

New Math Science Lead Teacher:
Mr. Wood told the committee about the hiring of Suzanne Knight as our new Math Science Lead Teacher.

DOE Proposed Regulations on Regional School District Organization
Mr. King gave an overview of the proposed regulations and highlighted the areas that the School Committee should pay special attention to that might impact or that might be different from current district practices.  Mr. King will bring back recommendations for comments to submit to DOE before the comment period ends in October.

Strategic Action Steps
Mr. Wood reviewed the three action steps being considered by the Administration for recommendation to the school committee as part of the District Improvement Plan.  They include addressing strategies for at risk students, identifying and implementing strategies to build healthier relationships with students, and to draft standards based reporting tools for parents and students.

Ex-0fficio Report by Ms. OfNeil
Ms. OfNeil reported to the committee on recent events and activity at the high school.  
She reported on the Freshman Orientation, two new foreign exchange students and that sports teams will begin their competitions next week.

Facilities Subcommittee, by Ms. Kelly
A review of the Capital Plan was completed.

Finance Subcommittee, by Mr. Adams
The finance committee met throughout the summer to sign warrants.  The committee also has begun to develop a long range financial plan.  

Personnel Subcommittee, by Mr. Adams
Mr. Adams reported on the last meeting where a review of the current contracts has begun in preparation for future negotiations and an explanation of the Superintendentfs Review process.  He emphasized a need to get out the revenue process to the school councils before December.

Policy Subcommittee, by Ms. Kelly
The committee met twice and has been working on the Reporting to Parents Policy that is up for a first reading.  She also shared comments by Ms. Giunta regarding how the third paragraph read as to what actually was being reported the grades or a pdf of the actual document with comments.  Mr. Wood explained it was just the grade.

Nothing to report.

Stow Building Task Force (SBTF), by Ms. Sturgis
Nothing to report.

First Reading of the Reporting to Parents Policy:
Ms. Sturgis had comments regarding the first paragraph, suggested that wording regarding classroom assignment and that newsletters were still a main source of information.  

There was none.

Mr. George Dargety asked if there was a formula for predicting growth in enrollment.
Ms. Arsenault commented on the Kindergarten class sizes for morning half day in Stow.

Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to enter into Executive Session to discuss litigation strategy to include Mr. Wood and Mr. King, seconded by Monica CampoBasso.  IN FAVOR:  Tricia Kelly, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, and Monica CampoBasso.  Voted and Passed.  
Unanimous (5-0)  (The executive session took place in Mr. Kingfs office.)

Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to exit Executive Session to discuss litigation strategy to include Mr. Wood and Mr. King, seconded by Monica CampoBasso.  IN FAVOR:  Tricia Kelly, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, and Monica CampoBasso.  Voted and Passed.  
Unanimous (5-0)   8:09


Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to adjourn. Seconded by Monica CampoBasso. IN FAVOR: Tricia Kelly, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso.  VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (5-0)

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michael L. Wood
Superintendent of Schools