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Nashoba Regional School Committee Meeting Minutes of June 15, 2006

June 15, 2006

School Committee in Attendance:  Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Cathy Giunta, Tricia Kelly, Brian Burke, Mel Govindan, Laura OfNeil

Absent: Monica CampoBasso, David Horne

Administration in Attendance:  Michael Wood, Superintendent of Schools, George King, Assistant Superintendent for Finance

Chair Don Adams called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. in the Office of the Superintendent.

The committee entered into Executive Session at 6:06 p.m.

Motion moved by Cathy Giunta to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of approving minutes and to include the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent.  Seconded by Mel Govindan. IN FAVOR: Tricia Kelly, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Mel Govindan.  VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (6-0)
The committee exited Executive Session at and the regular meeting of the school committee resumed at 6:28.


Cathy Giunta made a motion to approve the minutes of June 1, 2006 as amended.  Seconded by Mel Govindan.  IN FAVOR: Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly VOTED AND PASSED (6-0). UNANIMOUS


20916/16/06VENDOR              $ 272,365.47
20926/16/06BENEFIT $ 14,610.56
20936/16/06PAYROLL $ 980,745.06

Cathy Giunta made a motion to approve the warrants as detailed in the memo dated 6/15/06 and noted above.  Seconded by Brian Burke.  IN FAVOR: Mel Govindan, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Tricia Kelly VOTED AND PASSED (6-0) UNANIMOUS

 Information regarding Virtual High School enrollment
 Letter to Police and Fire Chiefs for each district town regarding an Emergency Response Grant that the District may apply for
 Correspondence from Committee member Tricia Kelly to Chief Trefry of Stow regarding the school zone light project
 Letter from Chief Trefry responding to Tricia Kelly with regards to the school zone light project
 Letter of thanks from Donnie Allison to Mr. Wood and the School Committee
 Thank you card from the Destination Imagination Team from the Florence Sawyer School
 Email correspondence received by Cathy Giunta from Andrew Burnett regarding a Globe article about greverses Translationh

SUPERINTENDENTfS REPORT   (*This report is available on the District website)
Tri Town:
Mr. Wood told the committee that Tri Town met last week.  Topics discussed at that meeting included the leases, ideas about purchasing, energy conservation, and the H.S. track.

Introduction of Tom OfBrien, New Athletic Director:
Mr. Wood introduced Tom OfBrien, the new District Athletic Director recently hired.  Mr. OfBrien thanked Mr. Wood and told him and the committee that he was excited to begin in his new role as Athletic Director for the District.

Assistant Principal, H.S.:
Mr. Wood announced that Tracy Calo has been hired as the new full time Assistant Principal at NRHS for the 2006-2007 school year.

Retirement Event:
Mr. Wood mentioned the retirement event at the high school on June 7th, and recognized the NRSD staff who are retiring at the end of this school year.

Budget Update
Mr. Wood told the committee that there is no significant information regarding the outcome of the revenue side of the district budget and that four positions are currently on hold.  Discussion took place regarding the possibility of cutting these positions.  Ellen Sturgis raised concern over these cuts and said the committee did not vote to make these cuts.  Mr. Wood said that the committee voted to approve a budget and that it was now his job to manage the budget they approved. Cathy Giunta commented that she felt it was under Mr. Woodfs purview as superintendent to do this.  Ms. Sturgis asked if the committee would meet if cuts go beyond the four positions presently on hold.  Mr. Wood responded gyesh.  

End of Year Budget Transfers:
Mr. Wood told the committee Mr. King would have the end of the year transfers for approval later in the meeting.

Mr. Wood told the committee there were some minor changes to the lease agreements, which he said would be discussed later in the meeting.

Mr. Wood told the committee that Marianne Boswell, Director of Technology, would present the Powergrade recommendations to the committee later in the meeting.   

Stipend Review Committee and Evaluation Subcommittee
Mr. Wood told the committee the Stipend Review Committee has completed their work and in waiting for final word on approval from the Association.  He also told the committee the Evaluation Subcommittee has made progress.  He said they will be on a hiatus for the summer and will resume meeting in the early fall.

Ex-0fficio Report by Ms. OfNeil
Ms. OfNeil reported to the committee on recent events and activity at the high school.  
The annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life was held on Friday, June 2nd and Saturday, June 3rd.  Even in the pouring rain a large crowd of students, faculty, and members of the community filled the track all night long walking to raise money for cancer.

The Girlsf track teamfs season came to an end with Courtney Baker placing 8th in the 400meter race at states on June 5th.  She became only the second girl in Nashobafs history to break 60 seconds in that event.  On the 10th she competed in the New England race in New Britain, CT, placing 21st out of 36.

Also on Monday, June 5th was Senior Awards Night, at which honor cords, scholarships, and other tributes were given.  The following Thursday the senior class celebrated with Senior Banquet at Wedgewood Pines Country Club in Stow.

After all of the rain, Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day for an enlightening and touching graduation ceremony.   Co-valedictorians Scott Sacra and Donnie Allison both gave insightful, but very different speeches to their class and guests.  Scott instructed his classmates to construct delicious sandwiches with all of the ingredients of life.  Donnie urged his class to embrace beauty wherever and whenever they may find it, submerging themselves in the wondrous society surrounding them.

On Monday, the Underclassmen Awards Night was held, where a variety of honors were given to students for academic and musical achievement, effort, and citizenship, as well as scholarships and leadership and achievement book awards.

The last day of classes was on Tuesday and Final Exams end on Monday.

Facilities Subcommittee, by Ms. Kelly
Nothing to report.

Finance Subcommittee, by Ms. Giunta
Nothing to report.  

Personnel Subcommittee, by Mr. Adams
Mr. Adams announced that Mr. Wood has accepted a 5 year contract as Superintendent for the Nashoba Regional School District.  Mr. Adams told those in attendance that with four superintendents in ten years the committee recognized the need for continuity of leadership.

Policy Subcommittee, by Ms. CampoBasso
Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Stow Building Task Force (SBTF), by Ms. Sturgis
Nothing to report.

Marianne Boswell presented a PowerPoint presentation with the Powergrade recommendations of the PowerSchool Advisory Committee.  Ms. Boswell told the School Committee the Power Grade Committee recommended the following:
*Training on a District-wide level
*Specific wording on expectations for teachers inputting grades was agreed upon
*Guidelines and protocols for everyday use of PowerSchool

Ms Boswell noted that the committee split evenly on the vote regarding opening PowerGrade to parental access next year, so there was no recommendation from the committee on that point.

Discussion took place regarding Powergrade.  Mr. Al Fordiani spoke to the committee and said that there were reasons on both sides regarding the opening of Powergrade.  He told the committee there was apprehension by some teachers regarding expectation.  Mr. Fordiani told the committee that currently teachers report grades at eight different points during the course of the school year and that many teachers felt this was enough.  He also said that some teachers also felt at the high school level it is important to teach students to take responsibility and initiative regarding their work and grades.  He said that with Powergrade it would tend to take that away from the students.  

Ms. Boswell told the School Committee that with the submission of the above recommendations, the Task Force has agreed to disband.

FY06 Final Transfers:
Mr. King called the committeefs attention to the Spreadsheet with the requested end of year transfers for FY06.  

Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to approve the end of year budget transfers as outlined in the memo form George King, dated June 15, 2006, as amended. Seconded by Cathy Giunta. IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly, Brian Burke, Cathy Giunta VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (6-0)

Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to authorize the Finance Subcommittee to approve any further FY06 year end transfers that are necessary after they are emailed to the whole School Committee  Seconded by Mel Govindan. IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Mel Govindan, Tricia Kelly, Brian Burke, Cathy Giunta VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (6-0)

High School Handbook:
Mr. Wood called the committeefs attention to the high school Student Handbook Recommended Changes/Revision which was included in the eveningfs packet.  Discussion ensued regarding the recommendations.  

Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to accept the changes and modifications with consideration of our suggested changes.  Seconded by Cathy Giunta. IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Mel Govindan, Brian Burke, Cathy Giunta OPPOSED: Tricia Kelly VOTED AND PASSED. (5-1)

High School Friends of Music Donation:
Mr. Wood called the committeefs attention to a letter from the Nashoba Friends of Music in which they inform the committee of their donation of $3685.00 to the NRHS music department for the purchase of three sets of Wenger Signature choral risers.

Motion moved by Cathy Giunta to accept the donation of the risers to the Nashoba Regional High School from the Nashoba Friends of Music as noted in the letter dated June 14, 2006. Seconded by Mel Govindan.  IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Mel Govindan, Brian Burke, Cathy Giunta, Tricia Kelly VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (6-0)

Mr. Wood told the committee that some changes were suggested to the lease agreements at Tri Town.  The committee reviewed the recommended changes.  

Motion moved by Cathy Giunta to approve the leases for the towns of Bolton, Stow and Lancaster with the changes as amended for section A, section H and section L.   Seconded by Tricia Kelly. IN FAVOR: Tricia Kelly, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Mel Govindan.  VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (6-0)

Nothing to report.


Motion moved by Ellen Sturgis to adjourn. Seconded by Cathy Giunta. IN FAVOR: Tricia Kelly, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Mel Govindan.  VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (6-0)

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Linda DeStasi
Executive Assistant