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Nashoba Regional School Committee Meeting Minutes of September 7, 2006

September 7, 2006

School Committee in Attendance:  Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Cathy Giunta, Tricia Kelly, Brian Burke, Monica CampoBasso, David Horne

Absent: Mel Govindan, Laura OfNeil

Administration in Attendance:  Michael Wood, Superintendent of Schools, George King, Assistant Superintendent for Finance

Chair Don Adams called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. in the Office of the Superintendent.


27129/08/06VENDOR              $ 447,080.47
27139/08/06BENEFIT $ 14,807.55
27149/08/06PAYROLL $ 892,290.68

Cathy Giunta made a motion to approve the warrants as detailed in the memo dated 9/07/06 and noted above.  Seconded by Brian Burke.  IN FAVOR: Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso VOTED AND PASSED (5-0) UNANIMOUS


Ellen Sturgis made a motion to approve the minutes of June 15, 2006 as amended.  Seconded by Cathy Giunta.  IN FAVOR: Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso VOTED AND PASSED (5-0) UNANIMOUS


Ellen Sturgis made a motion to approve the minutes of August 31, 2006 as amended.  Seconded by Brian Burke.  IN FAVOR: Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso VOTED AND PASSED (5-0) UNANIMOUS

 gA Vision of Engineering and Science Education  at Nashoba Regional High Schoolh, by Alan Levin III was distributed to committee members
 Strategic Plan notes

Opening of School
Mr. Wood told the committee that the opening of school on September 5th went very well throughout the district.  He reported that the district buildings looked wonderful and that everything was organized.  He also told the committee that there were only two small transportation issues which were easily and quickly rectified.

Enrollment Analysis
Mr. Wood reported that the student enrollment is currently at 3349.  This number includes 53 school choice students, which Mr. Wood said was up 17 students from last year.

Committee member Ellen Sturgis commented that the high school AP Science class has 30 students.  However, the lab only accommodates 24 students.  Committee member Cathy Giunta added there was also a high school Biology class which seemed larger than expected.  Mr. Wood said he would look at this and report back to the committee.  

Committee member Brian Burke reminded Mr. Wood THAT Ms. Kelly had asked if the committee could be updated on the enrollment numbers after the add/drop period at the September 21st School Committee meeting.  Mr. Wood agreed.

Cathy Giunta asked about the Strategic Plan notes which were included in the eveningfs packet.  Mr. Wood told the committee that these were notes compiled by administrators at the Leadership Retreat, which was held during the summer on August 14th and 15th.  Mr. Wood gave a brief overview of the notes.  He said the notes would be worked on administratively this September and that he would report back to the committee with the results of this work.

Ex-0fficio Report by Ms. OfNeil
Nothing to report.

Facilities Subcommittee, by Ms. Kelly
Nothing to report.

Finance Subcommittee, by Ms. Giunta
Nothing to report.  

Personnel Subcommittee, by Mr. Adams
Nothing to report.

Policy Subcommittee, by Ms. Kelly
Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Stow Building Task Force (SBTF), by Ms. Sturgis
Nothing to report.

Deficit Bond Note Refinancing:
Mr. King gave an overview of the Bond Anticipation Note refinancing.  He told the committee there were five bids on the bond and that a copy of the results was included in the committeefs meeting packet, along with a letter from Charlotte Noponen, District Treasurer, explaining the rollover for the Deficit BAN borrowing.  Mr. King said First Southwest was awarded the borrowing for the rollover of the Deficit BAN for $2, 240,000. at a rate of 4.5 percent on September 14, 2006 to September 14, 2007, with a premium of $20,884.60.  Mr. King told the committee this resulted in a net interest rate of 3.6370 percent, with the interest due at maturity of $108,900.  Committee member Brian Burke mentioned the issue of conflict of interest and it was agreed that more information regarding this issue would be given to the committee.

Motion moved by Brian Burke to approve the sale of a $2,420,000 4.5 percent State Qualified Bond Anticipation Note of the district dated September 14, 2006, and payable September 14, 2007, to First Southwest Company at par and accrued interest plus a premium of $20,884.60. Seconded by Cathy Giunta.  Further Voted: that the consent to the financial advisor bidding for the note, as executed prior to the bidding for the note, is hereby confirmed.  IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Brian Burke, Cathy Giunta, Monica CampoBasso, David Horne  VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (6-0)

School Committee Self Evaluation:
Pat Correira, MASC Field Service Representative, presented her thoughts of the committeefs Self Evaluation.  Ms. Correira told the committee overall the results were very good.  She told the committee to keep doing things as they are and added that there are not many areas they needed to improve on.  She said that with the proper workshops they would be able to overcome the perceived areas of concern.  She suggested the committee keep asking questions when they are not sure, revisit the Strategic Plan and told the committee to remember they will accomplish more when they function as a committee rather than as individuals.  

Stow citizen, Mr. George Dagarty, asked if he could address the committee.  Chair Don Adams and Ms. Correira agreed.  Mr. Dagarty commented that he had done similar evaluations in the past as part of quality assurance for Raytheon.  He added that it did not seem appropriate to use input from newer committee members.  Chair, Don Adams, thanked Mr. Dagarty for his input and said the committee had done a similar self evaluation two years ago and the purpose of the committee conducting this self evaluation again was to see where they may have improved and also areas where they could improve.

Town of Bolton, Florence Sawyer School Audit:
Mr. Wood reported to the committee that the Town of Bolton was being audited and they have requested a formal vote to accept the Florence Sawyer School Construction project.

Motion moved by Cathy Giunta to accept the Florence Sawyer School construction project for school purposes. Seconded by Monica CampoBasso.  IN FAVOR: Don Adams, Ellen Sturgis, Brian Burke, Cathy Giunta, Monica CampoBasso, David Horne, Tricia Kelly VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0)

Nothing to Report

Committee member Tricia Kelly commented about the increase in cost of food at the high school snack bar.  Ms. Kelly told the committee the price of school lunch had not gone up this year and students have complained about the increase prices at the snack bar and added that students said they feel forced into buying lunch.  Mr. Wood said that school lunch did increase in cost last year and this year there was an increase in cost of the snack items offered at the snack bar.  Discussion continued regarding the cost of snack bar items and Chair, Don Adams, asked Mr. Wood for an analysis of this issue in the next Superintendentfs Report.  

Stow citizen, George Dagarty, asked the committee if the Science and Engineering courses offered at the high school were new this year. Mr. Wood replied that the district is expanding Science and Engineering at the high school and that some of the courses were new this year.  He added that the committee had received an informational packet from Mr. Alan Levin III, in which he discusses the future of Science and Engineering at the high school.  

Mr. Dagarty also asked if the bus company was responsible for setting student bus stops.  Mr. Wood replied that the bus company was responsible for setting the student pick up and drop off locations.  Mr. Wood added that the district implemented more cluster stops several years ago, with the exception of kindergarten student stops, who he said are picked up and dropped off at their home whenever possible.  

Motion moved by Cathy Giunta to enter into Executive Session. Seconded by Ellen Sturgis. IN FAVOR: Tricia Kelly, Cathy Giunta, Don Adams, Brian Burke, Ellen Sturgis, Monica CampoBasso, David Horne  VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (7-0)

The committee entered into Executive Session at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Linda DeStasi
Executive Assistant