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School Committee Agenda 11/01/2007
Nashoba Regional School Committee[Marker]

November 1, 2007

6:00 p.m.

Office of the Superintendent

50 Mechanic Street, Bolton, MA 01740

There will be a Finance Subcommittee meeting at 5:30 p.m. for the purposes of reviewing warrants.

I.      Call to Order

II.     Approval of the Warrant for November 2, 2007

III.    Approval of the Minutes for October 18, 2007

IV.     Correspondence

V.      Superintendent’s Report

VI.     Sub Committee Reports

A.      Student Representative

B.      Facilities

C.      Finance

D.      Policy

E.      Personnel

F.      SPED PAC

G.      ESBC

H.      CCC

VII.    New Business

A.      Pompo Grant

B.      First reading Policies

i.      Class Size

ii.     Entrance Age

iii.    Email Etiquette

C.      Collaborative Discussion

D.      Private School Acceptance

i.      Dr. Franklin Perkins School

ii.     Steppingstones School, Inc.

VIII.   Old Business

X.      Citizen Comments

XI.     Adjournment