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Trustees 02/2009
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting, February 9, 2009
Temporary quarters

6:00 p.m.
Present: Bob Zak, Roland Ochsenbein, Chris Sterling
Also Present: Kelly Collins

Agenda Items:

The minutes of the January 5th 2009 meeting were approved.

FY10 Budget:
Roland suggested meeting with one of the members of the Advisory Committee to get a sense of where they are at, and to find out their concerns. The trustees should be prepared with more rationale behind the numbers and also be prepared to explain the impact of possible reductions. For FY10, Kelly made cuts to staff hours while in the temporary quarters. She also supplied the budgets of three similar libraries for comparison purposes. We will need to find out how many phone lines will be needed in the new building, and if alarm and elevator phones can be shared with regular lines. Kelly will work on determining how many personnel will be needed to adequately staff the new building. We will also need to find which department’s budget will include the cost of custodial services.

The town has requested that the building budget be reduced to include only the cash received by the Capital Campaign, since the town hopes to save approximately $10K by bonding earlier, and locking into a lower rate. The LCC will work on identifying which items will be cut. The committed allotment on the well has been overspent. The overage will come from the Public Safety Building budget.

The trustees will need to start working on policies for the new building.

The next meeting will be Monday, March 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the temporary quarters.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                                            Roland Ochsenbein                     Christine Sterling