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Minutes, March 2010
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting March 1st,  2010, 6:00 p.m.
Bolton Public Library

Present: Bob Zak, Chris Sterling
Also present: Kelly Collins

Agenda Items:

The minutes of the January 23rd and January 25th minutes were approved.

Director’s Report:
Circulation for February was 4,690, slightly better than 2008, even with the library not opening until almost the second week in February. Applications have been coming in to reserve the program room; several will be discussed at the trustees’ meeting. The search for a Children’s Librarian drew 11 applications, lower than expected. Four of the applicants will be interviewed the week of March 1. The furnace malfunctioned between 2/23 and 2/24. The Bolton FD was called, detected elevated CO levels, and closed the building. It was determined that the flame-throwing part of the furnace had burned up and needed to be replaced. On Monday March 1 the furnace was once again not functioning. A technician was called. Outside lighting still needs to be fine tuned, including changing the color temperature.

Meeting Room:
Since Roland was not present, a proposal from the Garden Club for use of the room was tabled. A request from the US Census Bureau was tentatively approved, pending input from Roland. A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Chris and passed unanimously to allow the Bolton Lions Club to use the parking lot on three Sundays (3/14, 3/21 and 3/28 for their citrus sale. There was also a request by the Friends of the Bolton Public Library to use the room for candidates’ night. The trustees felt that this should occur on a weekday that the library was open, rather than the traditional Monday night.

Bolton Afghan:
The library received a request from Jo Edmunds to display the Bolton Afghan in the library. This is a fund raiser for the Friends of the Bolton Seniors. The trustees suggested hanging it from the balcony in the History Room, but only for a limited time.

Computer Instruction:
Peggy Kuehne made a request to use multiple PCs in the library for computer classes for seniors. The trustees felt that one-on-one instruction would be acceptable, but was not in favor of tying up multiple computers.

Final Grant Forms:      
Bob signed off on the final building grant forms.

The nest meeting will be Monday, April 5th at 6 p.m. at the library.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                      Roland Ochsenbein                       Christine Sterling