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Law Committee Minutes 4-29-10
Law Committee                           Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
April 29, 2010                                          Stanley Wysocki
                                                                Wendy Rogers
                                                                Mark Slade
                     Don Lowe, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Law Committee met at 5:00 p.m. to interview legal firms that responded to the request for proposal for Town Counsel services in Bolton.

The Law Committee interviewed the following firms:

5:00 p.m. - Mirick O’Connell from Worcester (Attorneys Demitrios Moschos, Stephen Madaus and Corey Higgins); 5:30 p.m. - Murphy, Hesse, Toomey and Lehane with offices in Quincy, Boston and Springfield (Attorneys Robert Mangiaratti and Attorney Michael Lehane); and 6:00 p.m. - Brackett and Lucas from Worcester (Attorney Gary Brackett);

Aside from the issues with the last town meeting Mr. Lowe stated that Brackett and Lucas have been very responsive and provides very good sound advice in a timely manner. He pointed out that he likes the fact that when he calls for a quick question from Brackett and Lucas he finds that we are not billed for this time.  The labor issue relative to the library was handled in a satisfactory manner with no repercussions.   Mr. Lowe recommended that the Law Committee appoint Brackett and Lucas as municipal law counsel.  Given the fact that the Town of Bolton is approaching their first union contract with the call firefighters and Brackett and Lucas did not have experience with call firefighter negotiations, Mr. Lowe recommended that Mirick O’Connell be appointed as labor law counsel.  Ms. Rogers recommended that Mirick O’Connell be appointed as both municipal and labor law counsel while the other members were willing to leave it status quo – with Brackett and Lucas representing the town for municipal law and Mirick O’Connell representing the town for labor law.    Mr. Slade stated that the continuity and the fact that the fees were less, outweighed what Mirick O’Connell would bring to the table and therefore recommended Brackett and Lucas for municipal law and Mirick O’Connell for labor law.  Mr. Wysocki also recommended that the Town continue with Brackett and Lucas as municipal law counsel and Mirick O’Connell as labor law counsel.  

Mr. Troup was also concerned that the Selectmen may be criticized for going with a firm with higher fees without justification.  Mr. Slade suggested that Mr. Lowe request the financial data on the legal expenses from the Town of Boylston who is represented by the law firm of Mirick O’Connell.  The Committee agreed to defer their decision to the next meeting on Thursday, May 6, 2010.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.