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Insurance Advisory Committee Minutes June 10, 2006
Insurance Advisory Committee minutes taken by:~ Vincent Alfano

Insurance Advisory Committee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present:   Vin Alfano X
Date: June 10, 2006~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    Nathaniel Berry X
Barbara Brown X
Diane Coolidge
Joanne Jenkins X
Michael Murphy X
Marcia Prucha X
YvetteWashington~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Insurance Advisory Committee met at 10 a.m. at the Town
The meeting was adjourned at 11.05 a.m.
Discussion:~~~~~~~~~~ There are currently 9 retirees on the Town health plan. The Town currently pays 70% of health costs, with the employees/retirees contributing 30%.~ Vin Alfano stressed that any review of the current plan must take into consideration the morale issue among current employees and retirees. Employees and retirees are satisfied with the town’s current plans, all of which are good plans, and well liked Joanne Jenkins stated that the plan the Town currently has is better than “Plan D,” and that 32 other towns are in the Group Policy with us. If the Town adopts “plan D’” it may save the Town a small amount of money up front, but will cost the retirees more. Barbara Brown added that prior to 1986, Town employees did not pay into Medicare, as they do now. Barbara suggested that we poll current retirees, and see if they would be interested in switching to the Medicare plan. She also suggested we explore the option if the Town can offer retirees a choice of plans, rather than forcing them to go on a single plan. Joanne Jenkins stated that it is the intent of making the retirees “whole’” and not costing them any money out of pocket if the Town changes plans. Marcia Prucha also liked the idea of surveying retirees to see which plan they liked the best. Vin Alfano reminded committee members that they must be sworn in at the Town Clerk’s Office. Mike Murphy suggested that we be given a crash course in the various insurance plans available, so all committee members were on a level playing field insurance knowledge wise. All agreed, and Marcia Prucha and Joanne Jenkins, being the most knowledgeable on the topic agreed to present this at the next meeting. Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 18th at 10am, Lower Town Hall. (Note, this meeting was cancelled due to illness, and rescheduled to same time and location on Tuesday, August 8th. Motion to adjourn made by Marcia Prucha at 11.05 a.m., seconded by Vin Alfano.