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Historical Commission Minutes 02-15-17
Bolton Historical Commission
Meeting Minutes ~ February 15, 2017
Attending Members: Martha Remington, Robert Busch, Jeannemarie Padovano, Alice Coggeshall, Bill Nickles
Guest: Stacey Haponik
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.
  • Minutes from 2.1.2017 were approved.  
  • Updates:
  • Town Hall Portico – No new update
  • Web page corrections – 14 missing pages have been restored, however, it seems that there are now 4 or 5 pages from the following section missing.  B. Busch will check with the information that he has previously downloaded.
  • 401 Main Street – A hearing is scheduled for 2.28.17 at 7pm.  
  • Demo List – M. Remington reports that the inspection of the  new list is going smoothly.
  • Mail – Historic NE magazine was received.
  • Budget FY17 – D. Lowe has requested a list of the signs and bollards that need repair in order to ensure that this expenditure doesn’t come solely out of the BHC budget.
  • Address List  TOBHPS – B. Busch experimented with a mock up of the list.  It was decided that each BHC member will transcribe info on one street to be cross checked by another BHC member for accuracy.
  • BHC gmail - B. Nickles has set up a BHC gmail account in an effort to stream line BHC information and documents.
  • New Topics:
  • First Parish Church Plaque – Michael Grabik at First Parish would like to have information and a mock up of the plaque for the church for their board meeting.  J. Padovano will create the mock up and verify the cost both for the church and for the parsonage.
  • Hanson Cabin Memorial - the small hunting cabin at the intersection of Green Rd. & Nourse Rd. was destroyed this winter. The Cabin was a memorial to Bill Sullivan (FBI agent under JE Hoover who was shot in a hunting accident) and the BHC will discuss the possibility of a more permanent memorial.
  • House on the corner of Mechanic St. & Main St. has recently been re-sided.
Meeting adjourned at 7:24 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for March 1, 2017

Respectfully Submitted,
Jeannemarie Padovano