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Historical Committee Minutes 01-04-17
Bolton Historical Commission                                                    1/4/2017    6:05
Attending:      M. Remington, A. Coggeshall, R. Busch, W. Nickles
Absent: J. Padovano

1.)  Minutes:  No minutes were available for review.

2.)  Updates:

  • Town Hall portico:  Harold Brown has seen the memo from the BHC regarding work on the portico, and will be in touch with the Massachusetts Historical Commission.  The next step should be to issue RFP’s for an engineering and architectural study.
  • ARS update on web site:  This is still outstanding, so Bob Busch will follow up with the Town’s web master.
  • 401 Main St.:  There will be a hearing with the Board of Appeals in regard to development on this property on Tues. 1/10/17.  Location to be determined.
  • BHC budget, FY 17-18:  The budget was approved by the Advisory Committee at their meeting yesterday evening.  There were some initial questions about the shift of money from advertising to services, which were answered.  (The Commission no longer pays for the legal notices required before formal hearings.)
  • Center NRHD signs:  The question was raised as to whether the Town’s insurance, rather than the BHC budget, should pay for repairs to the damaged signs.  This issue would have to be taken up with the Town Administrator.
  • Pan NRHD application: Clarifications, corrections and revisions
requested by the Massachusetts Historical Commission early in 2016 have been completed and resubmitted to that Commission.

3.)  Administrivia:

Mail received:  MHC notice of grants, to be forwarded to DPW; acknowledgments of BHS and Historic New England memberships.

4.)  New Topics:

- Town Hall attic storage: The Commission will inspect the attic at 5:30 before its next meeting (1/18/17).
- The post-holiday party will be the first weekend in February.

Respectfully submitted:  Alice Coggeshall                               Meeting adjourned 6:55
Next scheduled meeting:  1/18/2017