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Board of Health Minutes February 12, 2013
Meeting Held at the Houghton Building on February 12, 2013 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair and Christopher Rogers, Member
Not Present:            Laura Andrews, Clerk
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:  6:36pm

Minutes reviewed for 1/22/13:
  • C. Rogers moved to approve the minutes of 1/22/13, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
Mail Reviewed:

  • 44 Corn Rd., Rogers – finish basement. Room count.
  • Board reviewed room sketch and determined a room count of 9 including the finished basement.
  • 4 Bedroom system, no bedroom deed restriction required. B. Brookings signed.
  • 184 Hudson Rd., Dubois – finish basement. Room count.
  • Board reviewed room sketch and determined a room count of 11 including the finished basement.
  • 5 bedroom system, no bedroom deed restriction required. B. Brookings signed.
  • 357 Main St., Skinner – status of septic and Public Water Supply.
  • B. Brookings wanted the Board to be aware that the septic has never been signed off, long sewer line restriction is not in place and the public water supply has issues with DEP.
  • M. Carlisle to find out who the broker is and let them know about the outstanding issues.
  • Groundwater season dates.
  • Board decided on March 15 - April 15 for those not using mottling.
  • Single lot systems at Century Mill Estates.
  • B. Brookings has 5 or 6 single lot system permits that are active. He wants to know if he can void the single lot permits.
  • Board said that when a shared lot system permit is signed, the single lot system permit is voided. Single lot permits were never paid for because the intention was clear that the single lot systems would never be built.
  • 151 Kettle Hole, Lussier – indoor wood burning furnace.
  • B. Brookings stated that the applicant now wants to put an indoor unit in his attached garage. State said he can't do that. B. Brookings will let the applicant know.
  • Review language from Planning regarding the Compact Housing Overlay District (CHOD)
  • Board reviewed the proposed language and made minor changes.
  • M. Carlisle to let Planning know of the changes.
  • Set a date for the Mosquito Forum.
  • Board decided on April 23rd at 7:30pm at the Library.
  • M. Carlisle to schedule the library if it's available.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 326 Long Hill Rd., Weinfurt – remodel kitchen & bath. B. Brookings signed 1/18/13
  • 347 S. Bolton Rd., Tattersall – renovate 1st floor and finish basement. B. Brookings signed 1/25/13.
  • 115 Drumlin Hill, Winiarski – basement remodel. B. Brookings signed 1/25/13.
  • 373 S. Bolton Rd., Beyranevaud – finish basement. B. Brookings signed 1/28/13.
  • 37 Mill Pond, St. Martin – inground pool. B. Brookings signed 1/28/13.
  • 97 Forbush Mill, Town of Bolton/Verizon Wireless – add antennas to cell tower. B. Brookings signed 2/1/13.
  • 41 Frye Rd., Sartori – re-finish basement due to water damage. B. Brookings signed 2/1/13.
  • 22 Laurel Rd., Wallace - remodel bathroom. B. Brookings signed 2/12/13.
  • 258 Harvard Rd., lot 1, Churchill - new single family home. B. Brookings signed 2/12/13.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • Lot 1 Harvard Rd., Smith/Churchill - permit transfer. Move to next agenda.
  • Lots 54A, 55A&56A Cider Circle – Old Stone Estates – revised plan.
  • 175 Main St., Zelenkov – upgrade and local variances.
  • B. Brookings reviewed the requests with the Board.
  • C. Rogers moved to approve the variance request to local regulation and the local upgrade approval, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 236 Sawyer Rd., Hartwell – distribution box permit. Board approved.
Inspections reviewed:
  • 2 Chase St., Bemis – Title 5.
  • Reviewed water quality results - Board approved.
  • Tank needs to be replaced. Conditional pass.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 236 Sawyer Rd., Hartwell – Title 5.
  • Water softener and dehumidifier are tied to the septic system and need to be removed.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 266 Long Hill Rd., Sutkowski – Title 5. Board approved.
  • 53 Whitcomb Rd., Sullivan - Title 5. Board approved.
7:00 7:15 p.m.        Nabil Roufail, 626 Main Street septic system.
  • The Board invited the property owner of 626 Main Street, Nabil Roufail, to attend this meeting so they could discuss Mr. Roufail’s septic system, which is currently in failure.
  • Nabil Roufail appeared before the Board to discuss allowing occupancy in the building while the system is in failure.
  • C. Rogers explained the enforceable agreement and that there are people coming before the Board to ask if they can occupy the building and run a business, but the Board hasn't seen any information regarding an upgrade design.
  • B. Brookings explained that in the old hair salon where the barber shop is proposed, has one sink tied to the tight tank and one sink tied to the failed system.
  • C. Slade explained that the State says that existing businesses can stay on a failed system, but you shouldn't add flow until the system is upgraded.
  • C. Rogers pointed out that no one knows exactly what systems are there. He suggested that Mr. Roufail hire someone to find out what systems are on the property.
7:15 7:30 p.m.        Conservation Trust regarding the former Smith Property.
  • Bob Roemer, Dick Heaton and Liz Schoepler of the Conservation Trust and Brandon Ducharme appeared before the Board to discuss the different options for the property formerly known as the Smith Property.
  • C. Slade discussed the Board's desire to have a septic system that could help other properties on Main Street.
  • Bob Roemer went over the five different options they have developed.
  • Some testing was done and it doesn't appear to be as contaminated as they thought.
  • The Trust is waiting to hear if they have been awarded the EPA Grant they applied for to remediate the property.
  • Brandon reviewed each option with the Board.
  • C. Slade stated that as a Board, they are concerned about the septic and well and meeting Title 5.
C. Rogers moved to adjourn the Board of Health meeting at 9:05 pm, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.