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Board of Health Minutes January 8, 2013
Meeting Held at the Houghton Building on January 8, 2013 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair, Christopher Rogers, Member and Laura Andrews, Clerk
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:  6:32 pm

Minutes reviewed for 12/11/12:
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the minutes of 12/11/12, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
Mail Reviewed:

  • Sign Tobacco licenses. Board signed license for Bolton Country Cupboard.
  • 626 Main St., Salt Box – Khaled Ibrahim request to run a barber shop.
  • Kevin Santos appeared before the Board on behalf of his client Khaled Ibrahim.
  • DEP states that no additional occupancy should be allowed until the system has been upgraded.
  • C. Rogers asked if Khaled has spoken to the property owner. Kevin Santos stated no.
  • C. Slade reviewed the Title 5 Regulations and the requirement that the system be upgraded.
  • L. Andrews stated that the Doggie Daycare was approved because if the system was unable to be used, they could survive using porta potties. A barber shop could not.
  • The Board’s general conclusion is that no additional businesses be granted occupancy until the system is upgraded.
  • Board would like to invite the property owner in to discuss upgrading the system.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • L. Andrews moved to deny the proposed use of the barber shop in the Salt Box at 626 Main Street, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 3/0.
  • Landfill Monitoring report from Northeast Geoscience, Inc.
  • Board reviewed the report.
  • M. Carlisle explained that two monitoring wells were broken. Joel Frisch stated he could have them repaired and it won’t affect the budget.
  • 350 Berlin Rd., Crowley – well variance.
  • Existing home with well that is not providing enough water.
  • Looking to drill a new well and need a property line variance to the adjacent lot that they own.
  • Board approved.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 125 Harvard Rd. lot 4, Rockel/Jackson – well variance.
  • Brandon Ducharme appeared on behalf of his client, T. Bedrosian, who is now the new owner, to discuss using the existing well on the property.
  • Water quality test was done and came back clean (no VOCs).
  • Existing well will be 16.8 feet away from the new proposed foundation. Local Regulation requires 20 feet. Well will be raised above grade with boulders around it as a barrier.
  • B. Brookings signed building application.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • C. Rogers motion to accept the well variance request, L. Andrews 2nd.  All in favor 3/0.
  • 134 Vaughn Hill Rd., Evans – water quality test.
  • B. Brookings stated the water quality test of the existing well showed that the arsenic level is just above the allowed limit therefore, not potable.
  • New system is being put in to sell the house. Now requires a Certificate of Compliance (COC).
  • C. Rogers suggested that they can remediate before the COC is issued or place notice in deed that the arsenic exceeds the allowable limit.
  • B. Brookings also stated that if they get two consecutive retests below limit, Board can issue the COC.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 442 Main St., Cole – water quality test, nitrate just below limit.
  • B. Brookings stated that this property had three cesspools and therefore must test the well annually.
  • The most recent test showed a nitrate level just below the level.
  • Board stated to send the property owner a letter to bring it to his attention.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 132 Century Mill Rd., Gabrielle – water quality test.
  • Water quality test wasn’t taken by B. Brookings, which the Board requires, but the test came back clean.
  • Board accepts the results.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • The Winery – DEP Public Water Supply.
  • B. Brookings stated that DEP was conducting their regular inspections and noticed the pavilion. As it turns out, it’s a legally permitted pole barn that took the place of renting tents.
  • Central Mass Mosquito Control Project Article for May Warrant.
  • Board reviewed the language for the Mosquito Article.
  • Annual Report 2012.
  • C. Slade to work on language for the report.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 151 Kettle Hole Rd., Lussier – outdoor wood burning furnace. B. Brookings signed 12/14/12 – ON HOLD.
  • B. Brookings realized that the furnace doesn’t meet the offsets. Stack height would have to be over 60 feet which is unrealistic.
  • Property owner is now considering an indoor unit which will be housed in a detached shed.
  • Board approved.
  • 20 Cider Cr., Lot 58A Old Stone Estates – new single family home. B. Brookings signed 12/12/12.
  • 120 Meadow Rd., Slater – Barn/caretaker accessory apartment. B. Brookings signed 12/21/12.
  • 188 Annie Moore Rd., Lewis – deck. B. Brookings signed 12/28/12.
  • 29 Mill Pond Rd., Old Stone Estates – finish attic and expand kitchen. B. Brookings signed 12/28/12.
  • Lot 56A Cider Circle, Old Stone Estates – New single family home. B. Brookings signed 12/28/12.
  • 14 South Bolton Rd., Iwamoto – repair existing deck. B. Brookings signed 1/8/13.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • 32 Harvard Rd., Cote – redesigned upgrade permit.
  • Board reviewed the new plan which is a Presby. Existing well is a drilled well and they will be using it.
  • Board approved.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • Lots 12A, 16B & 23 Oak Trail – septic extensions.
  • B. Brookings stated that our interpretation of the Extension Act means 7 years from the date of issue.
  • Lot 12A is looking for a total of 8 years from date of issue. Board considers it expired.
  • Lot 16B is looking for a total of 8 years from date of issue. Board considers it expired.
  • Lot 23 was acknowledged with a COC of April 25, 2013.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 84 Sampson Rd., Clark – sewer line permit.
  • Board approved the new sewer line permit.
  • Lots 54A, 55A&56A, Old Stone Estates – system redesign, revised permit.
  • Brandon Ducharme appeared before the Board on behalf of his client to discuss the new design.
  • B. Brookings had no issues.
  • Board approved.
  • Brandon Ducharme asked the Board to sign the Escrow paperwork. Board signed.
  • 283 Long Hill Rd., Blanchette/Rourke – permit transfer.
  • Transfer permit to change the owners name and stated the new expiration date of 1/9/2014.
  • Lot 1 Harvard Rd., Smith/Churchill - permit transfer. Move to next agenda.
  • 29 Mill Pond Rd., Old Stone Estates – tank relocation permit.
  • Brandon Ducharme appeared before the Board on behalf of his client to discuss the new design of the addition which means the tanks would need to be relocated.
  • B. Brookings had no issues.
  • Board approved.
Inspections reviewed:
  • 285 Main St., Grellmann – Title 5. Board approved.
  • 265 Sawyer Rd., D’Anello – Title 5. Board approved.
L. Andrews moved to adjourn the Board of Health meeting at 7:47pm, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor 3/0.