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Board of Health Minutes October 9, 2012
Meeting Held at the Houghton Building on October 9, 2012 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair, Laura Andrews, Clerk and Christopher Rogers, Member
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:   6:33pm

Minutes reviewed for 9/25/12:
  • C. Rogers moved to approve the minutes of 9/25/12, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 3/0.
Mail Reviewed:

  • Century Mill Estates Nitrogen Aggregate Loading Plan and DEP approved shared systems.
  • Nitrogen Aggregate Loading Plan has been recorded.
  • The following shared system permit was signed by the Board:
  • Lots 54A, 55A&56A
  • Board signed the shared system septic for these lots.
  • The following shared system permits were NOT signed by the Board:
  • Lots 57B, 58A&59A and 60A, 61A&62B
  • Discrepancy between bedroom counts on the DEP approved shared system letters and the DEP approved Nitrogen Aggregate Loading Plan.
  • Lot lines were changed for 57A and 62A which are now lots 57B and 62B. DEP approval is for the lot lines that were approved and recorded as 57A and 62A.
  • Board will not sign shared septic system permits for these lots.
  • B. Brookings informed the Board that a gentleman inquired about having a barber shop in the area of the building where there used to be a hair salon. He stated he didn’t want to use the tight tank that serviced the hair salon because it cost too much to pump out. He would like to have one sink linked to the septic system and one sink linked to the tight tank.
  • DEP Public Water Supply is currently a non-conforming pre-existing water supply.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 271 Ballville Rd., Muldowney – deck, renovate kitchen & bath. B. Brookings signed 9/21/12.
  • 73 Pondside Dr., Foley – finish basement. B. Brookings signed 9/21/12.
  • 19 Whitcomb Rd., Dutcher – new single family home. B. Brookings signed 10-2-12.
  • 46 Meadow Rd., Jafrey – add carport roof. B. Brookings signed 10-4-12.
  • 59 Danforth Ln., Birtwell – finish a portion of the basement. B. Brookings reviewed at this meeting and signed 10-9-12.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • Septic Extension requests for lots: 17A, 18A, 19, 21, 28, 29 & 34 Oak Trail, under the Permit Extension Act.
  • Board approved.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 45 Sampson Rd., Donahue – Distribution Box permit. Board approved.
  • 305 Long Hill Rd., Collins – upgrade permit.
  • Board reviewed the plan for the upgrade. Variance free.
  • Original system has a garbage grinder. That will need to be removed.
  • Board signed permit, but plan needs to be revised before B. Brookings will release the permit.
Inspections reviewed:
  • 77 Bolton Woods Way, Nichols – Title 5. Board approved.
  • 45 Sampson Rd., Donahue – Title 5. Board approved since permit was issued to replace the Distribution Box.
7:00 – 7:15 p.m.        Tom Geagan – 626 Main Street, request for a restaurant
  • Tom Geagan did not appear for discussion.
L. Andrews moved to adjourn the Board of Health meeting at 7:15pm, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 3/0.