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Board of Health Minutes April 10, 2012
Meeting Held at the Houghton Building on April 10, 2012 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair and Laura Andrews, Clerk
Member Not Present:     Christopher Rogers, Member
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:   6:31 pm

Minutes reviewed for 3/27/12:
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the minutes of 3/27/12, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
Mail Reviewed:
  • 166 Vaughn Hill Rd. – release of #2 heating oil from a leaking above ground oil tank. DEP’s jurisdiction.
  • Board reviewed the Solar Plan for 125 Still River Road at the request of the Planning Board. Meeting is tomorrow night. Board has no comment/issue.
  • Sign Swine & Offal licenses. Board signed.
  • 175 Fox Run Rd., Peters – outdoor hydronic heater.
  • Mr. Peters appeared before the Board to discuss installing an outdoor wood burning boiler.
  • Board reviewed the plans and the DEP regulations.
  • B. Brookings stated it meets all the offset requirements.
  • The unit Mr. Peters is using is a phase two and on the EPA approved list.
  • L. Andrews asked what is the recourse if something other than wood is burned and it causes a bad smell. B. Brookings stated it would fall under the BOH Nuisance Regulation.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the location and installation of the central boiler E-Classic 3200 that meets all offset requirements as presented, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
  • 689 Main St., Bolton Cracker Barrel – abandoned well. Move to next agenda.
  • Habitat for Humanity in Sterling.
  • Bolton residents are eligible.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 57 Hudson Rd., Sargent – Demolition of structure. Bill signed 3/20/12.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • 476 Main Street, The Country Cupboard – upgrade permit.
  • Frank Chiodo appeared before the Board to review the plans for an upgrade.
  • L. Andrews moved to accept the reduction in offset to property line to 11 feet and the plans as presented, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
  • 29 Ledgewood Circle, lot 25, Kendall Homes – permit extension.
  • Chuck Black appeared before the Board to request the extension.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the extension under the Permit Extension Act, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
  • Lot 26 Oak Trail, Lafreniere – redesign permit.
  • Mr. Lafreniere appeared before the Board with a new septic plan. Board reviewed.
  • C. Slade moved to accept the redesign, L. Andrews 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
  • B. Brookings stated there is an issue with Mr. Lafreniere pulling a Foundation only permit because it needs to be signed by the Board of Health per the Building Inspector. B. Brookings is hesitant to sign without building plans and proof of potable water.
  • Board approved Bill signing the application for the foundation only clearly stating it is at the applicant’s risk. Bill signed.
  • Lot 31 Oak Trail, Catalano – redesign permit.
  • B. Brookings reviewed the redesign plans with the Board. Requires a long sewer line inspection by homeowner.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 108 W. Berlin Rd., MacAloney – Distribution box permit. Board approved.
Inspections reviewed:
  • 244 Harvard Rd., Holloway – Title 5. Approved.
  • 69 Kettle Hole Rd., Topalion – Title 5. Approved.
  • 57 Hudson Rd., Sargent – Title 5. Missing the water test.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter requesting it.
  • 59 Danforth Lane, Carter – Title 5. Approved.
  • 108 W. Berlin Rd., MacAloney – Title 5. Approved.
  • 53 Woobly Rd., Smith – Title 5. Approved.
  • 683/689 Main St., Bolton Cracker Barrel – Title 5. Move to next agenda.
7:00 – 7:15 p.m.        Bruce Slater, Slater’s – external grease trap.
  • Mr. Slater appeared before the Board to request an extension to his May 15th deadline to install an external grease trap. He is requesting a 6 month extension bringing the deadline to November 15, 2012.
  • C. Slade stated he is inclined to approve the extension as long as nothing additional is done. The external grease trap is to protect Mr. Slater’s own system. There is no risk to the public.
  • B. Brookings requested a formal request in writing from Mr. Slater.
  • Move to next agenda. Once Board receives a formal letter, they will approve at their next meeting.
B. Brookings stated he received a variance request for a septic upgrade at 476 Main Street. Requesting 10 feet from property line instead of 15 feet. Board reviewed and approved the request.

B. Brookings informed the Board that he received a trash complaint regarding 557 Wattaquadock Hill Road. It’s clear that they are doing some cleaning there it’s just taking some time to do it. B. Brookings to send a letter.

B. Brookings stated he had a plan from Century Mill Estates for an irrigation well. DEP’s concern is that when that particular lot is owned by a private party, who is responsible for maintaining the irrigation well? Board doesn’t believe that issue falls under the Board of Health and approved the plan.

L. Andrews moved to adjourn the Board of Health meeting at 7:38pm, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.