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Board of Health Minutes March 27, 2012
Meeting Held at the Houghton Building on March 27, 2012 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair, Christopher Rogers, Member and Laura Andrews, Clerk
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:    6:35pm

Minutes reviewed for 3/13/12:
  • C. Rogers moved to approve the minutes of 3/13/12, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
Mail Reviewed:

  • Salt Box – 3 proposed site plans.
  • Board discussed the issue of the Doggie Daycare. It will have an outdoor run.
  • C. Rogers stated the issue is the disposal of the waste.
  • B. Brookings submitted an email that he received from DEP that stated the location in Littleton proposed a drain – which is what this Board doesn’t want.
  • B. Brookings stated that this is a different disposal system for the waste – not a drain.
  • Nomination of Inspector of Animals.
  • C. Rogers moved to nominate Phyllis Tower, L. Andrews 2nd. All in favor 3/0.
  • 305 Wattaquadock Hill Road, Estate of Donald Perham – failed system escrow account.
  • C. Slade drafted a letter. Board reviewed and approved to release the money in the escrow account.
  • 248 Harvard Road, Farrow – shared system escrow account.
  • Board discussed their options as to how to recover the amount owed.
  • C. Slade will do some research and report back to the Board.
  • 57 Hudson Road, Sargent – change of ownership without a Title 5 Inspection.
  • Property was purchased by Mr. Sargent without a Title 5 Inspection.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter requesting a Title 5 Inspection be performed.
  • Due to new regulations, discussion on lowering septic systems by one foot. What will Board require?
  • Current system plans will need to be changed to meet the new regulations.
  • C. Slade asked B. Brookings what his thoughts are. B. Brookings stated a redline plan would be acceptable but you run the risk that not everyone gets a copy. A revised plan would be better.
  • Board agreed that a revised plan would be required.
  • 326 Still Road site visit.
  • B. Brookings and C. Rogers did a site visit. Very messy but they didn’t see anything that is a nuisance issue.
  • 4 Coventry Wood Road site visit.
  • B. Brookings and C. Rogers did a site visit. Property owner is concerned that the elevation of his lot is rising. They suggested the owner contract someone to dig it up.
  • 746 Main Street, Hurd – issued Certificate of Compliance.
  • 134 Wattaquadock Hill Road, Tolliday – issued Certificate of Compliance.
  • Hallmark Construction, Century Mill Estates and Houghton Farm shared systems.
  • Board reviewed the Financial Assurances plans for the shared systems.
  • These shared systems have a Homeowner’s Association who will maintain the escrow accounts. The Board will be named as part of the Association.
  • Century Mill Estates is asking about irrigation wells. B. Brookings stated he needs a plan, but doesn’t see any issues.
  • Bruce Slater of Slaters asked to be put on the agenda for April 10th to discuss the required external grease trap.
  • Oak Trail, lots 26 and 31&32- septic permits have expired. Asking for an extension under the Permit Extension Act.
  • Board approved as long as current design meets current regulations. Certificate of Compliance required by February 26, 2013 for lots 26 and 32 and April 22, 2013 for lot 31.
  • M. Carlisle to send letters.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 32 Spectacle Hill Rd., Goddard – family room addition. Bill signed 3/12/12.
  • 77 Quaker Lane, Chapman – garage addition. Bill signed 3/16/12.
  • 34 Annie Moore Rd., Waterhouse – deck. Bill signed 3/20/12.
  • 63 Hudson Rd., Sargent – demo permit. Bill signed 3/20/12.
147 Wilder Rd., Cutler – bathroom remodel. Bill reviewed at this meeting and signed.
  • 194 Fox Run Rd., Wong – art studio/garage. Bill reviewed at this meeting and signed.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • 3 Sargent Road, Kuehne – Distribution box permit. Approved.
  • 119 Wattaquadock Hill Road, Smith – upgrade permit. Sewer line length line is over 100 feet. Requires Long Sewer Line deed restriction.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 476 Main Street, The Country Cupboard – upgrade permit. Move to next agenda.
Inspections reviewed:
  •   3 Sargent Road, Kuehne – Title 5. Requires a new Distribution Box.
7:00 – 7:15pm - Karen Newsham and Tom Gaegan, Doggie Daycare proposal for outdoor space at the Salt Box.
  • Karen Newsham, Country Dogs Doggie Daycare and Tom Gaegan, representing the property owner, reviewed the plans for the Doggie Daycare with the Board.
  • K. Newsham explained the plans for the disposal of the dog’s waste and the layout of the retail store and the covered outdoor space.
  • The outdoor area will be covered and enclosed. The ground will be asphalt and have 6” of sand with a layer of specialty kennel stone or river rock on top.
  • C. Rogers asked how often sanitizing will be done – K. Newsham said every day. She would like to use organic cleaning products. Waste will be bagged and thrown in a dumpster.
  • L. Andrews asked if they would use a dishwasher. K. Newsham said no. L. Andrews stated that is good because the failed system can’t handle a dishwasher at this time.
  • C. Rogers has no objection to the concept. He requests that the plan remain open to the possibility of changes in case some things aren’t working.
  • C. Rogers asked if this business falls under the purview of the Animal Control Officer and the Animal Inspector. K. Newsham stated that the Planning Board said it would.
  • T. Gaegan asked the Board to let the Planning Board know that they approve of this current plan.
  • C. Rogers stated that it is with the understanding that this Board can request changes to the plan if necessary.
  • M. Carlisle to email Planning.
  • Notarized copy of the Enforceable Schedule for Upgrade Agreement is required.
L. Andrews moved to adjourn the Board of Health meeting at 7:53pm, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor 3/0.