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Board of Health Minutes December 13, 2011
Meeting Held at Town Hall on December 13, 2011 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair, Christopher Rogers, Member and Laura Andrews, Clerk
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:    6:35pm

Minutes reviewed for 11/22/11:
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the minutes of 11/22/11, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor 3/0.
Mail Reviewed:
  • Board reviewed application for Doggie Daycare at Skinner Building. B. Brookings to review and make requests if necessary.
  • 63 Pinewood Road, Defina – detached 30X28 foot garage. Bill signed 12/13/11.
  • 26 Mill Pond Road, Old Stone Estates, LLC – new house. Bill signed 12/13/11.
  • Michelle out for December 27, 2011 meeting.
  • L. Andrews moved to cancel the 12/27/11 meeting, C. Rogers 2nd. Discussion: C.Slade stated unless a resident needs something. All in favor 3/0.
  • Century Mill Estates (CME) shared systems lots 20&21 and 22&23 long sewer line.
  • B. Brookings asked if long sewer line deed restrictions would apply here.
  • Board decided no. Title 5 Inspections are required by the state on the shared systems.
  • CME new lot numbers. Larry Ducharme, Ducharme & Dillis, Brandon Ducharme, Ducharme & Dillis and Andy Bendetson, Century Mill Estates.
  • Larry Ducharme, explained why the change to the lot numbers appear redundant.
  • Lots 1-71 have already been recorded. Extra 7 lots will be approved by Planning on 12/14/11 and the amended plan will be lots 1A-78A.
  • MA DEP is requesting that the Board re-issue the shared approval letters with the lots reflecting an “A”.
  • M. Carlisle to issue the letters once the Planning Board signs off on the new plan.
  • L. Andrews asked how this effects DEP’s approval of the Nitrogen Aggregation Loading Plan (NALP).
  • A. Bendetson stated that the NALP plan will have to go back to DEP for approval.
  • B. Brookings stated that he can’t issue permits for any lots in the NALP area until the plan is recorded.
  • A. Bendetson asked if he built a 4 bedroom house instead of a 5 bedroom, could Bill sign off on the building permit? Bill stated yes. Only applies to the original plan of 5 bedroom houses.
  • Lot 48A falls within the NALP, and was originally approved as a shared system, but is currently being built as a single lot. Once DEP approves the shared system, it will become part of three lots.
  • B. Ducharme asked if lot 48A will be issued an occupancy permit once the shared system is approved because it falls within the NALP area. Bill stated no, it could become an issue if the NALP isn’t approved by DEP and filed.
  • B. Brookings stated that even if A. Bendetson built 4 bedroom houses instead of the 5 bedrooms that were originally approved, DEP may still require a NALP to be filed.
  • 556 Main St., Integrative Animal Health – missing physical barrier and no destruction of old well.
  • B. Brookings informed the property owner and it will be done. If not, Board will issue a letter.
  • Brandon Ducharme requesting the process of submitting previously approved plans with changes.
  • B. Ducharme asked it would be acceptable to the Board to present a simple redline change to already approved plans.
  • L. Andrews stated that there needs to be something stated on the plan as to why the change took place.
  • C. Rogers stated that could go on the As-Built.
  • C. Slade stated a new application is not necessary, just an updated plan.
  • 168 Berlin Road, Coolidge - housing violation.
  • Tenant has moved out.
  • Timeframe for repairs can be extended now that the property is empty. Will need to be re-inspected before re-renting the property.
  • M. Carlisle to write letter.
  • 579 Main Street, Grenier – Title 5 discrepancy with as-built.
  • B. Brookings explained that the Title 5 states one thing and the as-built stated another. Engineer, Kanyo Lala said the as-built is incorrect and will address the issue when he returns.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 11 Millbrook Ln., Polagruto – garage. Bill signed 11/18/11.
  • 1 Whitcomb Rd., Santini – shed. Bill signed 11/18/11.
  • 455 Sugar Rd., Neuschafer – remove porch, repair roof. Bill signed 12/1/11.
  • 29 Mill Pond Rd., Lot 22A, Old Stone Estates – new dwelling. Bill signed 12/1/11.
  • 610 Sugar Rd., Dickson – wood stove. Bill signed 12/1/11.
  • 81 Meadow St., Shnitzler – Kitchen and bath remodel. Bill signed
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • Lot 23, 35 Fox Run, O’Hagan – revised plan and permit.
  • Complete relocation of the system area. Approved by board.
  • 279 Long Hill Rd., Patterson – permit extension request and revised plan.
  • Permit expired in September 2011. Engineer called Bill in November asking for an extension.
  • C. Rogers stated that in all fairness, he needs to reapply for a new permit. Title 5 is very specific in this regard.
Inspections reviewed:
  • 132 Harvard Rd., Noon – Title 5. Approved.
  • 121 Burnham Rd., Mechlin – Title 5.
  • Needs clarification of laundry system inspection. Page 7. M. Carlisle to send letter.
L. Andrews moved to adjourn the Board of Health meeting at 7:48pm, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor 3/0.