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Board of Health Minutes October 11, 2011
Meeting Held at Town Hall on October 11, 2011 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair, Laura Andrews, Clerk and Christopher Rogers, Member
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:    6:35pm

Minutes reviewed for 9/27/11:
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the minutes of 9/27/11, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor 3/0.
Mail Reviewed:

  • C. Rogers recused himself and appeared as a contractor for a building permit at 35 Bare Hill Road. Bill signed 10-11-11.
  • C. Rogers rejoined the Board at 6:44pm.
  • 746 Main Street, Hurd – upgraded system not signed off.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 37 Mill Pond Rd., Old Stone Estates – New dwelling. Bill signed 9/23/11.
  • 107 Berlin Rd., Mackie – Detached garage. Bill signed 9/23/11.
  • 340 Green Rd., Zaykia – kitchen renovation. Bill signed 9/23/11.
  • 158 Kettle Hole Rd., Hershberger – inground pool. Bill signed 9/23/11.
  • 344 Old Bay Rd., Caisse – sugar house. Bill signed 9/23/11.
  • 28 Harvard Rd., Foster – bathroom remodel. Bill signed 10/7/11.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • Lots 20 & 21, 22 & 23 Century Mill Estates – new shared system permit.
  • 35 Bare Hill Rd., Skillin – D box replacement. C. Slade and L. Andrews signed permit. C. Rogers recused himself.
  • 302 Vaughn Hill Rd., Mercurio - D box replacement. Move to next agenda.
  • High Oaks Realty Trust, Houghton Farm Lane – shared system permits. Board signed all 15 permits.
  • 194 Annie Moore Rd., Kopleman – sewer line permit to replace existing line. Board signed permit.
Inspections reviewed:
  • 35 Bare Hill Rd., Skillin – Title 5. Conditional pass because the D-box needs to be replaced. C. Rogers recused himself.
  • 22 Woobly Rd., Kula – Title 5. Approved.
  • 302 Vaughn Hill Rd., Mercurio - Title 5. Move to next agenda.
  • 56 Century Mill Rd., Cryan – garbage grinder removal complete.
  • 18 Wilder Road, Cardinale – Title 5. Approved.
7:00 – 7:15pm Appointment – Chris MacKenzie, Whitman & Bingham for Lot 20, 34 Fox Run Road.
  • Chris MacKenzie from Whitman & Bingham appeared before the Board regarding Lot 20, 34 Fox Run Road to discuss the previous variance given for this property.
  • Original wetlands were marked from a plan done in approximately 1996. The new wetlands marker puts the system in the 100’ buffer zone – about 75’ from the wetlands. There is no other place to put the system.
  • C. Rogers stated that the subdivision already exists from about 1996. If the subdivision was being done today, you could adjust the lots to accommodate the wetlands. But at this point you can’t do that.
  • C. Slade states that Title 5 requires only 50’ from wetlands. He is okay with that as long as an alternative system is also installed.
  • L. Andrews asked if the other lot 19 will still be developable if this new system goes in. C. MacKenzie stated yes.
  • C. Slade suggested getting letters from abutters approving this new plan.
  • Board discussed alternative systems and C. Rogers stated to wait until the perk tests come in.

     L. Andrews moved to adjourn the Board of Health meeting at 7:18pm, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor 3/0.