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Board of Health Minutes September 13, 2011
Meeting Held at Town Hall on September 13, 2011 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair and Christopher Rogers, Member
Not Present:            Laura Andrews, Clerk
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:    6:42pm

Minutes reviewed for 8/9/11:
  • C.  Rogers moved to approve the minutes of 8/9/11, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
Mail Reviewed:

  • 579 Main St., Grenier – sewer line permit, pump float settings, revised engineer’s as-built.
  • B. Brookings reviewed everything he needs for the renovation of the barn into office space.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • DPH Climate Survey.
  • Rick Merrill, audience member, asked what this survey was about. B. Brookings responded that it is a survey that DPH wants local boards to take about their feelings regarding how climate change affects the health of the residents.
  • B. Brookings administered the survey to the Board.
  • Return of PHER money. B. Brookings explained that the State will be asking for this money back.
  • Authorization from Board to give Ira Grossman or Kalene Gendron the authority to represent Bolton at the Region II meetings.
  • C. Slade signed form to designate NABH as their voting representatives for Region 2 Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coalition.
  • 134 Wattaquadock Hill Rd., Tolliday – outstanding temporary occupancy.
  • Temporary occupancy has expired. M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • CME shared system permits for lots 20 & 21 and Lots 22 & 23 Spectacle Hill Road.
  • DEP has approved the shared systems.
  • 122 Fox Run Rd., Sipowicz – water quality test missing arsenic and lead results.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter to ask for arsenic and lead testing.
  • 23 Annie Moore Rd., Hamilton – possible variance required for upgrade.
  • B. Brookings asked if the Board will require a variance letter for an upgrade.
  • Board has decided that as an informal policy, variance letters will not be required for an upgrade. If B. Brookings brings a particular issue to their attention, they will require the variance letter.
  • 18 Wilder Rd., Cardinale – noise complaint.
  • Mr. Cardinale has renewed his request that the Board enforce the noise bylaw.
  • B. Brookings to measure the noise level.
  • Melissa Dreyer asked if she could address the board regarding building a garage at 921 Main Street. They are interested in buying the property, but only if they can build a garage.
  • Board pulled the file and reviewed it.
  • M. Dreyer will contact B. Brookings tomorrow.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 31 Harvard Rd., Ferguson – kitchen remodel. Bill signed 8/19/11.
  • 564 Main St., SAI Communications – add 3 antennas to tower. Bill signed 8/19/11.
  • 33 Wheeler Rd., Tower – 37’x6’ farmer’s porch. Bill signed 8/19/11.
  • 359 Berlin Rd., Pinsky – bathroom remodel. Bill signed 8/23/11.
  • 37 Powder Hill Rd., Sidopoulos – roof over garage door. Bill signed 8/23/11.
  • 81 Burnham Rd., Paquet – shed. Bill signed 8/19/11.
  • 144 Nourse Rd., Jaffee – 30’x30’ tent. Bill signed 8/24/11.
  • 287 Harvard Rd., King – 30’x70’ tent. Bill signed 8/24/11.
  • 249 Green Rd., Xing – tent. Bill signed 8/26/11.
  • 100 Wattaquadock Hill Rd., NVW Ltd. – remodel. Bill signed 8/26/11.
  • 139 Sugar Rd., Heeren – bathroom renovation. Bill signed 8/26/11.
  • 579 Main St., Grenier – converting existing barn to office space. Bill signed 9/2/11.
7 Pondside Drive, Hoeske – finish basement. Bill reviewed at meeting and signed 9/13/11.
158 W. Berlin Rd., Buffum – 3 season room w/deck. Bill reviewed at meeting and signed 9/13/11.
  • 14 S. Bolton Rd., Imamoto – rebuild porch, add dormer, add decks. Bill reviewed at meeting and signed 9/13/11.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • 58 West Berlin Rd., Pelletier – sewer line permit. Board approved.
  • Sugar Rd., Broomfield – septic permit. Board approved.
  • Lots 18 & 20 Fox Run Rd., Pine Hill Realty Trust – septic permits. Board approved.
  • Sawyer Rd., Finn – permit extension request. Board approved.
  • 32 Harvard Rd., Barss – permit extension request. Request never came in. Move to next agenda.
  • 76 Wilder Rd., Davis – septic tank permit. Board approved.
  • 9 Whitcomb Rd., Daman – septic permit. Board approved.
Inspections reviewed:
  • 579 Main Street, Grenier – Title 5. Issue with tank descriptions. M. Carlisle to write letter asking for clarification.
  • 116 Green Rd., Mahoney – Title 5. Board approved.
  • 9 Whitcomb Rd., Daman – Title 5. Letter from Board accepting the water test results.
  • 10 Fieldstone Way, Fritzsche – Title 5. Board approved.
7:00 – 7:15pm Appointment – Steve Schneider, 694 Main Street – sump pump routing:
  • Steve Schneider appeared before the Board to review his plan to reroute his sump pump due to excessive groundwater issues. Worked with Harold Brown, DPW Superintendent, to drill through his foundation and go directly to the storm drain underground. Conservation is looking into it because it is within the 200 feet of riverfront.
  • C. Rogers asked what the prior occupants did. S. Schneider stated it looks like they lived with the basement flooding.
  • C. Slade stated the he didn’t see an issue with the plan, but to make sure S. Schneider wasn’t storing anything hazardous in the basement that could end up in the storm drain.
  • B. Brookings stated that the Groundwater Bylaw doesn’t apply and the Stormwater Maintenance Regulations by the state don’t apply to single family residence.
  • Board reviewed the Groundwater Bylaw and determined that it doesn’t apply here.
  • M. Carlisle to email Linda Day that the Board approves of this plan.
C.  Rogers moved to adjourn the Board of Health meeting at 8:34pm, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.