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Board of Health Minutes for 7/12/11
BOARD OF HEALTH MINUTES                                                         MINUTES APPROVED 7/26/11 WITH BELOW CHANGES
Meeting Held at Town Hall on July 12, 2011 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair and Christopher Rogers, Member
Not Present:            Laura Andrews, Clerk
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:    6:36pm

Minutes reviewed for 6/28/11:
  • C. Slade moved to approve the minutes of 6/28/11, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
Mail Reviewed:

  • 172 Vaughn Hill Road – new two story addition. System is a cesspool.
  • Board reviewed the plans.
  • Board is requiring a 2 bedroom deed restriction because of room count and a passing Title 5. M. Carlisle to contact owner.
  • C. Slade asked if this system were to fail, is there enough room on the lot to put in a new system? Looks like there would be.
  • Review proposed changes to the Requirements for the Bolton Board of Health Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage and Well Regulations.
  • Board discussed changes and revised the draft for the hearing on July 26, 2011.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 41 Main Street, Crown Castle USA, cell antennas – Bill signed 7/1/11.
  • 673 Main Street, 1st Parish Church, Bridge and bathrooms – Bill signed 7/1/11.
  • 37 Powder Hill, Sidopoulos, addition to garage for storage – Bill signed 7/1/11.
  • 58 West Berlin Road, Pelletier, addition, 10 rooms total, 3 bedroom deed restriction already in place –
  • B. Brookings discussed the state approval for the Geothermal coil wells. DEP has given approval and is involved; therefore, no action is required by this Board.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • None
Inspections reviewed:
  • 350 Berlin Rd. – Turaj, email stating there is no garbage grinder.
  • 36 Powder Hill Road – Qian. Move to next agenda.
  • 70 Green Rd. – Rich Pelletier. Approved.
Regency at Bolton – PWS information.
Sunset Ridge – PWS information.

7:00 – 7:15pm – Bruce Slater regarding a pizza oven at Slater’s (formerly known as Greet Brook Farms):
  • Bruce Slater appeared before the Board to obtain approval to install a pizza oven.
  • Three issues: increase length of leach lines, tank upgrade, outside grease trap.
  • B. Brookings explained that there is currently seating allowed for 16 people and Bridgette Braley is concerned that adding more food will increase the amount of grease produced in the kitchen.
  • B. Slater explained that they cut down on their hours and they are using the system less. The cost is too high in this economy to upgrade the system at this time. He is buying the pizza dough, not making it on the premises.
  • The original permit was issued for a 5 bedroom residence, not a food service establishment.
  • C. Slade stated that right now B. Slater is not in compliance with Title 5 and he is asking that B. Slater at least meet one of the three requirements now and the Board will give him the time to do the other two.
  • C. Rogers asked if the internal grease trap counts for anything. B. Brookings stated no, Title 5 only deals with the foundation out.
  • Board agreed that B. Slater can have until May 15, 2012 to install the external grease trap and can start using the pizza oven immediately.
  • Once the business grows, B. Slater will have to increase his tank size to support the growth and add length in the leach lines.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
C. Rogers moved to adjourn at 8:00pm, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor 2/0.