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Board of Health Minutes June 28, 2011
Meeting Held at Town Hall on June 28, 2011 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair, Laura Andrews, Clerk and Christopher Rogers, Member
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:   6:37 pm

Minutes reviewed for 6/14/11:
  • C.  Slade moved to approve the minutes of 6/14/11, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor 2/0.
Mail Reviewed:

  • 134 Wattaquadock Hill Rd. – 30 day temporary occupancy was up on June 25, 2011. They are working on it and Bill Brookings is expecting an As-Built very soon. B. Brookings to call contractor.
  • Lot 4 Annie Moore Rd. – Spedden – revised well and house location. Variance free.
  • Board reviewed amendments to the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage and Well Regulations. Board will give their comments at the next meeting on July 12, 2011.
  • B. Brookings mentioned that Century Mill Estates can move forward.
  • Lots 48A, 49A & 49B: approved.
  • Lots 53A, 55A & 55B: approved.
  • Lots 54A, 56A & 57A: approved.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • B. Brookings mentioned that the Presby system on 426 Main Street is installed. Paperwork only is outstanding.
  • B. Brookings mentioned that the Emergency Preparedness Coalition asked if we wanted to host an AM radio station. Board declined.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 296 Long Hill Rd. – Spedden, 4 bd deed restriction filed. Bill signed 6/15/11.
  • 116 Bare Hill Rd. – Held, (2) tents. Bill signed 6/21/11.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • 36 Powder Hill Road, Qian – D-box replacement.
Inspections reviewed:
  • 730 Main Street – Burnette. Approved.
  • 556 Wattaquadock Hill Rd. – Kearns. Approved.
  • 132 Century Mill Road – Empty. Approved.
  • 36 Powder Hill Road – Qian. Moved to next agenda.
  • 435 Main Street – Kimball. Incorrect water test. M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 426 Main Street – Empty. Approved.
  • 29 Green Road – Hart. Approved.
  • 211 Vaughn Hill Road – Wiechmann. Approved.
  • 7 Deer Path – DiBlasi. Approved.
7:00 – 7:15pm - Greg Roy, Ducharme & Dillis, Houghton Farms shared system Nitrogen
Aggregation Plan review:
  • Brandon Ducharme, Ducharme & Dillis, appeared before the Board on behalf of his client, High Oaks Realty Trust, to review the Nitrogen Aggregation Plan for Houghton Farms.
  • Requesting written approval from the Board before they can file with DEP.
  • L. Andrews asked if it is legitimate to use conservation land as part of the credit land. B. Ducharme stated yes.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve written approval based on the plan presented, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor 3/0.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
L. Andrews moved to adjourn at 7:30pm, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor 3/0.