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Board of Health Minutes April 26, 2011
Meeting Held at Town Hall on April 26, 2011 at 6:00 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair and Christopher Rogers, Member
Not Present:            Laura Andrews, Clerk
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:     6:10pm

Minutes reviewed for 3/7/11 and 3/22/11:
  • C. Rogers moved to approve the minutes of 3/7/11, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • L. Andrews not present, therefore, couldn’t approve minutes from 3/22/11.
Mail Reviewed:

  • Board signed the Swine & Offal licenses for Jobarb Farms and C&B Enterprises, and the Trash licenses for Mitrano Removal, Sons of Kristoff, Inc. and Tulley Disposal.
  • Infiltrator systems for new construction – lots that were permitted but not installed yet – Lot 23 Fox Run and lots 1 and 2 on Nourse Rd for M/M Ross.
  • Discussion regarding the interpretation of the regulations that require 400 square feet for the infiltrator systems.
  • Board is ok with all three current designs.
  • Bolton Conservation Trust on behalf of Tom Denney Camp requesting a variance to the porta-potty regulation that would require them to have four units and they are proposing three units.
  • C. Slade moved to allow the three porta-potties, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor.
  • M. Carlisle to send a letter.
  • 8 South Bolton Rd – annual water test.
  • Homeowners would like to build a garage. Due to its proximity to the wetlands and the well, Michelle Tuck appeared before the Board to ask them their opinion before going through the process of a Variance Hearing.
  • Board discussed that it has been done at 49 Berlin Road.
  • Would ask for an 18” raised wellhead and a water test right after completion of construction. Also, put in an appropriate physical barrier between garage and wellhead – like a big boulder.
  • M. Tuck asked just how close they could get to the well. Board said no less than 3 feet.
  • Lot 3 Century Mill Rd. – Board reviewed a revised SAS plan as a result of a site walk with Conservation. No changes were made to the septic system design, house, driveway or well.
  • 58 West Berlin Road – addition - discussion regarding room count.
  • Currently a 9 room home with a 3 bedroom deed restriction. Soil testing has determined that a larger system couldn’t be installed. House is for sale and the potential buyer wanted to know if he could add another room. Board said yes because there is already a bedroom deed restriction in place.
  • Clyde Wheeler from 71 Old Bay Road appeared before the Board regarding his building application for a new barn on his property. Board reviewed and approved. Bill signed 4/28/11.
  • FYI – May meetings will go back to starting at 6:30 pm.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 50 Drumlin Hill Rd. – 4 bedroom deed restriction filed, ejector pump specs submitted, Bill signed 3/28/11.
  • Lot 1 Sugar Rd. – New dwelling. Bill signed 3/28/11.
  • 296 Hudson Rd. – interior renovations. Bill signed 4/8/11.
  • 14 Corn Rd. – addition. Bill signed 4/12/11.
  • 580 Main St. – renovate office space. Bill signed 4/20/11.
  • 94 Drumlin Hill Rd. – new single family home. Bill signed 4/20/11. Arsenic level was just at the limit and B. Brookings asked if he could have the water retested. Board approved.
  • 59 Drumlin Hill Rd. – finish basement, 10 rooms total, 5 bd SDS. Bill signed 4/15/11.
  • 15 Ledgewood Cr. – finish basement, 10 rooms total, 5 bd SDS. Bill signed 4/15/11.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • Sawyer Road Realty Trust, Lot 6 Sawyer Rd – permit extension request. Move to next agenda.
  • Houghton Farm shared system permits. Move to next agenda.
  • Century Mill Estates shared system permits. Moved to next agenda.
Inspections reviewed:
  • 16 Century Mill Road – garbage grinder has been removed.
  • 14 Corn Rd. – received information regarding ties to two permanent reference points on page 15 of the Title 5 report. Also received the Long Sewer Line inspection report for 2011. Board reviewed/approved.
  • 580 Main Street – long sewer line inspection report. Board reviewed/approved.
  • 66 Nashaway Road – pump chamber not inspected. M. Carlisle to write a letter to have the inspector fill out the section on the pump chamber. Page 15 shows a pump chamber in the sketch, but the section on page 12 was not filled in.
  • 68 Old Harvard Road – Board reviewed/approved.
  • 400 Sugar Road – Board reviewed/approved.
  • 95 Harvard Road – Board reviewed/approved.
  • 91 Oak Trail – Board reviewed/approved.
7:30PM Emergency Dispensing Site Meeting at the High School –
  • People present – Chris Slade, Chris Rogers, Michelle Carlisle, Bill Brookings, Ken Gikas, Police Chief Vin Alfano, Emergency Mangement Co-Director Andy Bagdonas, Town Secretary Linda Day, EMT/Firefighter Dave Farrell
  • Ken Gikas walked everyone through the process of how residents would be vaccinated in the case of an emergency.
  • Names were given for the Incident Command Structure: Incident Commander, Police Chief/Emergency Management Co-Director; Safety Officer, Sargent/Sargent; Public Information Officer, Town Administrator/Town Secretary; Finance/Admin Section Chief, Town Account/Town Treasurer; Logistics Section Chief, Department of Public Works Superintendent.
C. Slade moved to adjourn at 8:10pm, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor.