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Board of Health Minutes March 22, 2011
Meeting Held at Town Hall on March 22, 2011 at 6:00 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair and Laura Andrews, Clerk
Not Present:            Christopher Rogers, Member
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:  6:05pm

Minutes reviewed for 2/22/11 and 3/7/11:
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the minutes of 2/22/11, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • Approval for the minutes of 3/7/11 - moved to the next agenda.
Mail Reviewed:
  • 453 Harvard Rd., Jim Adam – water quality report.
  • Failed Title 5. Homeowner wants to know if he needs to do a full water analysis.
  • L. Andrews - any suggestion that there could be contamination. B. Brookings said there could be.
  • Board stated that a full analysis should be done.
Ken Gikas – EDS Drill:
  • Ken Gikas reviewed a map of the High School to show the Board how people will flow if the Town needs to activate the Emergency Dispensing Site and vaccinate the entire town.
  • M. Carlisle to speak with Bill Spratt and find out exactly where the equipment is being stored.
  • LA asked if there is a plan B in case the High School is damaged in an emergency. K. Gikas stated probably the Public Safety Building.
  • K. Gikas also stated that they are looking into a drive thru dispensing scenario for pill dispensing.
  • Arrange a Department Head meeting w/Police, Fire/Ambulance, Town Administrator, Bill Spratt, DPW Superintendent, Accountant, Treasurer, Linda Day. April 26, 2011 at 7:30pm. Decide if it should be at the school or Town Hall

  • 50 Drumlin Hill Road – new building permit application – 4 bedroom deed restriction required and ejector pump specs to B. Brookings. Michelle to send letter.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve 4 bedroom deed restriction with the requirement that the ejector pump specs be presented to the board, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • Adam Lavari – Lot 1 Sugar Road – revised house location.
  • Homeowner has revised the plan to move the house. Variance free. Board approved.
  • Infiltrator systems for new construction – lots that were permitted but not installed yet – Lot 23 Fox Run and two lots on Nourse Rd for M/M Ross. Move to next agenda.
  • Where to store public health jackets. Michelle to sign for jackets and have them stored.
  • 40 Forbush Mill Road, Millet & Sons – possible water test results.
  • Water tested with arsenic and antimony. Water was retested, arsenic was ok but antimony was not. Water needs to be retested once the geothermal well is installed.
  • Lot 4, 156 Century Mill Rd, Dr. & Mrs. Nir – annual water test required has not been done.
  • Water test is scheduled for Friday.
  • House is rented out and homeowners live in Sudbury.
  • Annual test is required and is part of the deed.
  • Mosquito dunks – should they be ordered now? Board decided to wait until after Town Meeting to see if the Town will approve to be a part of CMMCP. M. Carlisle to let Shelly know.
  • Nomination of Inspector of Animals.
  • LA moved to nominate Phyllis Tower as Animal Inspector, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • M. Carlisle to let Phyllis know.

Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 185 Century Mill Rd. – replace collapsed barn – Bill signed 2/18/11.
  • 544 Wattaquadock Hill Rd. – extend bar into dining room – Bill signed 3/1/11.
  • 933 Main Street – renovate bath, new windows – Bill signed 3/1/11.
  • 55 Danforth Lane – interior repairs from water damage – Bill signed 2/22/11.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • Sawyer Road Realty Trust, Lot 6 Sawyer Rd – permit extension request. No information yet. Move to next agenda.
Inspections reviewed:
  • Title 5, 8 Rocky Dundee Road, Ron and Sandy Henderson. Approved.
  • Long Sewer Line, 196 Randall Road, Chris and Ninotchka Rogers. Approved.
7:00PM Variance Request Public Hearing – Chris MacKenzie, Whitman & Bingham, Lot 3 Century Mill Road – continued from 2/22/11
  • Chris MacKenzie appeared before the Board along with his client, MJ PS, LLC, and reviewed the variances requested from Bolton Board of Health Regulation 5: Distances – minimum distance between a well and wetland is 100 feet – proposing 26 feet; Regulation 12: Alternative Systems and Regulation 13: Hydraulic Overloading – minimum distance between septic systems servicing separate buildings or facilities is 100 feet, proposing 57 feet and 59 feet.
  • Also requesting variances from the Bolton Board of Health Well Regulation 4.1(1): Well location requirements – minimum distance between a well and a wetland area is 100 feet, proposing 26 feet and the minimum distance between a well and an easement is 50 feet, proposing 44 feet.
  • The Board reviewed and discussed the plans.
  • F.A.S.T. system will be installed at the request of the Board.
  • Abuttors stated that part of their concern is that it wouldn’t be good for the Town of Bolton if the Board grants too many variances.
  • C. Slade explained that the State Title 5 code is very well done and that this system will not be a problem for the abuttors. The system meets all Title 5 specifications.
  • C. Slade showed the Regency Septic System that contradicts the Hydrolic Overload By-Law theory.
  • Discussion took place with abuttors about the variances. Abuttors worried about the well being close to the wetlands.
  • LA moved to approve the variance requests as presented, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
7:15PM Variance Request Public Hearing – John Finlay, Finlay Engineering, Lot 1 Harvard Road
  • John Finlay appeared before the Board on behalf of his client the Harold H. Smith Jr. Bolton Trust and reviewed the variance requested from Bolton Board of Health Well Regulation 4.1(1): Well Location Requirements – the distance between a well and a bordering vegetated wetland shall be 100’ – 75’ is proposed.
The Board reviewed and discussed the plans.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the variance request as presented, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.

7:30PM Variance Request Public Hearing – Dan Wolfe, Ross Associates, 113 Wilder Road
  • Dan Wolfe of David E. Ross Associates appeared before the Board on behalf of his clients Mr. & Mrs. Towey and reviewed the variances requested from Local Upgrade Approval 310 CMR 15.405(1)(h): Reduction of the required 4 foot separation between the bottom of the Leach area and high groundwater - 3 foot separation is proposed; Board of Health Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage Regulation 3: Groundwater Elevation – the bottom of the leaching system offset from groundwater shall be 5 feet – 3 foot separation is proposed; Regulation 5: Distances – leaching facilities servicing a separate building shall be offset 100 feet – 50 feet is proposed.
System is in failure because it is sitting in groundwater.
The Board reviewed and discussed the plans. It is a Cultec system and will require a Title 5 inspection report two years after certificate of compliance.
C. Slade asked if they could use ASTM C33 sand instead of Title 5 sand.
B. Brookings requested a copy of the current Title 5 report
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the variance requests as presented, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
7:45PM Variance Request Public Hearing – Brandon Ducharme, Ducharme & Dillis, Lot 17 Drumlin Hill Road
  • Brandon Ducharme of Ducharme & Dillis appeared before the Board on behalf of his client Kendall Homes and reviewed the variances requested from Bolton Board of Health Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage Regulation 8: An individual sewage disposal system and all connecting sewer lines shall be located on the same lot as the facility discharging sewage into said system – proposing to connect to the force main which is across lot 19 and Regulation 7c: Length of Sewer Line – length of a sewer line shall not exceed 600 feet for new construction and a leaching field shall not be more than 500 feet from the dwelling – proposing a sewer line that is more than 600 feet but less than 700 feet and the leaching field will be more than 500 feet from the dwelling.
The Board reviewed and discussed the plans. The plan was previously part of a shared system. Redesigned as a single system.
Forced main and leaching field have already been installed.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the variance requests as presented, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
L. Andrews motioned to adjourn at 7:53pm, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.