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Board of Health Minutes February 8, 2011
Meeting Held at Town Hall on February 8, 2011 at 6:00 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair, Laura Andrews, Clerk and Christopher Rogers, Member
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:  6:05pm

Minutes reviewed for 1/25/11 and 1/11/11, also for signature only, no review, Executive Session on 1/11/11:
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the minutes of 1/25/11, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • C. Rogers moved to approve the minutes of 1/11/11, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • C. Rogers moved to approve the Executive Session minutes of 1/11/11, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
Mail Reviewed:

  • Nichols, 601-603 Main St. – Failed cesspool upgrade. System in, but no COC. Was required by Sept. 2010.
  • B. Brookings explained no well completion report. M. Carlisle to send letter for the well completion report.
  • Mitrano Removal Services – request for Commercial Trash Haulers license.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve a Commercial Trash Haulers license for Mitrano Removal Services, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor.
  • EDS drill. M. Carlisle reviewed meeting with K. Gikas. M. Carlisle and L. Day to tour High School.
  • Transfer Station permit. Gathering information. M. Carlisle to ask Linda Day about the permit.
  • 556 Main St., Veterinary Clinic – possible well variance hearing.
  • B. Brookings stated that there is a well running out of water. Need to drill a new well. All variances only affect the existing property, not the abutters. Requesting to waive the variance hearing requirement.
  • L. Andrews asked if this property could be anything other than commercial. B. Brookings stated unknown.
  • Mike Sullivan of Mike Sullivan Co., Inc. Artesian Wells reviewed the plans with B. Brookings and the board.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the request to waive the variance hearing requirement and to approve the variance requests as presented along with the requirement that an appropriate physical barrier be constructed between the well and the parking area/driveway, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 36 Rocky Dundee – Finish attic. 4 Bd deed restriction in place. Bill signed 1/28/11.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • 225 Main St. – septic upgrade to failed cesspool.
  • Requesting to waive a variance hearing requirement.
  • Direct abutter letters signed approving the upgrade.
  • B. Brookings reviewed plans with Board.
  • Homeowner’s can’t flush a toilet and run water at the same time.
  • Drilled well, not a shallow well.
  • L. Andrews moved to waive variance hearing requirement and to approve variance requests as presented, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor.
Title V inspections reviewed:
  • 16 Century Mill Road – garbage grinder. M. Carlisle to send letter to remove the garbage grinder.
7:00PM Variance Request Public Hearing – Burnham Road, Carl Hultgren, Quinn Engineering
  • Carl Hultgren appeared with his client, Justin Arsenault and reviewed the proposed plans with the board.
  • Request for a variance from Bolton Board of Health Regulation 3: Groundwater Elevation – at least two deep observation holes in each proposed leaching area shall be provided – requesting the Board to accept the results from redoxomorphic tests done in November due to the fact that the Conservation Commission won’t allow them to have heavy equipment in this area from mid-February through April; Regulation 5: Distances – at least 150 feet from leaching facilities, wetlands, bordering vegetated wetlands, surface water of any kind and private wells – requesting 100 feet and 84.4 feet between BVW and the primary and reserve trenches, requesting 74.1 feet and 50.1 feet between the isolated vegetated wetland and the primary and reserve trenches; and Regulation 12: Alternative Systems – lot must be variance free before proposing an alternative systems – requesting variances so that they can propose the alternative system (MicroFAST 0.5 treatment unit).
  • B. Brookings had given them the soil test that was done originally on the site.
  • C. Hultgren explained that they had been before the board last April and they stated they would consider an application if they presented a system design with denitrification a restriction of further development. The proposed system is MicroFAST 0.5 and J. Arsenault has proposed an easement on the property.
  • Carol Gumbart, Conservation Commission stated that a review of the area to determine if it is a certified vernal pool which would mean it would fall under the Wetlands Protection Act. B. Brookings, if it is a vernal pool, the offset is 100 feet.
  • C. Slade asked for board’s feeling on the system itself. B. Brookings stated that there is no other way to design this.
  • M. Remington, an abutter, stated that the property has not been surveyed since the late 1800’s. Two active beaver lodges within 100 feet of the boundry.
  • C. Hultgren stated that the area in question was surveyed, but not it’s boundaries.
  • C. Slade moved to continue the hearing indefinitely to allow a hearing with the Conservation Commission and that each abutter will be notified of the new hearing date, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor.
  • M. Carlisle to write letter.
7:15pm Variance Request Public Hearing – Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Spedden, Lot 4 Annie Moore Road
  • Mrs. Spedden appeared before the Board and reviewed the proposed plans with the Board.
  • Request for a variance from Bolton Board of Health Regulation 3: Groundwater Elevation – at least two deep observation holes in each proposed leaching area shall be provided – requesting the Board accept the test results from May 7, 2010.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the variance request as presented, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • M. Carlisle to write letter.
L. Andrews motioned to adjourn at 7:30pm, C. Rogers 2nd. All in favor.