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Board of Health Minutes January 25, 2011
Meeting Held at Town Hall on January 25, 2011 at 6:00 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair and Laura Andrews, Clerk
Not Present:            Christopher Rogers, Member
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:  6:05pm

Minutes reviewed for 12/14/10 and 1/11/11, also for signature only, no review, Executive Session on 1/11/11:
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the minutes of 12/14/10, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • Minutes for 1/11/11 could not be approved because C. Rogers was not present. Moved to agenda for 2/8/11.
  • Executive Session minutes of 1/11/11 could not be approved because C. Rogers was not present. Moved to agenda for 2/8/11.
Mail Reviewed:
  • 211 W. Berlin Road Complaint – L. Andrews, not our issue. C. Slade agreed.
  • 44 Golden Run Road – Building application for a new RV garage. Bill still waiting for new plan.
  • 88 Drumlin Hill Road – specification for an ejector pump. Received specs, B. Brookings ok.
  • 52 Frye Rd. – deed restriction received, waiting on tank and ejector pump specs. B. Brookings received specs. Board decided to let the homeowner go ahead before pulling the tank permit with Bill.
  • Board discussed the next steps for the Central Mass Mosquito Control Project. Public Hearing to be held by Board of Selectmen and the Board of Health will attend. BOS is looking at their 2nd meeting in February, Thursday the 24th. L. Andrews and C. Slade to attend.
  • Board made a correction to the 7/27/10 minutes. The minutes stated that a re-inspection at 7 Nourse Rd. (f/k/a 855 Main St.) was to be done 3 months after occupancy – should read 6 months after occupancy.
  • Annual Report for 2010. C. Slade wrote up the new report. M. Carlisle to type and email to Linda Day.
  • Board discussed permitting for the Transfer Station. Originally done by DEP, but now DEP has told local boards of health to do the permitting of their transfer stations.
  • EDS site drill. Board received a letter stating that a drill would need to be done before March 31, 2011.
  • L. Andrews asked if this should be done for the Emergency Management team.
  • C. Slade stated the letter should be sent to the Emergency Management team. M. Carlisle to send to Police Chief, Fire Chief, Michael Wood – School Superintendant, Ambulance and Co-Directors of Emergency Management  Andy Bagdonas and Tom Moses.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 212 Berlin Rd. – New barn. Bill signed 12/17/10.
  • 49 Golden Run Rd. – Bathroom remodel. Bill signed 12/28/10.
  • 53 Pondside Drive – Finishing part of the basement.
  • 56 Burnham Road – Updating existing structure. Bill signed 12/29/10.
36 Woobly Rd. – Bathroom remodel. Bill signed 1/11/11.
  • 54 Pondside Dr. – Finishing part of the basement. Bill signed 1/11/11.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • Lot 2 Rocky Dundee Road – permit extension request. No information received.
  • 7 Nourse Road – septic tank permit. Simple tank replacement. Board approved.
  • Sunset Ridge Bldgs 1, 5, 8, 10 & 12 – sewer line permits. Board approved.
Title V inspections reviewed:
  • 60 Bolton Woods Way. Approved
  • 296 Hudson Road. Approved
  • 31 Hudson Road – report submitted on proper form.  Board approved, M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 79 Sampson Rd. – Presby annual inspection. Approved.
  • 580 Main St. – FAST Wastewater Treatment System. Approved.
  • 395 Still River Rd. Approved.
7:00PM Variance Request Public Hearing – 13 Sampson Road, Chris MacKenzie, Whitman & Bingham – continued from 1/11/11.
  • Chris MacKenzie appeared on behalf of his client, Janice McLaughlin and reviewed the proposed plans with the board. Repair to an existing failed system.
  • Request for variance from Local Upgrade Approval 310 CMR 15.405(1)(h): Reduction of the required 5 foot separation between the bottom of the Leach area and high groundwater. 4 foot separation is proposed; and 310 CMR 15.405(1)(k): Reduction of the required number of deep test holes within the proposed Leach area. (1 deep hole performed due to lack of land area).
  • Request for variance from Bolton SDS Regulation 3: Groundwater Elevation – at least two deep holes shall be provided within the proposed leaching area – 1 deep hole performed due to lack of land area; Regulation 4: Percolation Test –at least two passing percolation tests to be performed within the proposed leach area – 1 percolation test performed due to lack of land area; and Regulation 13: Hydraulic Overloading – the minimum separation between septic systems shall be 100 feet – 69 foot separation is proposed.
  • Found water at 36 inches, so the system will still be a foot above that.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the variance requests as presented with a Title 5 Inspection in two years because it is an infiltrator system, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • M. Carlisle to write letter.
7:15pm Variance Request Public Hearing – Old Bay Road, Brandon Ducharme, Ducharme & Dillis – continued from 1/11/11.
  • Brandon Ducharme appeared on behalf of his client, Joseph Wolenski and reviewed the proposed plans with the board.
  • Request for a variance from Bolton SDS Regulation 3: Groundwater Elevation – at least two deep observation holes in each proposed leaching area shall be provided – requesting this be waived so that the seasonal high water can be determined using soil redoximorphic features (mottles).
  • Groundwater level is at 38 inches. Test holes would be in the wetlands and the Conservation Commission only gave them a small window of time in the fall.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the variance request as presented, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • M. Carlisle to write letter.
L. Andrews motioned to adjourn at 7:21pm, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.