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Board of Health Minutes December 14, 2010
Meeting Held at Town Hall on December 14, 2010 at 6:00 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair, and Laura Andrews, Clerk
Not Present:            Christopher Rogers, Member
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order:  6:01pm

Minutes reviewed for 11/23/10
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the minutes of 11/23/10, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • Email from Jenny – soil testing on Hudson Rd. Bill to look into.
  • 44 Golden Run Rd. – building application for large RV garage.
  • B. Brookings – two issues: less than 10 feet to well and encroaches on the breakout area.
  • C. Slade – can solve problem by pouring a 4 or 5 foot concrete foundation, moving the garage or putting in a wall. Could put the reserve area between the trenches, but that would require a BOH variance to do so. Current Title 5.
  • Bill to contact owner and give them their options.
  • Mark Coolidge, M.I.H. Trucking – request to be a private trash hauler for Bolton.
  • M. Coolidge appeared before the board to ask for permission to be a private trash hauler in Bolton.
  • C. Slade stated he is located in the business district.
  • M. Coolidge showed the board the type of trucks he will use.
  • L. Andrews asked if doing recycling. M. Coolidge – yes in the near future.
  • L. Andrews asked what kind of containers will be provided. B. Brookings – housing code states it must be in a water tight container. M. Coolidge – not providing containers.
  • L. Andrews asked will trash be covered in truck. M. Coolidge - Yes. B. Brookings – state codes required the trash be covered in the trucks.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve M.I.H. Trucking for a Trash Haulers License, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
  • Follow-up on 294 Vaughn Hill Road – garbage grinder removed, D-box replaced. M. Carlisle to send a letter to let the homeowners know that the BOH now considers the Title 5 report complete.
  • Patrick Carroll, 662 Main St. – Shared system payment.
  • Sign Tobacco Licenses. Board signed 2011 Tobacco Licenses.
  • Advisory Committee budget meeting 1/25/10. C. Slade to attend and possibly L. Andrews.
Building Permits Reviewed:
  • 259 Green Street – replace entry door. Bill signed 11/19/10.
  • 28, 30, 46 & 48 Sunset Ridge – new condos. Bill signed 11/19/10.
  • 15 Kettlehole Road – wood stove. Bill signed 11/19/10.
  • 73 Annie Moore Road – finish existing 2nd floor. Bill signed 11/19/10.
  • 347 S. Bolton Rd. – replace existing deck. Bill signed 11/23/10.
  • 1084 Main St. – replace existing sign. Bill signed 11/23/10.
  • Sunset Ridge – 3 car garage. Bill signed 12/2/10.
  • 88 Drumlin Hill Rd. – finished basement. Deed completed. Bill signed 12/2/10.
  • 409 Still River Rd. – finish basement. Bill signed 12/8/10.
Septic Permits Reviewed:
  • Lot 2 Rocky Dundee Rd. – permit extension request. No information.
  • 7 Nourse Rd. – septic tank permit. No information.
  • Breslouf, Lot 2 Wattaquadock Hill – new septic permit.
  • Straight forward permit, new lot, no variances but he is using a Cultec bed. M. Carlisle to send letter re: Title 5 Inspection must be performed 2 years after installation.
  • Lot 1 Sugar Rd., Graustein – permit extension request.
  • Asking for an extra year in accordance with the new Permit Extension Act.
  • Straight forward 1 year extension. Variance free.
  • M. Carlisle to send letter.
Title V inspections reviewed:
  • 14 Corn Road. – Sketch incomplete. M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 49 Golden Run Road. – has a garbage grinder. M. Carlisle to send letter.
  • 31 Hudson Road. – on an old form. M. Carlisle to send letter – need to resubmit on a 09/08 form.
  • 98 Fox Run Road. Approved.
225 Main Street – Bishop – failed cesspool. Needs an emergency upgrade. B. Brookings did soil testing. Owners want to know if they get all their neighbors signatures, can the board waive the variance hearing. Wait to hear from engineer, if B. Brookings is satisfied with the plan and neighbors agree, B. Brookings can sign the permit.

B. Brookings did a site visit at the Smith property. Buildings are vacant. 715-717 Main Street.

7:00PM Tim Deschamps, Central Mass Mosquito Control Project
  • Tim Deschamps appeared before the board to explain how the project works and what the benefits would be for Bolton.
        C. Slade explained that the board would like to review CMMCP’s program so that the board is aware of what will be presented to the Town in May.
        T. Deschamps explained the program – 7 main parts – year round program.
  • Winter time they do stream cleaning to keep the streams moving.
  • Feb – March starts larvae control in the water. Bacterial product only affects mosquitoes.
  • Mid May technicians go out to check for heavier mosquitoes. If they feel it needs to be sprayed, they will do limited spraying at that time. Residents can opt out. Program works very closely with Conservation. During the summer they put traps out so they can test the mosquitoes.
  • Public education. Don’t leave things out that can collect water – tires, birdbaths etc.
  • They do resistant testing to make sure the mosquitoes don’t start building a resistance to the pesticide.
  • Source reduction is to remove the larvae habitats such as old tires.
  • L. Andrews – does the bacteria persist in the environment – no.
  • L. Andrews – aerial spraying – no. Spray would penetrate approx. 100 – 150 feet. Depends on weather.
  • L. Andrews – concerned about eliminating other insects as well. Most valuable to her is treating catch basins, treating streams and education. Doesn’t want to eliminate the mosquitoes all together because they are a part nature.
  • L. Andrews concerned about residential overuse. Can the town regulate the numbers of times a resident can be sprayed. Tim – yes. Doesn’t have the manpower to be out more than once a week.
  • L. Andrews -  as the owner of the product, do you have the liability to test the soil? T. Deschamps – no, we are a state agency, but we are willing to work with the Towns.
  • L. Andrews – any complaints of adverse affects to wildlife. T. Deschamps – no. Coy fish can sometimes be affected. Residents with coy ponds must cover their pond before CMMCP will spray.
  • C. Slade – is the district school considered part of Bolton. T. Deschamps – yes because the school is physically located in Bolton. CMMCP follows all state school regulations regarding protection of children.
  • C. Slade – where do we go from here? T. Deschamps – have a public hearing.
  • C. Slade to coordinate with BOS to see who will host the public hearing.
  • Cost is approx. $44,000/year.
7:30pm Variance Request Public Hearing –  Lot 3 Sugar Road - Dan Wolfe, Ross Assoc.
  • Dan Wolfe, Ross Associates, and Walter Graustein, property owner, appeared before the Board to present a variance request from Bolton Board of Health Regulation 5: Distances for Lot 3 Sugar Road, Bolton, MA.
  • D. Wolfe and W. Graustein reviewed the plans with the Board. Minimum offset from vegetated wetlands is 100 feet, requesting an offset of 52 feet.
  • 4 bedroom septic.
  • L. Andrews moved to approve the variances as presented, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.
L. Andrews motioned to adjourn at 7:56pm, C. Slade 2nd. All in favor.