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Board of Health Minutes August 24, 2010
Meeting Held at Town Hall on August 24, 2010 at 6:30 PM
Members Present:        Christopher Slade, Chair, Laura Andrews, Clerk and Christopher
                        Rogers, Member
Also Present:   Bill Brookings, Health Agent, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health and
                        Michelle Carlisle, Health and Permitting Assistant

Call to order: 6:40pm

Working Session

West Nile Virus and EEE Virus – Discussion as to where in Bolton and how many mosquitoes were found with the viruses.
  • L. Andrews – one is all that matters. At that point, something needs to be done.
  • B. Brookings – James Garreffi will give information to this Board to post on the website and cable. A reverse 911 call will be sent out.
  • L. Andrews – important to inform residents to protect children by restricting outdoor activities to earlier in the day.
  • B. Brookings – the mosquito that was tested is a mammal biter.
  • C. Rogers – should post DPH recommendations.
  • L. Andrews asked why Bolton is not part of the Central MA Mosquito Control Project (CMMCP).
  • C. Slade – at the time it was discussed, it was too expensive for what they were offering.
  • C. Rogers – it was voted down at town meeting because CMMCP could not give guarantees.
  • L. Andrews – let residents know when catch basins were last treated. M. Carlisle to check with Shelly at DPW about another possible treatment.
  • B. Brookings asked the Board how they would feel if DPH wanted to offer spraying. Entire Board is in favor of that.
237 Sugar Road
  • B. Brookings discussed Firematic leasing the property. A Title 5 inspection was done in 2006 and was clean.
  • C. Rogers – Ok with it unless something changes. B. Brookings stated there is no change in use.
  • C. Slade – Ok with it. Small enough so that if something goes wrong, it can be easily managed.
  • L. Andrews – Ok with it.
281 Harvard Road
  • B. Brookings discussed the ejector pump installation. The Board approved the building permit application for the basement in June. The septic is undersized if installing the ejector pump. The system will be upgraded within a week. Bill stated that he had asked for the specs but never received them. An elderly couple is moving in soon.
  • M. Carlisle to add this to the next agenda.
  • Board approves this with the understanding that the system will be upgraded on 9/8/10.
601-603 Main Street
  • Board was presented with a new project schedule. Deadline to begin work is 9/1/10. Board is ok with extending the deadline using the new project schedule.
47 Danforth Lane
  • B. Brookings discussed the project of finishing a basement. The finished basement would bring the room count over what is allowed for the current septic system. Requires a deed restriction.
  • Board reviewed the plans. Plan needs a four bedroom restriction.
  • Board approves B. Brookings signing the building permit application once the deed restriction has been recorded.
7:00PM Appointment – Century Mill Stables

Representatives from Century Mill Stables appeared before the Board. They had received a Cease and Desist Order from Jim Garreffi of Nashoba Associated Boards of Health because they were not properly licensed as a camp. Explained to the Board that they have been working with Jim and they are now in compliance. Jim will be issuing the license.
  • C. Slade - if the camp has met with all of Jim’s requirements, then he approves.
  • Board - ok to resume camp.

Action/Discussion continued:
Carol from Nashoba Nursing – asked where to hold the flu clinic this year.
  • C. Slade – it should be held at the new Safety Building.
  • B. Brookings to let Carol know.
Title V inspections reviewed:
  • 20 Rocky Dundee Road – Chris Rogers has recused himself for this approval. L. Andrews and C. Slade approved.
  • 36 East End Road – Presby System requires an annual inspection which has not been performed in the past. An inspection is now required by the Board.
  • C. Rogers asked if there are any deed restrictions. B. Brookings stated there is one and a letter will need to be sent once the Presby Inspection had been completed.
  • 921 Main Street – approved.
  • 55 Coventry Woods – approved.
  • 121 Kettlehole Road – approved.
  • 52 Oak Trail – approved.
7:15PM Appointment – Greg Roy, Ducharme & Dillis – Lot 10 Wattaquodock Hill Road
  • G. Roy discussed his ideas for lot 10. It will be on lot one of several lots that at one point in the past was going to be a subdivision with a shared system.
  • L. Andrews asked if the lot is too wet. G. Roy – no lot is higher up on the slope.
  • Soil testing was done and they need to find a spot that tests under 30 min per inch.
  • Discussed size of the system – leaning toward a Presby system. The system design is very large. Looking at a 60 min per inch system.
  • L. Andrews asked if there are any other 60 min. systems in town and what is the down side. B. Brookings – one other system in town and there is no down side.
  • B. Brookings - MA code changed in 2006 to allow 60 min per inch systems, but because of the high cost, not very many contractors went with it.
  • C. Slade – the 2 feet of damp soil needs to be protected.
  • B. Brookings – Bolton decided to leave the 30 min per inch in their regulations and to take the 60 min per inch systems on a case-by-case basis.
  • C. Rogers – lot is 4 + acres so he has no issue with it.
  • C. Slade – would like to look at changing the current regulations in the future.
  • Board of Health stated G. Roy could design the system and then come back before the board.
Sue Storbeck – Agricultural Committee liaison to the BOH – walk-in
  • Discussed the EEE issue with the Board.
  • Suggested the BOH require that all horse owners get their horses vaccinated.
  • L. Andrews suggested the Board could put a statement on the website recommending that horse owners vaccinate their horses.
Bill Brookings – Flu Kits
  • The kits have everything you would need for a clinic. Some are specific to Bolton. Wanted to know where to store them – Bolton or NABH in Ayer?
  • Board is okay with keeping them at NABH in Ayer.
Mike Sauvageau – Building Inspector re: 281 Harvard Road
  • M. Sauvageau asked about the current status of 281 Harvard Rd.
  • B. Brookings stated that he is working with the owners, once all is done with the ejector pump and septic upgrade, the owner will call Mike for a final.
  • C. Slade asked M. Sauvageau if there is anything in the MA Building Code that allows a Board of Health some control over ANRs. M. Sauvageau – yes and he will get the information for the Board.
  • M. Carlisle to search the records for letters to Mr. Bemis on 401 Berlin Road during the timeframe of July and August 1992.
Next Meeting dates: September 14 and 28, 2010.

L. Andrews motioned to adjourn at 8:05pm, C. Rogers 2nd, A 3/0.