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Board of Health Minutes April 27, 2010

Meeting Held at Town Hall on April 27, 2010 6:30 pm
Present: Chris Rogers, Laura Andrews, Christopher Slade, Bill Brookings, Lisa O’Leary

Emergency Management
Ken Gikas was present.
Ken Gikas said that Nashoba did a great job with H1N1 clinics.  Ken stressed that queuing people to keep them inside and out of the cold.  Ken explained that stanchions with rope are the best ways to organize the clinics.  Ken said Nashoba has limited resources in a major event and Bolton will be on their own.  Ken noted that many of the towns have gone through dry runs to setup their EDS sites.  Chris Rogers said that he personally has an issue with Homeland security funds if we don’t have to use the money then we should send it back so it to be used somewhere else.  Chris also said that we lean on Jim Garrefi, his nurses and the schools.  He explained to Ken the issue where the School works directly with Nashoba they do not work with the volunteer boards.  The Board said that that they will order what Jim Garreffi recommends.  The Board expressed concern about the space needed to store the emergency supplies.  The storage is not in our own building so we are limited to the amount of space we can use.

Ken said that he never wants to say I told you so.  He said I am telling you what you need and if you do not have the space that is up to you.  

Laura Andrews asked Ken about the clinics.  Ken said the numbers were so low, in the clinics you don’t see the volume you would see at the EDS site in the event of a pandemic.

Chris Rogers said that our community is very satisfied with what Nashoba does.  Ken explained that in the event of a catastrophe Nashoba would not be able to assist every town they work for.  Ken recommends doing a dry run, he offered his assistance in setting one up.

Chris Rogers asked what he suggests that we order.  Ken said the stanchions (about 12) and the 100 ft reels of rope.

Ken asked if everyone had taken NIMS 100 & 700, noted that if anyone would rather take a class to let him know.  Ken pointed out that all Board of Health members must be NIMS 100 & 700 certified for certain grants the town may pursue.

Tom Denney Nature Camp Porta Potty variance request
Chris Rogers made a motion to accept Tom Denney’s request for a Porta Potty variance, seconded by Laura Andrews, all in favor (Chris Rogers, aye, Christopher Slade, aye, Laura Andrews, aye).

Community Garden Irrigation Well
The Bolton Community Garden wants to install an irrigation well at the lower Flatley field.  Bill Brookings wants to know where the well is in relation to the Zone 1 wells in the area.  Bill explained it is a gravel well 22 Ft deep.  The Board agreed that if it is out of Zone 1 they are okay with it but if it is in Zone 1 then Bill will have to call DEP.  The Board wants to know what type of service fittings the well will have.  Christopher Slade commented that there is no electricity there so it may be a hand pump.

SDS Local Reg 3 & Reg 10 locus info
Reschedule to the next meeting where all Board Members are present for discussion.

387 Old Bay Rd. – floor plan
Jon Mechlin was present.  Jon does not care about the room layout submitted by Mr. Holtorf.  He said it is a Maine post and beam.  Jon said upstairs there is a bedroom and balcony open to below, in the basement is two finished rooms one is a bedroom the other is a TV room which has the exit from the basement.  Jon says it is a 3 bedroom system and has no opinion.  Bill Brookings said the red flag was in the inspection report the number of bedrooms was stated as 4 but the system is designed for 3 bedrooms.  After reviewing the floor plan that was submitted, the Board agreed that there are 3 bedrooms.

Northeast Geoscience Monitoring Well Testing – Invoice and results
The Board reviewed the annual post closure report and the invoice.  The Board authorized Lisa to pay the invoice.

DEP Well Drillers Project – list of properties to review
The Board reviewed the list of properties.  Mr. Slade will review and provide any additional information he can.

188 Still River
Bill Brookings noted that the septic hauler needs truck inspection.  The Board requires a letter be sent to the hauler.

46 Meadow Rd. – building permit – Jonathan Mechlin was present a deed restriction was placed on the property last year and has a septic permit that expires 4/2011 approved septic plan.  Want to add another room that brings the room count to 10 rooms and will build the new system.  Jon wants to build the system and do the construction at the same time.  Bill B said that when COC for system the board will write a letter to release the deed restriction.  CR said another deed restriction is done to supersede the one that is already recorded.
217 Green Rd. – swimming pool.  The Board verified the location of the pool and the septic and well and did not see a problem.
570 Main St. – swap panel system with panel antenna.
215 Long Hill Rd. – family room addition and playroom in basement.  The Board reviewed the current floor plan and counted a total of 5 existing rooms two additional will be a total of 7 with a 3 bedroom septic design.
69 Berlin Rd. – new garage for storage – signed by Bill Brookings 4/23/10
15 Deer Path – enlarge deck – signed by Bill Brookings 4/23/10
63 Coventry Wood Rd. – new deck, re-roof, siding – signed by Bill Brookings 4/16/10
16 Quail Run – screen room on existing deck – signed by Bill Brookings 4/20/10
42 Pondside Dr. – condo unit – signed by Bill Brookings 4/20/10
44 Pondside Dr. – condo unit – signed by Bill Brookings 4/20/10
46 Pondside Dr. – condo unit – signed by Bill Brookings 4/20/10
48 Pondside Dr. – condo unit – signed by Bill Brookings 4/20/10
50 Pondside Dr. – condo unit – signed by Bill Brookings 4/20/10

April 13, 2010

Whitewater, Inc. March Reports for Florence Sawyer School, Nashoba Regional High School,
International Resort Mount Hope Engineering March 2010 inspection report

Meeting Adjourned.