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Board of Health Minutes April 13, 2010

Meeting held at Town Hall on April 13, 2010 6:30 pm
Present:  Chris Rogers, Laura Andrews, Christopher Slade, Bill Brookings, Lisa O’Leary

453 Harvard Rd. SYSTEM UPDGRADE Variance Hearing
Present: Drew Garvin
Drew gave the Board copies of the certified receipts, return receipts, abutters notice and a copy of the newspaper ad.  Drew explained 4 bedroom upgrade, will be a presby in the front yard. The proposed system meets all Title 5 regulations but they are requesting the following variances from Town of Bolton Regulations:

Town of Bolton Regulation 3 Groundwater elevation:
Bottom of leach field to estimated high groundwater 5’ required; 4’ provided.

Town of Bolton – Regulation 5 Distances:
        Min distance leaching facility to road sideline, 35’ required, 28’ provided.
        Min. distance leaching facility to lot line, 25’ required, 20’ provided.
        Min. distance leaching facility to foundation, 25’ required; 20’ provided.
        Min distance septic tank to foundation, 25’ required; 10.5’ provided.

Board commented that the perc tests show consistency.

Chris Rogers made a motion to approve the variances, Christopher Slade seconded, all in favor (Chris Rogers Aye, Laura Andrews Aye, Christopher Slade Aye)

Burnham Rd. Map 4D parcel 40
Kevin Quinn, engineer from Quinn Engineering & property owner, Justin Arsenault were present to discussion soils & setbacks.  Mr. Quinn explained that they could design a primary and reserve area that will require relief from the wetland bylaw by 50 feet, the leaching field will be greater than 100 feet but less than 150 feet to the federal wetland.  He said that testing done in 2005 resulted in 2 minute percs.  Mr. Quinn pointed out that although this lot is 7.5 acres, the owners are willing to put a building restriction on the land if they can build a house to live in.

Chris Rogers said that this property was before the Board in 2005 with Mr. Glover and in 2007 John Hanna.  He also noted that location of the proposed system has changed since the prior submissions.  Christopher Slade explained that his concern would be the neighboring wells, he recommends an innovative plan with de-nitrofication.

The Board agreed that they would consider a good design with de-nitrofication.  Chris Rogers made note that this plan is different than what has been presented in the past and it is evident that the applicant wants to do this in the best possible way.  Christopher Slade said that today there is new technology that provides better treatment systems.

Mr. Quinn said that they plan to do additional testing and also present the plan to the Conservation Commission.  Bill Brookings explained to Mr. Quinn that if they are travelling through a buffer zone for testing, he needs to see the Conservation Commission first.

103 Burnham Rd. 10 Day Emergency Beaver Permit
The Board approved a 10 day emergency beaver permit for William Taylor 103 Burnham Rd.

601-603 Main St.
The Board reviewed a letter from Bolton Conservation Commission regarding a failed cesspool at 601-603 Main Street.  Bill Brookings said that he was already on site for soil testing and the owners are moving forward.

Town Beach and Sport Fields
Tom Pokorney was present.  Laura Andrews received an email from Tom Pokorney regarding portables at the Town’s bathing beach and sport fields.  Mr. Pokorney asked the Board “What are the guidelines for the fields and town beach, the beach is open Memorial Day to Labor Day when should the portables be there?”  Bill Brookings said that there are no requirements, however, if they are provided they have to be provided by a licensed firm.  The Board said that although there are no regulations, they recommend that the Town provide one portable at each facility and the leagues pay for any additional.  The Board agreed that they will support the Parks and Recreation Commission if they need to go Advisory the Board for additional funding.

SDS Local Reg 3 & Reg 10 locus info
The Board requested that this discussion be moved to next meeting.  The Board wants Lisa to do some research on these regulations in the surrounding towns.

134 Vaughn Hill Rd.
Ron Evans, David & Lorraine Bernard, Phil McCarthy and Noel Dill were present.  The Board discussed an email from Ron Evans regarding a water issue on Vaughn Hill Rd.  Ron Evans from 134 Vaughn Hill Rd. explained that he has been dealing with this water problem for 33 years.  He explained that the town has diverted water down to 122 Vaughn Hill Rd.  Mr. Evans said he is addressing a health issue, his septic system & leaching area is where the water drains.  He said that all the neighbors are concerned about their wells.  Bill Brookings went out on April 6th and witnesses the water.  Bill saw the water flowing between the pipe discharge between 134 & 122 Vaughn Hill Rd.  Chris Rogers explained that the rain event we just had does not happen very often.  Mr. Evans said they get this water every year.  Mr. Evans showed pictures from 2005 and 2007.

Mr. McCarthy said when they tied all the drains together there is millions of gallons of water.  Prior to the tie in he would occasionally get leakage in his basement, the water.

Verjik Abramian-Martin from 153 Vaughn Hill commented that their leaching field always floods.  Mr. Evans said they did not continue the pipes because they hit ledge.

Bill Brookings said the standing water he witnessed did not appear to affect Mr. Evans septic.

Mr. McCarthy said he has settling on his septic system right now and the water table has changed dramatically.
He is still pumping water out of his basement.

Noel Dill is at 127 Vaughn Hill said that he is very concerned because his well is only a 50 ft gravel well.
The Board recommended that Mr. Dill have his well tested.  Mr. Dill said that he does filter his drinking water.

Mr. Evans said that for days people had not been able to drive over the driveway to their homes.

After a brief discussion, the Board said that the overtopping of a well is a problem.

The residents said they are meeting with the Selectmen on Thursday.  The Board agreed that Christopher Slade will go to the Selectmen meeting to support the residents.

Toll Bros. Regency
The buyer for unit #46 wants to finish the basement.  The Board reviewed and approved the pump specs, there is no issues with room count because the comprehensive permit requires every unit to have a 2 bedroom deed restriction recorded.

Quail Run & Golden Run
Bill Brookings updated the Board regarding standing water at the intersection of Quail Run & Golden Run.
Mr. Callahan is concerned about the standing water affecting his septic system.  Bill Brookings went to the property and did not see a connection between the standing water and the septic system.  Bill Brookings explained this to Mr. Callahan and told him that if he wanted to test he would have to pay for the testing.

Green Burials
The Board reviewed a pamphlet submitted to the Board by Rona Balco.  The Board reviewed the pamphlet and said that they will entertain the idea if it is allowed by the State.

Century Mill Estates
The Board reviewed a letter from Town Planner regarding requirements prior to construction for Century Mill Estates.

Installation of Monitoring Wells
The Board discussed $5,557.06 in account number 0200-510-5802-ART, which is the balance of money that was approved in Article 8 Special Town Meeting November 15, 2004 for replacement monitoring wells at the landfill.  Prior to the meeting Lisa O’Leary spoke with Harold Brown who said that the groundwater monitoring wells at the landfill required by DEP have long been replaced.  The Board agreed that the balance of $5,557.06 can be released.  The Board will send a memo to the town accountant authorizing release of the $5,557.06.

The Board agreed to reorganize the Board of Health after the next Town election.  Laura Andrews motioned to appoint Christopher Slade as Chairman of the Board of Health effect 5/11/10 seconded by Chris Rogers all in favor (Chris Rogers Aye, Laura Andrews Aye, Christopher Slade Aye).

Meeting Dates
The Board discussed future meeting dates.  The Board agreed to schedule the 2nd and 4th Tuesday to the end of the year.

The Board discussed ordering of emergency supplies.  The Board authorized purchasing supplies that Nashoba Associated Boards of Health recommends.  The Board feels Nashoba Associated Boards of Health runs all of the clinics for the town therefore they know what supplies are needed.  In addition, the town has limited space to store the supplies.

133 Fox Run Rd. – addition, Liz Akers was present. The Board counted a total of 14 rooms with 5 bedrooms including the addition.  Bill Brookings said he has the pump specs.  The Board requires a bedroom deed restriction with accessory apartment language be recorded and a copy submitted to the Board prior to signing the building permit.
Lot 3 Harvard Rd. – finish basement Tim MacGilvary was present.  Tim explained that there is a walkout basement, he wants to finish a recreation room.  The Board counted his existing floor plan for a total of 9 rooms.  The Board requires a 4 bedroom deed restriction recorded and a copy submitted to the Board prior to signing the building permit.
25 Drumlin Hill Rd. – extend existing deck  and add a shed below.
75 Hudson Rd. – Camp Resolute upgrade existing shower house – signed by Bill Brookings on 4/9/10.

575 Sugar Rd. – The Board reviewed the report and noted a conditional pass, D Box replacement and last date of occupancy 8/09.  The Board requires re-inspection 6 months after occupancy and permit application to replace the distribution box.
337 Still River Rd. - The Board reviewed the report and found no failure criteria.
191 South Bolton Rd. – The Board reviewed the report and found no failure criteria.
41 Wheeler Rd. – The Board reviewed the report and noted the last date of occupancy was 11/09.  The Board requires re-inspection 6 months after occupancy.
199 Still River Rd. – The Board reviewed the report and found no failure criteria.

746 Main St. – One year septic permit extension requested by Ann Hurd.
440 Harvard Rd. – Presby redesign permit.

Tully Disposal Commercial Trash License

March 23, 2010

International Resort Mount Hope Engineering February 2010 inspection report
122 Drumlin Hill Rd. Regulation 20 inspection form
125 Still River Rd. Bolton Orchards April 2, 2010 septic filters & water meter reading
476 Main St. Country Cupboard March, 2010 water meter reading
15 Wattaquadock Hill Rd. Bolton Public Safety Facility Immediate Response Action Completion Report
Whitewater, Inc. March Reports for Bolton Corners, Atlantic Microwave, Classic III Pizza, Emerson School,
Florence Sawyer School, Nashoba Regional High School
AMEC CSX 2010 Yearly Operation Plan for Right-of-Way Management