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Board of Health Minutes September 21, 2009

Meeting held at the Superintendent office Emerson School on Monday, September 21, 2009 3:30 pm.
Present: Michael Woods, Pat Trahman, Bill Spratt, Chris Rogers, Christopher Slade, Laura Andrews, Lisa O’Leary, Jim Garreffi , Bill Brookings Jack Wallace, Vera Davis, Rita Ingrisano, Marilyn Driscoll, Sylvia Daley, Darlene Perkins, Donna Linstrom

Michael Wood, Superintendent of the Nashoba Regional School District introduced Pat Trahman, the Coordinator, Health, Wellness and Guidance.
The group discussed communication between the school and the Boards.  Mr. Wood said that everyone should be checking the District website for information.  The group discussed that many parents just go to the home page for their child’s school and not necessarily the District homepage where all the information is posted.  Mr. Wood stressed that the parents need to check the district website for updated information that pertains to the school district.

The Bolton Board of Health was concerned that the message to all reported that the District was “working” with the local Boards of Health but they were not informed prior to the sending of the message.  The group expressed concerns about putting the information out via ConnectEd but then not following up.  With regard to the communication of the reporting of the H1N1 case in the District, Jim Garreffi said that there was a breakdown in communication.  After a brief discussion the group agreed that communication needs to flow through appropriate channels.

Michael Wood explained that the schools are following CDC guidelines for education and offense against the flu classroom cleanup.

The group discussed the H1N1 clinics:
  • Pat Trahman is the go to person for the school to setup clinics.
  • try to get one school to set up clinic
  • pick a school location proposed time 3:30pm-7:30pm -  Stow Board of Health prefers 3:30 pm and Saturday clinics at the Hale School.
Nashoba has applied for the vaccine for each town
Nashoba will setup the clinic in each town
Vaccine will come with supplies
Nashoba nurses will vaccinate
  • The vaccination is voluntary so they don’t have to have it
  • Jim Garreffi explained that the expectation is that 25% of the population will be vaccinated.
  • In terms of communication of the clinics - the school will put a notice out about the flu clinics.
  • Michael Woods said he hopes that businesses get the message.
  • Pat Trahman explained that flu like absences are excused.
  • The school will also send a ConnectEd message with the information and encourage everyone to check the web page.
Chris Rogers asked about hygiene at the schools.  Bill Spratt explained that the schools that there is a grant for wall sanitizers.  Bill explained that currently the custodians use hospital grade disinfectant on all surfaces.  They also disinfect the cafeteria between lunches.

Meeting Adjourned.