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Board of Health Minutes June 23, 2009

Meeting held at Town Hall on June 23, 2009 6:30 pm
Members present: Chris Rogers, Christopher Slade, Laura Andrews, Bill Brookings, Lisa O’Leary

Ken Nicewicz was present.  Ken explained that he has decided to put the office in the upper part of the barn and add a lavatory on both the top and bottom floors.  The existing system is designed for 4 Bedrooms, Ken explained that the flow will not change and the home is already handling the existing flow.  The Board explained that the number of bathrooms does not trigger anything.  The building is going to be 50 ft off the road it will be 24 x 36.  The Board told Ken to make sure that his sewer line is 50 ft. off the well.  The Board agreed that the home has 5 rooms on the first floor and 3 on the second floor for a total of 8 rooms and the office makes nine.  The Board requires Ken to submit an as built septic plan, a sewer line permit and a copy of a recorded sewer line inspection by homeowner deed notice.

433 SOUTH BOLTON RD. – Bill Brookings explained to the Board that the septic permit was issued 5/22/07 and the system was upgraded July 17, 2007 but they have a few outstanding items.  The question is do they have to do a Title 5 inspection?  The Board agreed that if they are issued a Certificate of Compliance by 7/14/09 a Title 5 is not needed.  The Board requires a 2 bedroom deed restriction be recorded at closing.

46 NOURSE RD. TAYLOR – The Board reviewed a permit extension request.  Bill Brookings explained that the original permit was issued 8/19/08, upgrade permit status expires 7/26/09.  This is a tough site that needs some time to put the system in and they cannot get it in by 7/26/09.  The installer is requesting a year.  Bill said that no regulations have changed since the design.  The Board agreed to approve the extension for one year and Certificate of Compliance is due by July 26, 2010.

336 SUGAR RD. –The Board already approved the permit but did not decide on annual inspection.  The Board agreed that the annual inspection of long sewer line by homeowner.

Bruce Slater was present.
Bruce explained the plan is to expand the parking, due to the economy and retail sales he will be shifting gears.  He will be hosting outdoor events.  There are public restrooms but will also do some portable toilets.  The building is on one lot and the septic is on the other.  Bruce said he is looking at redesign to get more flow because he wants to also do inside events.  Bruce said the handicapped accessibility needs to be completed.  Bruce said that all of this has been triggered by his application for a Special Permit.  Bruce said that he is at 330 gallons per day and is classified as a zone 1 so he can do 1,000 gallons per day.  He will secure a different engineer and he said if he goes with a bed there may be some variances required.  Bill said that the separate lot issue will trigger both state and local.  Bruce said to get a deed drawn up from his brother and sister should not be a problem.

The Board is expecting the following items to be addressed prior to any approvals:
DEP approval for his public water supply
Resubmitted plan of the septic design
The Board of Health would not approve any expansion of or change in use until the following items including but not limited to the following are addressed:
Lot ownership issues need to be resolved
DEP approval on expanded use of public water supply
Septic systems flows are address with a redesigned plan from a certified engineer
Any food service changes must obtained by NABH approval.

There are a number of outstanding issues that need to be resolved.  The Board discussed that this began as a 5 bedroom dwelling residential but the system was designed flow of 660 (6 bedroom).  Bruce then added the retail because he had the flow.  He then added the food service.  He was only given a temporary approval for 16 seats for fast food service.  He is currently using the house as a two bedroom residence.  Then he came in with a plan and applied for 40 seats.

The engineer designed the system so the beds take up a smaller footprint.  Bill Brookings suggested that Bruce go to the DEP website for information on the alternative systems.  Chris Rogers said that Bruce still owes the Board a septic trench.  Bill said that Bruce will need comment from DEP on the public water supply, and he will also have to speak with Bridgette Braley at Nashoba Associated Boards of Health about the food service end.  

The Board reviewed the documents submitted by David E. Ross Associates.  The Board voted to approve the septic permit transfer but Chris Rogers abstained from the vote and execution of the document.

The Board reviewed the Houghton building tie-in and pre-construction meeting minutes.  The Board wants to know what kind of well services the Houghton Building.  If the well is a drilled well then we are all set if not we need to discuss.

The Board reviewed the email sent to the Conservation Commission from David Durrant.  The email expressed Mr. Durrant’s concern over the water consumption of the Northwoods Development on the neighboring wells in Harvard.  Mr. Durrant feels that this development has changed the aquifer in the area and has dried up some wells in Harvard.  He noted that the residents in the development are also wasting water by watering lawns in the rain.  The Board discussed this and concluded that there are many things that can affect the aquifer and it is extremely difficult to find the exact cause.  Factors such as the age, depth and type of well also have an impact on water quantity.  The Board also indicated that they have not heard of any well problems in Bolton in the area of this neighborhood.  The Board will recommend to the Conservation Commission that water conservation tips can be helpful.

The Board reviewed a pamphlet from the Central Massachusetts Disaster Animal Response Team.

The Board voted to cancel the July 28th meeting due to scheduled vacations there will not be a quorum.

Lisa O’Leary updated the Board on the walk that Board of Health and the Conservation Commission are sponsoring.  The date of the walk may be Saturday, September 5, 2009.  The walk will most likely be at the Bower Springs conservation property.  Laura Andrews recommended Janet Pesaturo 133 Wilder Rd. to help with the walk.

The Board reviewed email from MABH regarding:
Looking for trapping permits for beaver and muskrat under current trapping regulations (within last year)
and Bad Press for Boards of Health.  The Board did not have any information for beaver and muskrat trapping permits as Bolton has not had any within the last year.

Kate Wiess Gordon was present.  She is an abutter who was concerned about the well offset within her lot.  The Board reviewed the revised plans and showed her that the offset is off her property line so she was happy.

After reviewing the plans, the Board had this comment for the Town Planner regarding the Meadowview Acres proposed development “The Board of Health is fine with the shared systems and want a variance free submission that meets all state and local regulations.”

Chris Rogers said that he went by today and everything was clean.

The Board discussed sending a letter regarding a building permit application submitted by Rob MacGregor and Lisa Paradis.  The Board approved the building permit but is concerned about the protection of the well casing which is below grade in a concrete vault six feet from the wall.  As a requirement of this approval, the well must be brought to grade as part of the construction.  The Board agreed that there can be an 18 inch extension of the well head above grade after construction is complete.

188 Still River Rd. – New Dwelling
Curt Plante & Peter Dirsa were present.   Curt said the building permit application will be done and submitted in a few days but he wanted to review the plans with the Board of Health.  Curt explained that the footprint of foundation will change slightly as far as chimney location but number of bedrooms (4) will stay the same.  The layout will change, all bedrooms will be on the first floor, 2 car garage will stay the same but there will be an in-law suite with an efficiency kitchen above the garage.  The Board agrees that there are 4 rooms on the first floor, 7 on the second floor total of 11 rooms.  The Board explained that they will require a Title 5 inspection and a (4) bedroom deed restriction will be required prior to building permit.  Curt pointed out that the existing system will need some minor repair and that he wants to demo and excavate and start construction immediately because the family has been out of their house for so long.  Based on this information, the Board decided that the deed restriction must be recorded prior to building permit but agreed that the Title 5 inspection can be done prior to occupancy, but they would like it to be done as soon as they can.  The Board also noted that according to the town bylaws a certified drawing of the accessory apt must be submitted to the Board of Selectmen for approval.
366 Still River Rd. – Kitchen renovation interior only no floor plan change.
23 Danforth Lane – build a front porch/portico
73 Pondside Regency at Bolton Lot #18 – new dwelling
85 Pondside Regency at Bolton Clubhouse – new dwelling

343 S. Bolton Rd – D Box permit
39 S. Bolton Rd – D Box permit

343 S. Bolton Rd. – The Board found no failure criteria, however, the inspector cannot list a design flow if there is no permit to support it and the report needs to be submitted on an updated form.
39 S. Bolton Rd. - The Board found no failure criteria.
18 Burnham Rd. – The Board found no failure criteria, needs updated form.

88 Sawyer Rd. Residential WWTF Semiannual Inspection Report
SWS Septic Inspections pumping record information for Bolton Woods Way:
        59 Bolton Woods Way             65 Bolton Woods Way     69 Bolton Woods Way
        75 Bolton Woods Way             57 Bolton Woods Way     62 Bolton Woods Way
        63 Bolton Woods Way             61 Bolton Woods Way     51 Bolton Woods Way
        54 Bolton Woods Way             53 Bolton Woods Way     60 Bolton Woods Way
        74 Bolton Woods Way             55 Bolton Woods Way

5/12/09, 5/26/09 & 6/09/09

Meeting Adjourned.