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Board of Health Minutes October 13, 2009

Meeting held at Town Hall on October 13, 2009 6:30 pm
Present: Chris Rogers, Laura Andrews, Christopher Slade, Bill Brookings, Lisa O’Leary

John Breslof was present.  John explained that he abuts Mr. Perham’s lot.  When he bought lot 2 the proceeds of the sale ($40,000) was put into an escrow account to replace the septic system and the well.  He is concerned because it is a mound system that is in front of the house and driveway that he is going to build.  He explained that the new system at 305 Wattaquadock Hill Rd. will impact how high he needs to build his home.

He is not anxious to build the house at this time and does not want to build next to a condemned house with no system, not knowing what they will put in front of his home.  He would like to not have to build his system until something happens at 305 Wattaquadock Hill Rd.

Chris Rogers expressed that the town should not have been involved in the whole process.  Chris said Randy Boyle was involved at the time and had a plan to build on another lot.  Mr. Breslof said that he does not know why Mr. Perham’s ownership of the lot seemed to change by the week.  Chris Rogers explained that the Board made the decision to not ”kill” the man by getting him to install a new septic system.  Chris also said that he spoke to Bob Bailey the attorney for the estate and he said the house is tied up in probate.  

Chris Slade said that a presby system redesign will help the situation if the escrow account can be accessed.

The Board is unable to force a technology, if the owners are willing to allow the installation but the house cannot be occupied until the system is installed.  Lot 2 was designed under today’s code with no variances, but it will cost him to get a new permit.  Chris Rogers said the plan approved for that house has expired.  

John asked if the Board can force the system to be put in at 305 Wattaquadock Hill Rd.  Chris Rogers said that the intention was that we would get Mr. Perham to do it or the escrow account would follow the new owner.

Laura Andrews said that our jurisdiction is that we do not own the property.  Chris Rogers said that the Board’s intention was to help an elderly man.  Chris also said that the title 5 inspection on Mr. Perhams lot was originally triggered by the division of the lot.  Since the lots have been created the plan on Perham’s lot has not changed.

The Boards intentions were good.  Christopher Slade said that the Board has an agreement but we are unable to enforce it.  Mr. Slade also said that the previous Board acted with good faith.

Bill Brookings explained that the costs for the system designed for Mr. Perham’s house was kept in check because the system would be installed at the same time and by the same installer for Lot 2.

John Breslof said that he needs to apply for another septic permit.  Chris Rogers explained that he can install his system as long it is tied to a foundation.  Bill Brookings said it has to be a full foundation with a house plan per DEP.  John said he can pour the foundation, install the system and cap it.

Present: Vin Gately, Don Provencher, Gerry Lindsey
Presby Redesign – Bill Brookings spoke to Bob (from Presby) he said to use a double pipe (2 pipes) one above the other.  They want the whole 83 ft bed respected.  Don Provencher said Bill Brookings issued a letter on 4/6/09 stating that the system is not exempt from the dosing requirement for multiple soil absorption systems.  Don Provencher said that there is a misunderstanding of the wording in Title 5.  Bill Brookings wants to talk to Dave Boyer from DEP to get clarification.  Bill Brookings doesn’t disagree with the theory but wants to make sure we do not ignore something the state is expecting to see.  Bill Brookings said that he needs to speak to Dave to see if he has a different opinion or interpretation.  Don Provencher said that disagrees with this, Vin agreed they want to go to DEP legal.  Bill Brookings said he needs to get a copy of the Sept. 29th sieve analysis.  Christopher Slade said that he is pushing for this because there are buildings up with no septic system and we have got to get this nailed down.  Bill will continue his pursuit of Dave Boyer and we will get an update.

The Board discussed a request to start work prior to the variance hearing.  Chris Rogers explained that this has been allowed as long as they do it at their own risk.  After a brief discussion, the Board agreed that at this point, this upgrade does not constitute an emergency repair therefore they need to wait until the variance hearing is conducted on October 27, 2009.

The Board agreed that a letter should be sent to the Board of Selectmen with a copy to the Town Administrator, Don Lowe.  Chris Slade will draft something.

The Board was in agreement that if they did not see anything that constituted a nuisance.  Bill Brookings noted that this property was cleaned up quite a bit since the letter we sent last year.

The Board was updated on the seasonal flu clinics.

The Board reviewed the water test results from tests done prior to and after the No Drink Order for the Florence Sawyer School.

The Board discussed the FY11 budget.  Lisa O’Leary explained that we need to request monies for Altocid for
Mosquito Control (mosquito dunks).  Chris Rogers discussed possibly saving money on the water testing conducted by the Town.  He did note that DEP requires water testing due to landfill.    He did say that we can check on the
testing for the Still River Rd. and Main St. homes due to the plume from the gas spill at the Town Barn.  The Board agreed to level fund the FY11 budget if none of the well testing can be discontinued or changed.

Forbush Mill Rd. – Verizon Wireless 149’ monopole tower.  The Board reviewed and approved the permit.
61 Burnham Rd. – workshop addition to existing 2 car garage.  Bill Brookings approved 9/25/09
133 Fox Run Rd. – shed 16 x 16.  Bill Brookings approved 9/25/09
87 Laurel Dr. – solar panels on roof.  Bill Brookings approved 10/2/09
433 S. Bolton Rd. – new roof, kitchen & bath.  Bill Brookings approved on 10/6/09
54 Kettlehole Rd. – temporary tent.  Bill Brookings approved on 10/9/09
36 Warner Rd. – 4 car garage, no heat, no running water.  Bill Brookings approved on 10/9/09

359 Berlin Rd. – Revised inspection report – The Board reviewed the report and found no failure criteria.
181 South Bolton Rd. – The Board reviewed the report and found no failure criteria.

189 Forbush Mill Rd. septic permit transfer
85 Nashaway Rd. septic permit – not approved until the variance hearing

433 S. Bolton Rd. - recorded quitclaim deed including two bedroom deed restriction language.
88 Drumlin Hill Rd. Lot 19 – recorded quitclaim deed including sewer easement language
Bolton Orchards – system inspected and filters changed 10/4/09 water meter reading 1662190
83 Quaker Lane – room layout sketch submitted by E. Lawrence Gogolin
The Board requires a 3 bedroom deed restriction or more clarification on the loft space that appears to have a door and a closet.
Lot 3 Century Mill Rd. - the Board acknowledged receipt of a summons which has been forwarded to Town Counsel.