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Board of Health Minutes October 14, 2008
Board Of Health Minutes

Meeting held at Town Hall on October 14, 2008 6:30 pm
Members present:  Mark Sprague, Andrea Gilbert, Bill Brookings, Lisa O’Leary

305 Wattaquadock Hill Rd. - Condemnation Hearing
Bill Brooking explained that the Board had sent notice with reasons for condemnation.
The Section of the housing codes that pertain to this hearing: 410 831 condemnation, Order to vacate if occupied and 831 (e) order to secure.

The Board voted to proceed with the condemnation of 305 Wattaquadock Hill Rd under housing code section 831.  Mark Sprague explained that the condemnation takes effect immediately the property will be posted under section 950 on Friday.  The owners have up to a year to take care of the violations and the Board requires written documentation with updates.

Long Hill Road MaP 4E Parcel 33
Larry Ducharme and Duane Henry were present.
This discussion was cancelled because the Board did not have a quorum because Mark Sprague recuses himself as an abutter.  Larry gave Bill a copy of the conceptual B plan for his records.

Michael Sauvageau, the newly appointed Building Inspector for the Town of Bolton introduced himself to the board.  The Board welcomed Mike and they look forward to working with him.

The Board requested that a discussion to charge a fee for Title 5 review be put on a future agenda after some research has been done.  The Board asked Lisa to speak to Jim Garreffi to find out what other towns charge for Title 5 review.

Deed Restriction Notice
The Board wants to discuss a plan for getting deed notices recorded.  Currently a form letter is sent when it is discovered that a deed restriction has not been recorded.  The Board explained that new construction deed restrictions are usually recorded because occupancy can be held.

Bolton Woods Way
The annual pumping letters for Bolton Woods Way need to be sent out.  The Board explained that the covenant states that the systems must be pumped on a regular basis and the Title 5 code at the time said pump annually.  There was a question whether it was a requirement to pump.  The Board asked Lisa to change the wording on the current letter then have the Board review it at the next meeting.

Sunset Ridge
The Board reviewed new plans and discussed the status of the peer review.  Letters and plans have been sent to three engineering firms, proposals are due back for next meeting.

157 Oak Trail
The Board reviewed a recorded deed restriction and approved the deed restriction language.

Force Main
The Board reviewed some force main testing information received from North Attleboro.

The Board agreed to send a letter to all parties involved in the Green Road Beaver Dam situation explaining that an emergency permit allows breaching, water flow devices or out of season trapping.

Delaney Wildlife Management Area
The Board reviewed an email regarding the possible upcoming moratorium of dogs on the Delaney Wildlife Management area from Board of Health in the Town of Harvard.

The Board discussed that they granted a variance for distances: well to driveway.  The Board recalled that Mr. D’Anello had drilled the well to get financed and then the house they were proposing did not meet the well offset.  The Board agreed to send a letter that they must either cut the driveway to comply with the approved plan or attend one of the Board of Health meetings to explain why they have not complied with the plan.

Board of Health Budget FY2010
The Board agreed to table this discussion until the next meeting.

101 Wilder Rd.
45 Sargent Rd.
244 South Bolton Rd

260 Sugar Rd. – The Board requires the water softener/conditioner to be removed or routed to a dry well and verification that brush over leach area is removed.
373 S. Bolton Rd. – The Board reviewed the report, no failure criteria reported
56 Bolton Woods Way- The Board reviewed the report, no failure criteria reported
102 Kettlehole Rd. - The Board reviewed the report, no failure criteria reported
133 Fox Run Rd. – Letter for garbage grinder, water softener/conditioner & heat system hose.
100 Annie Moore - The Board reviewed the report, no failure criteria reported

Meeting Adjourned.