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Board of Health Minutes May 13, 2008

Meeting held at Town Hall on May 13, 2008 6:30 pm
Members Present: Mark Sprague, Chris Rogers, Andrea Gilbert

Public Hearing – Variance for 14x22 shed/pool house
Mr. Gregory Roth and Mr. Gary Mancini an abutter of Mr. Roth’s property were present.  
Mr. Roth submitted a copy of the variance letter sent to the abutters, certified mail and return receipts from all abutters except one.  Mr. Mancini stated that he wanted to attend the hearing to see what it was all about.

Chris Rogers explained that the well to foundation regulation is 20 ft.  The variance requested was for the distance from his pool house to his well.  The shed foundation is a full foundation in the ground so that triggered the Board to have it go through the variance process.  The Board did not have any objections but in all fairness to others that had to have a variance Mr. Roth was required to request a variance.

There were no objections to the variance.  The Board voted to grant the variance and sign the building application.

Sharon Mandell attended on behalf of the home owner, she explained that the house does not have a basement just a crawl space.  In December there were some split pipes in the crawl space and it drained the well.  The home is now rented and will be occupied on May 1st.  No one living in the home at the time the inspection was done, so the system was not receiving normal flows.  The pump was running but the well was empty but there was no pressure until they crawled under the house and found the split pipe.  They drilled a new well

Required on the permit that old well be destroyed.  Sharon said that the new well is 650 ft and is soft shale.  Chris recommended it be filtered.  Bill asked Sharon Mandell to sign the permit on behalf of the owner.
Reinspection is required on the system 6 months after it is receiving proper flow.  The Board agreed that Bill should inquire with the D Box installer about the depth of the box.  The Board will send a letter to the owners explaining that 6 months after system is receiving proper flow a new title 5 is required.

Manure management and normal agricultural practices
Mark Sprague explained that two summers ago the board got involved in about 75 to 100 complaints between Ms. Storbeck and Ms. Ashe, however, last summer was fairly quiet.  Mark Sprague explained that we haven’t detected any odor or nuisance.  The Board made some suggestions to Ms. Storbeck as to what she can do but the boards hands are tied because we have not detected a nuisance.  The Board has made recommendations because we don’t have any authority until it is considered a nuisance, but the Board has never found it to be a nuisance.

Ms. Storbeck built a barn behind Ms. Ashe’s house and has a roll off dumpster 5 ft from the property line.  Board recommended that Ms. Storbeck move the dumpster, cover the dumpster.  

Joe Kovacs only gets here say from both parties.  Joe Kovacs said cover will only reduce the fly population but not the smell.  Liming the pile will help the smell.  He suggests a large hedge to help block the wind.  Joe Kovacs said that using the dumpster to store and remove manure is normal practice.    

Ken Nicewicz said that both parties have dug in their heels.

Joe Kovacs wanted to know if Ms. Ashe has complained up until now, however, she has not complained since 2006.  Both the Agricultural Commission and the Board of Health agreed that if manure is 50 feet from the well then it is not a public health issue.

The Board has gone out several times and not found any odor, so if  Ms. Ashe calls again the Board has agreed to do a few visits the day she calls to get out there to observe the odor.

The Board should follow up to see if Ms. Storbeck is complying with the recommendations from the last letter – if she is then we tell Ms. Ashe there is nothing else we can do.  

The Board also discusses Bolton Woods Way animal complaints with the Agricultural Commission.  Chris Rogers said that we can ask owners to keep animals contained in the property.  Joe Kovacs and Ken Nicewicz agreed that the rabbits wandering off the property needs to be address.  As far as the roosters, geese and ducks only thing you can do is try to minimize the noise.  Joe Kovacs said that the owner can contact the Agricultural Commission for strategies for minimizing the animal noise.  Although this is a close neighborhood with small parcels, this particular lot is larger because it has all the septic leaching trenches.

The Board will send a letter to the owner of the property asking that their animals be kept on their own property and the board will also recommend that they work with the agricultural commission for suggestions on how to minimize the animal noise.

Lot 25 Oak Trail –Garage/Barn – The building is not going be built on the lot where the septic or well would be.  Mark Sprague asked if there was a well already installed on the lot and Bill Brookings said he didn’t think so.  Chris Rogers thinks it is peculiar but doesn’t see a problem.  The septic permit for the lot will expire so when they decide to sell the lot off then they will have to deal with it then.

94 Old Bay Rd. –Jon Mechlin said the owner Steven Haid said the room count was resolved but Mark Sprague & Chris Rogers do not recall going over the room count.  Existing home at 94 old bay 30/40 year old home, portion removed with a 2 car gar with bedroom above. With a hallway.  Removed garage with 2 car garage with a hallway into a family room addition.   Family room with cellar below will replace the existing deck.  Old and new room counts Upstairs bedroom turned into laundry in update – losing a bedroom adding a master bedroom.  Downstairs office transferred in entry way and a family bedroom.  We didn’t have any records so the board required a title 5.  Chris Rogers said that the board has not seen this plan the plan is.  Basement no finish bare studs no plumbing.  The board agreed there were 4 rooms on the first floor and there are 4 on second for a total of 8.  There is a septic system that does not have a breakout.  We do not have a design.  Mark Sprague said they are not adding any bedrooms and are not encroaching on the tank.  Room count that satisfied, passed Title 5, Clean water test so there is no problem approving and signing the building permit.

25 Drumlin Hill Rd. – finish basement – 15.229 1b Grinder pumps require two compartment tanks or two tanks in series.  Grinder will not be allowed due single compartment septic tank.  Room count/ floor plan needed prior to building permit approval.
6 Corn Rd. – finish basement – the property has an existing 4 bedroom septic – The Board agreed that there are 9 total rooms 2 or 3 in basement, requires recorded deed restriction prior to building permit approval.
91 Fox Run – finish basement – the property has an existing 5 bedroom septic – The Board agreed that there are 9 rooms existing and an additional 2 in basement will make a total of 11.  The Board requires that a Bedroom Deed restriction be recorded prior to them approving and signing off on the building permit.
Trinity Church – 14 Wattaquadoc Hill Road –The Board voted to approve the permit and will allow Lisa to sign the permit.

3 Vaughn Hill Rd. D Box & Title 5 inspection
105 Vaughn Hill D Box & Title 5 inspection
Lot 24 Oak Trail Septic Permit redesign
94 Old Bay Rd. – Title 5, water test results

Bedroom Deed Restriction Language Review
The Board reviewed the additional language that would also restrict the use of an accessory apartment in addition to the number of bedrooms restriction.  This change was prompted by building permit for 10 Drumlin Hill Rd for Scott Carpenter for a finished basement consisting of 2 rooms that included kitchen appliances.  The Board voted to adopt the additional language and create a new Bedroom Deed Restriction form.

Sunset Ridge
The Board reviewed recent emails, Sunset Ridge GW Mound and Presby Septic plans.

Municipal Roadway Vegetation Management Plan
The Town of Bolton DPW submitted the plan to the Board for signature.  Board Chairman, Mark Sprague signed the plan but noted that there is no indication that residents will be notified when spraying will be done.  

Duane Henry – Parcel Long Hill Rd.
The Board discussed the status of this land parcel.  In summary, Mr. Henry needs to work with the Conservation Commission to work out the issues with wetlands.  The Board of Health will set aside some time at the next meeting to discuss this.  After investigation by Chris Rogers and Lisa O’Leary, there is no new information as to why the state has changed the percolation rate to 60.

Bromfield Laboratory Still River Rd
The Board of Health wants to close out the septic permit – there is an easement for factory’s driveway to be on the property for the house next door, and the house next door gets water from Bromfield Labs.  William Brookings will bring all information on the well to the next meeting.

Smith Property
The Board discussed the status of the executed enforceable agreement.  The Board has not received a copy of the executed agreement from the Smith Family.  Mark explained to Lisa O’Leary that when a system fails you have up to 2 years to repair it , however, signing the enforceable agreement gives them up to 5 years to repair or replace it.  They are already 2-3 years into the agreement.  Mark Sprague will get a contact name for this.  The Board voted to send a letter requesting a copy of the executed agreement.

31 Whitcomb Road
723 Main Street/715-717

Kurt A. Dutcher letter for septic permit extension approved at the last meeting  - extension letter signed
37 Whitcomb Road – Tammy Mercier – Bedroom Deed Restriction & Notice of Variance – Long Sewer Lines  signed by the Board.

Commercial Rubbish License for Casaceli Trucking

Meeting Adjourned.