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Board of Health Minutes June 10, 2008

Meeting held on June 10, 2008 6:30 pm at Town Hall
Members present:  Mark Sprague, Chris Rogers, Andrea Gilbert, William Brookings

On a motion made by Rogers and seconded by Gilbert, the Board of Health voted to re-appoint Mark Sprague as Chairman of the Board of Health.  (Rogers-Yes, Gilbert-Yes, Sprague-Yes)

279 Long Hill Rd. – proposed plan
James Tetreault and Mr. Patterson were present.  
James Tetreault explained to the board that this lot came before the board previously with Steve Glover.  Mr. Glover was developing 3 lots proposed with 3 new houses with a common driveway, plans were submitted for all three.  Two plans were approved but the process was not quite finished.

Since then Steve Glover sold a lot to Mr. Patterson lives at 284 Long Hill he would like to move the septic system.  They want to understand the ground rules to proceed on.

If he is keeping existing house if he puts in a new system what allowances for a local upgrade approval,
can he go to 4 ft ground water separation instead of the town’s usual 5?  Would the Board consider this “new” system as a repair? It would be a new system serving the same structure.

One house is framed and being built on lot 3.   Mr. Crowley owns lot 3 and wants to buy lot 2 as a buffer.

Can a new system on lot one be considered a repair – Chris Rogers said that if serves the existing structure it would be considered an upgrade.

Jim Tetreault said that existing house is being served by a leaching pit right now, absent any subdivision you would have to do a new system area.  Bill Brookings explained that if there is no subdivision it is truly an upgrade, if it is a Subdivision, Local regulation 9 requires variance.
  • Subdividing a lot with an existing house and putting in a primary you will still be required to have a reserve.  The code focuses on if the existing house has a system
  • Subdivision Local regulation 9 requires variance free reserve area.
The first plan showed a new house on lot 1.  That system previously designed and accepted because the home on lot 1 was going to be torn down.  The buyer of lot 1 wants to keep the existing house and move the system for aesthetics.  The new location for system on lot 1 would have to be tested.  The existing house must have to show a variance free reserve area.

The Board is concerned that doing something on lot one that requires lot 2 would be trouble.  The only way around that would be to either revise lot 2 or revoke lot 2 permit.

The Board of Health recommended the following:
Testing should be done to try to fit it on lot 1.
See what the options are and then come back to the Board.
Mr. Tetreault said that they will submit an application for testing.

Tom Denney Nature Camp - Porta-Potty Variance
The regulations have not changed and this variance is requested every year by the camp.  The regulation is 2 portable toilets per sex and the camp only has a total of 2 which is one per sex.  The Board voted to approve the porta-potty variance request.  A copy of the variance must be posted at the camp office, available at the town clerk’s office and sent to the Dept. Public Health.

Long Hill Rd. Map 4E Parcel 33
Duane Henry, Larry Ducharme, and Bill Fateiger were present.
Mark Sprague has recused himself from this conversation as he is an abutter.
Larry Ducharme explained that the lot was tested in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.  The lot is marginal soil wise, there were 3 tests at 30 or below one over 30 (he thinks it was 43) on several occasions.  Every time they got same results.  The septic system couldn’t meet all of the requirements.  They have met with Board of Health in Nov, Dec & Jan. spoke about the possibility of other options.

Larry explained that there are not a lot of options and the board would rather not do a specific site variance.  
They were under the assumption that the Board was going to do the regulation review and possibly change the percolation rate between 30 & 60 minutes.  Time is going by and they are trying to work with the Board.

Larry said there were several percolation rates in the 30s and there was one that was 43.  Larry said that the system is designed for 43 mps but the hydraulic loading for Title 5 is for 60 mps.

Bill Fatiger said he has done two site walks with Carol Gumbart and she is apprehensive about making a wetland determination.  Carol wants them to go forward with the ANRAD.  She feels more comfortable having a third party consultant to evaluate the soils.  They have a meeting on June 17th with the Conservation Commission to discuss who the consultant will be and when the site walk will take place prior to the hearing of the ANRAD.

The Board said that they have just not gotten to voting on a regulation change.  The Board also feels at this time more comfortable with a regulation change instead of a variance.  Chris Rogers said that he spoke to Dave Ferris from DEP in Boston regarding the State percolation rate change to 60.  Chris said he cannot find one person that gives a reason why it the percolation rate should not be changed.

If we make the regulation change at the next meeting on June 24, 2008– a hearing would have to be published.

Mark Sprague will not be able to vote on a regulation change because this lot is adjacent to his property.

The board agreed to make a decision on the percolation rate regulation change for next meeting.

Burnham Road Mosquito Spraying
Dorothy Paquet came to speak with the Board about the mosquito population in the Burnham Rd. area.
She explained that the mosquitoes are so bad that she and her neighbors cannot be outside their homes.  She invited the Board to come to Burnham Road.  She called the Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control group and they explained to her that Bolton did not participate in their program.  She said that all of her neighbors are in favor of spraying except for one who is against it because of the harm it would have on the Dragonflies.
Mark Sprague explained that this issue came up 6 or 7 years ago.  The request to become a member of the Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control project went to town meeting and it was shot down.  Mark explained that DEP does treat the catch basins.

The Board advised Ms. Paquet to get the neighbors to group together and go to the selectmen to get an article for town meeting.  She asked if there was someone she could speak to and the Board told her to contact either Curt Plante, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen or Jodi Ross the Town Administrator.

715-717 719-723 Main St. - Smith Property
An enforceable agreement had been sent to the owners of 715-717, 7/19-723 Main St. to date the Board of Health has not received a copy of the recorded document.  The Board agreed to send a letter that states that the document needs to be recorded or they need to come in and tell the Board why they cannot record it.

Sunset Ridge
Revised plans submitted for feedback.  Upon review, Mark Sprague commented that the new plan is proposing a Presby system but shows the old trench system.  Gerry Lindsey is supposed to drop off information for the well.  Chris Rogers recommended that DEP review the plans.

The Board also noted that there needs to be appropriate signage on exits.  The Board would like information regarding the following items:
How does the distribution get handled with different lengths?
They would like a detailed overlay of sand system and Presby system.
How/Why does the new mounding study drop from 8 ft. to 4.9 ft.?

The Board agreed to have Mark Sprague and Bill Brookings follow up with feedback in writing.

92 Golden Run Rd.
Sanitation complaint – The Board requested that Bill Brookings make a visit and follow up with a letter.

78 Drumlin Hill Rd. – finish basement 11 rooms total, non grinder pump spec.

151 Green Road –Septic Upgrade – premature failure can’t start digging until he gets his permit.

95 Harvard Rd. – The Board reviewed the report and found no failure criteria, but noted that the sketch on page 10 of the report did not show the well location.  The Board requires that the well be shown on the sketch to confirm that it is at least 100 feet from the leaching facility.
68 Old Harvard – Revised Inspection –The Board reviewed the report and noted that the D Box needs replacement, the number of occupants on page 7 was left blank, and the last date of occupancy was 4/16/08. The Board requires verification of the date of occupancy (last date of occupancy is the same date of the inspection) and the number of residents.

Final Minutes for 4/22/08, 4/8/08 and 1/8/08 were approved and signed by the Board.

Meeting Adjourned.