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Board of Health Minutes June 24, 2008
Board Of Health Minutes

Meeting held on June 24, 2008 6:30 pm at Town Hall
Members present:  Mark Sprague, Andrea Gilbert, William Brookings

344 Sugar Rd. Public Hearing
Request for Variance for Distance from Well - Well Location Requirement 4.1(1) for 12x20 shed.
Scott Toth was present.  Mr. Toth brought the copies of the certified receipts, return receipts and the newspaper advertisement.

Mr. Toth explained that the shed will be located 10 ft from the well on grade on cement blocks.  He said that the shed would have a double door on the front and a door on the side.  The shed will be used for storage and a lawn mower.

As presented the board is OK with it as shown on plan, however, there was some confusion as to the actual location of the well and wetlands on the plans.  The Board recommended that Bill Brookings go on site Friday morning to verify the measurements to the well.

The Board voted unanimously to continue the variance hearing until the measurements are verified from the well and the wetlands buffer zone.  The hearing is scheduled for July 8, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

715-717 719-723 Main St. - Smith Property
Attorney Douglas Rowe was present.
Mr. Rowe explained the following changes he proposed to the Smith Family Trust Enforceable Agreement
Item 2 and Item 5 changed slightly from the original
If not done within 2 years tear the buildings down changes to if they pump the systems out and they have a year to resolve.  The title five failed on February 4, 2005 so the enforceable agreement can only be extended to 2010 (5 years).
Item 2 Within two (2) years from the date of this agreement changes to By February 4, 2010.  Strike demolished and use secured instead.
Item 5 changes the timeline if the property changes hands to allow 1 year to resolve a new septic
The agreement should be addressed to the JLS family trust instead of the Smith Family

In addition, Mr. Rowe wanted the document not to be recorded.  Mark Sprague explained that it needed to be part of the deed so that all buyers would know that the agreement existed.

Once the agreement is updated with the changes, copies will be emailed to Attorney Doug Rowe.  Attorney Rowe will get signatures, notarize the document and forward a recorded copy to the Board.

The Board voted to allow the changes to the existing Enforceable Agreement and have it recorded and returned to the Board by the next meeting on July 7, 2008.

Board Of Health Future Planning Discussion
The Board discussed changing local Regulation 4 Percolation Rate.  Mark Sprague recused himself from the discussion, as he is an abutter to a lot that this regulation affects.
After some discussion, the Board voted to not change local Regulation 4 at this time.

92 Golden Run Rd.
Bill Brookings investigated a refuse complaint.  When he visited the property he said he saw a mess.  The Board decided to send a letter and give the owners one month to correct the problem.

305 Wattaquadock Hill Rd.
Mr. Perham has a failed system and no hot water.  The Board requested that Lisa O’Leary check with Linda Day to see if the hot water is back and to ask about the paperwork that needs to be processed for him.

18 Oak Trail (lot 1)
Temporary Occupancy Permit Extension request because the supplier of the water filtration misinformed the installer and another system had to be installed.  Water test results will be back this week.  The Board voted to extend the Temporary Occupancy Permit to July 8, 2008.

Sunset Ridge – Presby Redesign
The plan was not required to be reviewed by DEP, so the Board would like a third party peer review of the Presby system redesign and the mounding studies.  The Board voted to have a third party conduct a peer review.  Lisa O’Leary will work with Jennifer Burney Atwood and Carol Gumbart to find out the process.

Force Main
The Board discussed the status of the force main and the public hearing that was scheduled for the next meeting on July 8, 2008 at 7:30 pm.

Kettell Farm – 182 Maple Street, Stow MA
The Board discussed a pungent odor complaint.  The Board voted to have the Agricultural Commission check out the farms and orchards in the area to see if anything has changed.

Bolton Woods Way
The Board discussed sending out the septic pumping notifications.  The letter will be revised and reviewed by the Board for approval prior to sending the letter.

Central Mass Mosquito Control
The Board discussed the mosquito population on Burnham Rd.  They were trying to determine if there are more mosquitos on Burnham Rd. versus other areas of Bolton.  Lisa O’Leary showed the Board information from the Central Mass Mosquito Control.

Building Permits:
51 Green Rd – Tent.  The Bill Brookings approved the building permit.
3 Lancaster Rd – Install 2 Solar Hot Water Collectors.  The Bill Brookings approved the building permit.
185 Century Mill Rd – Existing barn renovate horse stalls and flooring.  The Bill Brookings approved the permit.
542 Sugar Rd – Replace existing deck - The Bill Brookings approved the building permit.
76 Quaker Rd – Finish basement – 11 total rooms - The Board approved the building permit with a 4 bedroom deed restriction that contained the accessory apartment language.
118 Burnham Rd –Reroofing and siding a barn.  Jon Mechlin was present to discuss this permit with the Board.  Jon explained that he needs to speak with Martha Remington from the Historical Commission.  The Board approved the building permit.

Septic Permits Approved:
Lot 32 Fieldstone Way transfer from Kendall Homes to Donnelle & Sons

Inspection Reports:
36 Farm Rd – The Board reviewed the report, no failure criteria was found, however Page 7 of the report indicated that the property was last occupied in January 2007, therefore, the Board requires a re-inspection 6 months after occupancy.  In addition, the page that asked for the information on the pump
chamber is blank but the as built shows a pump chamber.
308 Berlin Rd – The Board reviewed the report, no failure criteria was found.

System Pumping Records Reviewed:
62 Bolton Woods Way

Meeting Adjourned.