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Board of Health Minutes May 27, 2008
Board Of Health Minutes

Meeting held on May 27, 2008 6:30 pm at Town Hall
Members present:  Mark Sprague, Andrea Gilbert, William Brookings

6 Mcnulty Rd.
Mark Musche was present.  Mark Musche was requesting a variance for ceiling height 105 CMR 410.401(A).  Bill Brookings explained that previous tenants called Nashoba Associated Boards of Health after they got an eviction notice for non-payment.  A housing inspection done by Nashoba Associated Boards of Health found the ceiling height to be 6’4” must be 7’.

The house is about 200 years old but a newer addition was added on in 1997.  The new addition meets all of the current building codes.  David Drugge, the assistant building inspector recently went out and checked the building codes for separate egress, firewalls, separate meters and heat.

It was explained that once the Board grants variance it must be recorded with the registry of deeds. Mark Sprague explained that the rental agreement should note that there is a variance for ceiling height recorded on the deed.  The Board voted to grant the variance for ceiling height.

Long Hill Rd. Map 4E Parcel 33
Duane Henry and Larry Ducharme, Ducharme & Dillis were present.
There was not a quorum for this discussion because Mark Sprague recuses himself as an abutter.  This discussion will be rescheduled.

151 Green Rd. Septic Upgrade
Frank Chiodo was present.  The septic system which is only 8 years old is in failure.  Frank explained that he does not know why yet.  He explained that the owners had talked about a leaky toilet but he won’t know the reason until the trench is dug up.   He has a proposed plan to clean out installed system and reinstall the system.  The Board voted to approve the proposed plan.  Frank said that he will keep everyone posted as to what caused the failure.  Bill Brookings will get the permit ready for next meeting.

18 Oak Trail (lot 1)
Temporary Occupancy - The Board voted to approve a Temporary Occupancy Permit, Occupancy permit pending arsenic retest & recorded deed notice.

Board Of Health Forms Review
Registry of Deeds requested a change to these forms:
Notice of Variance – Long Sewer Lines add Address to the form
        Deed Restriction – Number of Bedrooms add Book and Page to the form
The Board voted to make the changes to the forms.

ZBA Requests Review Of Revised Sunset Ridge Plans
The Town of Bolton Zoning Board of Appeals had requested that the Board of Health review a revised plans for Sunset Ridge.  The ZBA wants the Boards feedback.  The Board reviewed the plans and agreed that Mark will provide feedback.

103 Kettlehole Road
Michael Hills for irrigation well.  Bill Brookings said to remove this off the agenda.

580 Main Street Septic System
Martha Remington called to express concern over the fact that the new system for the Bolton Office Park Building is so close to the Bolton Country Manor.  The Board discussed this issue, both Bill Brookings and Mark Sprague visited the site and found that the property line is flagged and everything is being done on the Bolton Office Park side.

Board Of Health Meeting Dates
The Board voted to have Lisa O’Leary schedule Board of Health meetings for the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month up to September.

Board Of Health Meeting Minutes
Minutes for 4/8/08 & 4/22/08 The Board reviewed and approved the minutes.

Building Permits:
73 Spectacle Hill Rd – 18’ round above ground pool 12x8 deck.  The Board approved the building permit.
183 Wilder Rd– inground pool – The Board requires confirmation on removal of garbage grinder prior to approval.
10 Drumlin Hill Rd – Finish basement permit approved by Bill Brookings after recorded deed restriction with accessory apartment language was received.
344 Sugar Rd – 12x20 shed on block foundation on grade 10 ft from well – The Board agreed that this permit will require a Request for Variance for Distance From Well – Well Location Requirement 4.1,  The Variance Hearing was scheduled for 6/10/08.
113 Berlin Rd – solar panels for Laura & Alexander Kischitz – The Board approved the permit.

Septic Permits:
Oak Trail Lot 24 - Presby Redesign – due to the size of system for aesthetics and in the backyard and to make space for a pool.  The State requires a deed notice for an annual inspection by Presby Approved Inspector.  

Inspection Reports:
92 Sugar Rd - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report, no failure criteria noted in the report.
28 Annie Moore Rd - The Board of Health reviewed the inspection report, no failure criteria noted in the report.

Other Business:
The Board voted to authorize Lisa O’Leary to sign letters from meetings and bedroom deed restrictions approved at meetings.

Meeting Adjourned.