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Board of Health Minutes April 8, 2008
Board of Health Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2008                                       
Attendees:  Mark Sprague, Chris Rogers, Andrea B. Gilbert, Lisa O’Leary         

460 Main Street – The Kane Property update
Larry Ducharme explained that during the last meeting in Dec. or Jan. they pulled together an ANR Plan for the gas station at 460 Main St. previously there was a 40,000 sq. ft. parcel/lot in question, how it was recorded.  Larry Ducharme stated that the lot went through the required approval process but was never put on record.  He is now proposing to expand this lot to at least 80,000 sq. ft. to meet the requirements minimum zoning for a lot in Bolton.   He said that the lot can meet the frontage requirements the line is going to hold onto the zoning line with the easterly lot line.  Larry Ducharme showed the Board the test holes on his plan, explaining that they did them last fall to prove a reserve area if they needed a repair system for the existing gas station.  Larry Ducharme said that previously the Board was concerned about the test holes being on the lot being served and the question about the lot being 80,000 sq. ft.

Larry Ducharme said there has been a little delay on this with the attorneys and every one involve.  They are now ready to go before the Planning Board.  Larry Ducharme said that they will have sufficient room to put a new septic system on that lot.

Andrea asked about a well that was on the plan.  Larry Ducharme explained that the well was drilled a long time ago when they were going to put in another house lot.  A permit was approved but had expired.   The well is there but is not being used now.   They may end up closing the well at some point but right now they do not know if they will continue with the plan proposed.   Larry Ducharme said that as long as it is on record with him and the Board of Health anything they do will have to reflect that well.  Chris Rogers agreed that the well is something to keep an eye on.

Larry Ducharme will go through the Approval Not Required process with Planning Board then have it recorded with the registry.   The Board of Health will expect approvals and a recorded copy of the plan within one month.  

Agricultural Commission
Sue Storbeck gave out a handout with the Agricultural Commission Mission Statement, FY08 Goals and FY09 Planned Activities.  She explained the Agricultural Commission and their goals.  The Agricultural Commission has submitted for a grant to get signs at entry of town and some informational brochures.  The Agricultural Commission is also working to link their website to the Town of Bolton website and get more information on their website.  The Agricultural Commission will run an agricultural row at the Bolton Fair.  The Board and Sue Storbeck on behalf of the Agricultural Commission, agreed to work together to share information.

Trinity Church Addition – Proposed 16x20 ft addition consisting of 4 rooms
Clyde Wheeler provided a sketch of the 16 x 20 ft. addition that will have 2 new rooms on the 1st floor and 2 new basement rooms.  Clyde Wheeler indicated that an architect is working on plans, he has spoken to the Building Inspector Frank Krysa and the wetlands have already been flagged.   Clyde Wheeler explained that 10 years ago the church leased some space to the school and a septic system had been designed to accommodate that usage.  The present pumped system was designed for a 75 pupil school 5 days a week, but the space hasn’t been used as a fulltime school for about 4 or 5 years.  The Church will not be using it for a 5 day operation as the additional rooms will only be used for Sunday school and occasional functions.

The property has two systems – pumped system handles Sundays roughly 300 people for a few hours only.

Chris Rogers says flows haven’t really changed.  There was an approval for a school and now they only need flow for Sunday school occasional.  Andrea Gilbert is concerned about trickle usage and suggests the system may need a Title 5 inspection.  Mark Sprague explained that requiring an inspection is something typically required when a system has not been inspected in a while.   The Board requires a Title 5 inspection prior to building permit this is due to the age of the system and the low useage.  Otherwise, they don’t see a problem with the addition plan.  

10 Drumlin Hill Rd – Finish basement
Scott Carpenter is proposing a finished basement plan for 10 Drumlin Hill Road.   
Scott Carpenter said that he had already spoken with Jim Garreffi  from the Nashoba Board of Health.  Scott Carpenter said that Jim Garreffi reviewed that plans and he said that he would need a deed restriction.  

Scott showed the Board the existing house plan and the finished basement proposed basement plan that would have one giant room and another room with a dishwasher, sink and a full bathroom (sink, toilet and a shower).   Mark Sprague, Chris Rogers and Andrea Gilbert counted 11 rooms in the existing home which is the maximum number of rooms for a 5 bedroom septic.

Chris Rogers said that it looks as though they are building an inlaw.   Chris Rogers expressed concern that the extra room in the basement could be a bedroom.  Mark Sprague explained that having 6 bedrooms and a 5 bedroom septic is not allowed.   Andrea explained that there are 2 choices – either deed restriction or not.  

Scott Carpenter said that he can make the basement one room and when he leaves the homeowner could put up a wall and make it two rooms.  Chris Rogers said that no way to control what people will do in the four walls of their house after the fact.  Chris Rogers wants deed to reflect the correct number of bedrooms and living area.  Mark Sprague explained that the deed restriction is to protect the homeowner and prospective buyers.

The Board agreed that the existing home is 11 rooms and will need a deed restriction.  The Board also explained that the current deed restriction language needs to be revised to tighten up the language.   Scott Carpenter will talk to the homeowner to find out if they will remove the wall to the additional room in the basement.

183 Wilder Road – Building permit for inground gunite swimming pool
Douglas Pillsbury needs increase the 20 ft. to waters edge to 25 ft. to waters edge or he will need a variance.  Douglas Pillsbury will come back with new plans showing 25 ft. to waters edge.   Chris Rogers said that the plan does not have to be to scale it just needs to show us 25 ft on the plan.  Douglas Pillsbury agreed to drop off new plan and Lisa O’Leary will get it to the Board for approval.

Lot 24 Oak Trail – Board of Health approval for a building permit
Michael Grady for Brendon Homes reviewed plans with the Board for Lot 24 Oak Trail.  System size is a 5 bedroom septic.  Mark Sprague, Chris Rogers and Andrea Gilbert counted a total number of 6 rooms on the first floor (including the all glass conservatory), the kitchen and eating area was counted as one, a total of 5 rooms on the second floor for a total number of 11 rooms with an unfinished basement.  The building permit was approved and signed off by the Board.

110 Wattaquadoc  Rd – Building Permit  for demo of old garage and building a new garage.
Board reviewed the plan Michael D’Orlando  and the building permit .  The Board cannot approve the building permit until they are given a plan showing the septic and well locations.

94 Old Bay - Title 5 Report
The report was sent by the Nashoba Board of Health and was listed as a conditional pass.  Chris Rogers also noticed that the report identified that there was no outlet T.  The Board requested that Bill Brookings get the well/water tested.  

Flatley Upgrade
Received a letter dated DEP is okay with both variances – building is not at capacity - they need an upgrade – fast system (size for what they have) 8100 title 5 they are at 1600 or 1800 gallons per day.  DEP gave OK to size it to their current use.  The Board previously voted on variance for a tank with the conventional system.  The Board wants to follow up with Bill Brookings to see if there is a permit in process.

Board Of Health Administrative Business:

Nashoba Board of Health Bills
Lisa O’Leary asked the Board if she could submit Nashoba Board of Health bills for payment.
The Board authorized Lisa O’Leary to submit the NABH bills for payment.