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Board of Health Minutes January 8, 2008
Board of Health Meeting Minutes for January 8, 2008                                     
Attendees:  Andrea B. Gilbert, Chris Rogers, Mark Sprague, Bill Brookings         

Lots 10A, 11A, 12A, 14A, 15A, 16A and 18A The Oaks – Permit extensions
West Berlin Road – Permit Extensions Lots 2, 3 & 4
47 Sugar Road – Colonial Candies upgrade
69 Annie Moore Road


A response was received from Bolton Town Counsel.  Attorney Picket stated that the two parcels have merged as one lot as shown as “Lot 1” on the 1990 plan as recorded.   “Town boards and officials should not be put in the position of searching titles, reviewing plans, determining old lot lines, or granting or denying waivers or variances until the real estate problems have been resolved.  These are problems that were not created by the Town, but they could easily become Town problems if the Town grants or denies permits or waivers prior to the property owner and the lending institutions resolving their problems.”

Attorney Gibbs stated that he can get a purchase and sale for the remaining land from the Mr. Matthews.  Attorney Gibbs would like a permit issued conditioned upon the ownership of both lots which were be achieved with the production of conveyance deeds.  The variances that are being requested are as follows:

Regulation 3:  Groundwater Elevation
Regulation 10:  Locus Maps
Regulation 16:  Ledge

After a very lengthy discussion spanning numerous meetings, the Board voted to approve the variances subject to the production of deeds showing total ownership of the property.


Mark Sprague recused himself from the discussion as he is an abutter to this property.

Mr. Henry and Mr. Ducharme met with the Board to see if any further information was obtained as to why the State changed their maximum perc rate from 30 mpi to 60 mpi.  Chris Rogers did have an opportunity to speak with Mr. Boyer at DEP who could not shed any further light on why the change was made.  Mr. Rogers further stated that this issue would need to be addressed as a regulation change.

There are still some outstanding concerns with regard to wetlands on this particular property that need to be resolved prior to a final determination being made.


Ms. Drewicz met with the Board to discuss what possible tenants and or owners could utilize the space at the above property.  One asked about was a coffee shop.  Bill Brookings advised that food service would require a public water supply that is not possible on this property.  Mr. Brookings further advised that for any use that is not listed, readings from similar establishments could be obtained and submitted to the Board.  Once approved by the local board, it would be sent to the DEP for approval.

It was suggested that Ms. Drewicz contact Bridget Bailey at NABH to see if there are similar establishments within the NABH towns that might have a similar service.  


Present:  Mr. Charles Ryan, abutter at 87 Green Road

Mr. Chris McKenzie met with the Board due to the fact that this system is in failure.  Mr. McManus is asking for the following variances:

Regulation 13:  Hydraulic Overloading.  The minimum distance between septic systems servicing separate buildings or facilities shall be 100 feet.  What is proposed is 44 feet.

Mr. Ryan is concerned that the system that is being proposed is very close to his property line and his septic system.  He is requesting that the property line be staked and taped prior to any work commencing.  He is also concerned as to how the construction trucks will gain access to this property.

After discussion, the request was approved subject to the property lines being staked and taped prior to construction.  In addition, the engineer must certify the tank prior to it being utilized for this upgrade.